Dinner with The Danvers Pt. 2

1566 Words
Arya’s POV As soon as I step in the dining hall I’m hit with damn near every scent in the book. I fight the urge to gag at the strong scents, it ridiculous. We already have our own personal scent, adding all that extra crap is unnecessary. How the hell would anyone actually smell their mate with all this extra sh… “You did NOT come in here wearing chucks. Seriously?!” I hear Monica whine. Rolling my eyes I turn in her direction and get a good look at what she’s wearing. She’s wearing a black crop top with a button up blouse over it. She’s only got a few buttons actually buttoned so it covers enough, but you can still see the crop top. She’s paired in with a pair of ripped Gucci jeans and black Louboutin stilettos. And we can’t forget her assortment of necklaces and bracelets to go with. This girl… “Did you forget how this goes? You bring the glamour, I bring the cute and comfy??” I ask mockingly. “Come on lets find a seat! I’m sure your feet already hurt.” I laugh. She lets out an annoyed sigh and follows me to our table. I take a quick sweep of everyone and laugh at how ridiculous some of these girls look trying to impress the young soon to be Alpha. Just as I’m about to turn back to my friend, there he is staring at me like a creep. As much as I want to turn away, something keeps me staring right back. After a while a sly grin appears on his face upon seeing me stare back and I force myself to look away. “Have you seen him yet? Like up close? I keep trying but someone is always up there talking to him.” Monica pouted. “Yea I saw him. Crossed paths with them and Gamma Jeb before I got in, nothing to go crazy about.” I say as her jaw literally drops to the floor. “You talked to him!” She practically yells. “Yep, shook his hand and everything.” I respond with no emotion. Monica shakes her head and mumbles something about me being a robot just as Alpha Cortez greets the pack. “Hello Red Moon pack! It is with great pleasure to introduce you all to Alpha Richard Danvers, his Luna Melonee, and their son Maverick. They will be joining us for dinner followed by a short stay just to get a feel of our pack.”, He continues. “In a few days their soon to be Beta will also be joining us as we settle an agreement that will help with the rogue attacks, along with bringing much needed supplies for the pack. I ask you be on your best behavior and treat them with respect. After dinner, there will be a bonfire and time to mingle before we go back to our regular schedules. That is all, enjoy the evening!” “Oh my goodness! The next beta will be coming too, how exciting!” Monica whispers. “Are you hoping on of the two is your mate?” I ask. “No silly, I’m just looking forward to the fun we’ll have. Plus everyone knows they aren’t gonna just let the future Alpha and Beta here without some reinforcement. More eye candy for me since my gay best friend isn’t interested.” She adds an eye roll at the end part. “Now you know damn well I’m not.” I laugh, “I’m just not interested in getting involved with anyone, especially if it’s not my mate.” “Laaaaaaammmmeeeeee!” She yells. We then decide to get up and grab our food but before we make it to the line, we are stopped by the Alvarez bunch. “Excuse me, nobodies go last.” Ramona Alvarez snickers. She is the oldest daughter and looks the most like her mother with her blonde curls and hazel eyes. She of course went all out in her usual fashion: Skin tight dress, hooker heels, and all the makeup in the world. “I don’t even know why you came here, not like an Alpha would want a bastard child that nobodies cares about.” She laughs her annoyingly high nasal laugh. “Because cheap hookers are definitely his type.” I say as I push past her. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME b***h!” She screams, drawing attention to us. “YOU ACT LIKE ANYONE WITH BE INTERESTED IN THE DAUGHTER OF A w***e ANYWAY!” She shrieks. “ENOUGH!“ Alpha Cortez growls. He immediately turns towards me with fire in his eyes. “Get the hell out of here before you cause more trouble Arya. And I expect you at the training field by 3am!” He spits out. “Yes Alpha.” As I turn to leave I’m stopped by an arm around my waist. “And why should she leave when she was simply defending herself?” Mavericks questions. When the hell did he even get here? “That awful looking she-wolf went out of her way to cause her trouble and verbally attack her first. What will you do with her?” He continues, staring our Alpha right in the eye. Doesn’t he know that’s like a challenge?! “Not disrespect but Arya is a troublemaker. I knew she wouldn’t resist the urge to cause a scene tonight! I should’ve went with my gut and forbade her from even coming tonight.” He angrily answers. “But like my son said, she didn’t start this. Me and my Luna saw for ourselves.” Alpha Danvers defends. “Given what Arya has done to this family, I’m sure it was well deserved.” Alpha Cortez answers. “And what did she do?” Luna Danvers asks “Well…perhaps this is something we should discuss in private. After dinner…” Alpha Cortez responds “Indeed.” Alpha and Luna Danvers answers. After that Alpha Dickwad tells everyone to continue what they were doing and makes sure I leave. As soon as that door closed I ran to my room. The NERVE of that asshole “given what Arya has done to this family” my a*s! I don’t bother anyone, I go to school, go to training, and go home! I avoid people yet people keep bothering me. I swear I hate this pack, and everyone in it! Well, not Monica, but still! They all suck! Stupid classmates, stupid adults, stupid Reina, Ramona, Rochelle, Raul, Rafael, Ricardo, ALL OF THEM! Especially that d**k headed Beta asshole that helped cause all this crap! I can’t wait to leave this place and everyone. Hell I might just do it now! Screw this dumbass place! I’ll wait to tell Monica but after that I’m getting the hell out of here! I angrily start snatching clothes out of the closet and stuffing it in my duffel bag. I seriously can’t deal with any of this anymore. “I’ll guide you…” I hear someone whisper. What the hell?! Who was that?! I look out my window and close the curtains when I see no one. I look out in the hallway and walk a ways down and still no one. That was creepy…maybe it’s just my anger getting to me. Once I’m back in my room and lay back on my bed thinking of when I’m gonna do this. Thinking about how my life has been and trying not to cry about it. Just then I hear my door open and instantly get hit with the smell of cinnamon and shea butter. Oh Monica, I’m gonna miss the hell outta you. “Figure you’d wanna eat something” she says, trailing off when she notices the bag. “You said 18. What the hell is this?!” She whisper yells. “Monica there’s no way in hell I can stay here anymore. Now they’re finding ways to make me look bad to other pack Alpha’s!” I yell back. “Yea because a pack is definitely gonna want an underage rogue!” She responds. “You’re not even thinking right, what if something happens to you?!” She says, fighting tears. “We will protect you.” Says the creepy whisper, causing my eyes to bulge out of my head. “What?!” Monica says with concern. “Uh…I don’t know how to say this but uh, I think there’s a crypt keeper spirit in my head.” I say “Pfft, we are not crypt keepers. And we are not staying here anymore.” The voice says. I instantly shoot to my feet. “There’s a voice in your head?” Monica asks getting serious. “Yes!” I respond. “s**t. Let me get my things, looks like we are leaving tonight. I’ll explain once we cross the border…” she says before she runs out of my room. All I can do is stare at the spot she was just at confused as hell about what is going on. But I trust her. As odd as it seems, sometimes I trust her more than I trust myself. Finally, I am getting out of here!
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