Chapter Ten

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Alexander looked at Beatrice through sweat drenched eyelashes in suprise and disbelief. He was shocked by Beatrice's words. Was she lying? He did not think so because he saw the sincerity of her words in her gaze. If she truly loved him, then they could make it official by having a private marriage. He wanted to think about how the marriage would be when he realized that he was getting ahead of himself. He had not confirmed her words first before going ahead to think about marriage. Beatrice could see the disbelief playing on Alexander's face. She too did not believe that she had said it. The admission had just come out of her mouth because she was tired of keeping her feelings at bay. Now that she had admitted her feelings there was no going back. "Beatrice, are you serious about this? Do you truly love me? I need to know." " Alexander, I am serious about my statement and I say this from the bottom of my heart without any doubt whatsoever. I love you so much, Alexander." Beatrice fixed Alexander with a calm but loving gaze. " I have loved you since but I did not want to tell you because I was pushing my emotions away. Actually, the main reason I did not want to tell you was because you did not know the truth about me and you would have not believed me had I told you. It is good as you found out about it by yourself." " Thank you, Beatrice. Thank you for loving me. I love you too and I will always do so. Now that our love has been established firmly, we can continue as man and wife, right?" " Yes, my dear. I love you and we can continue as husband and wife till death do us part." "Thank you so much, dear. I was thinking that we should have a special wedding for only the two of us. Do you agree to it, Beatrice?" " Yes. Yes, I do, Alexander," Beatrice squealed happily. " Since it is settled, we will have a small feast to consummate our wedding vows. I shall go to the kitchens to collect whatever food they have there and we will use it to celebrate." Alexander walked to the door. As he opened it to go out, he turned back and gave Beatrice a dazzling smile. She too returned it with one of her own before Alexander finally went outside the room. Beatrice was left to her own thoughts. She still found it hard to believe that Alexander had said he loved her and she had blurted her admission of love for him. Now, they were a couple and they were going to start their journey afresh with a private marriage ceremony witnessed only by the two of them. How special it would be, she thought, all the while smiling. Beatrice knew that now that she and Alexander were in love, she had to forego all her plans of going back home to the twenty first century. On further reflection, she saw that she really had nothing to return back to in twenty first century Oxford. Her job would have been given to someone else, her flat would have been let out to another person and she did not even have friends and family or even a lover to return back to. Beatrice decided firmly that she would stay here because here, at least, she had someone for her. Remembering that the poem in the spell that had brought her here had promised true love, Beatrice could see that the spell was indeed effective. Now, it did not matter to her that her true love was in another time, centuries away from the time she had been born and raised in. What mattered was the love that would blossom between them and the beautiful offsprings they would both sire. She imagined a little boy with her hair and Alexander's eyes and this brought a smile to her lips. I am getting ahead of myself, she reasoned. Beatrice tried to wipe the smile away from her face but thought better of it. There is no harm in putting a smile on my face. This moment most certainly calls for it. Alexander swing the door open with a basket in his right hand, interrupting Beatrice's chain of thoughts. He walked to Beatrice, placed a light kiss on her forehead and set the basket on the table. He started bringing out all the food items that were inside the basket. He brought out thick slices of bread spread with a thick paste made from berries. He brought out a sealed pitcher of mellow wine. There was also roasted pork and apples. "This is what I was able to get, my dear. We shall make do with it like that." "Alright, Alexander. Before I confessed my love for you, I had been thinking of ways to go back home. Even today, I still thought about it but as usual, I came up with no solution. As of now, I have firmly decided not to look for any way of going back home. I will not even think about the twenty first century again. I have nothing left for me back there but here, I have you, my dear husband. The spell I read on that day spoke of finding one's true love. That spell was been fulfilled and here you are, my true love and I will stay with you forever." " Thank you so much, dear Beatrice. I am happy that you have sacrificed your former life to stay with me. I shall treat you with utmost care and respect and you will be very happy with me and I with you. But before we start eating, let us say our vows to each other. " " You go first, Alexander." " I, Alexander take you, Beatrice as my wife, in rain and storm, in sickness and health, till death do us part." " I, Beatrice take you, Alexander as my husband, in rain or storm, in sickness or health, till death do us part." " Now, it is time for our feast. Let us eat up, shall we?" Alexander asked. Alexander and Beatrice tucked into the fare laid out before them, feeding each other bites and sips at intervals and stealing loving glances at each other from time to time. Alexander was full of happiness. The type of happiness he had not felt for a very long time. Now he was happy and he intended to preserve it as best as he could. Beatrice was his happiness and he would do everything to keep her with him. He would also make sure that she too was happy. Alexander finished with his food and checked that Beatrice was done with hers too. He went to her side, pulled her up and looked into her clear blue eyes. He saw love in her eyes and it made him to smile. Alexander pulled Beatrice closer to him and dipped his head down, looking into her eyes and asking for permission. Beatrice nodded softly and that was it. As Alexander dipped his head down and captured Beatrice's lips with his for the first time, he felt a kind of spark crackling across their skin and he was certain that Beatrice felt it too. Their lips joined and he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue imto her mouth. Beatrice also plunged her tongue inside his mouth and their tongues tangled together, fighting for dominance. Beatrice pushed herself up on the tips of her feet so that she could kiss Alexander properly. The sparks crackling between them was something else. She felt the blaze of passion coursing through her and yearned for more. Alexander led Beatrice to the bed. They both sat down and on it and he joined lips with her again for the second time. The kiss was magical, drawing out their passions. Beatrice wrapped her arms around Alexander's neck and threaded her fingers in his hair. Alexander gave a sound of satisfaction at the way Beatrice's fingers were currently running through his hair. It felt so good. He pushed Beatrice down on the bed and carefully but hurriedly took off her nightdress. He kissed the tops of her breasts in the chemise she wore. Then he took off the chemise, pulled her drawers off her and slipped it from her legs. He sniffed the drawers, the scent intoxicating him. Alexander leaned down and took her breasts in his hands and kneaded them. The action elicited a moan of pleasure from Beatrice's mouth. After kneading them for some time, he took one of her n*****s into his mouth, suckling like a new born babe and rolled the other n****e between his fingers. Beatrice was on fire. She had never felt pleasure like this before. Not even when she made love with the only lover she ever had back in the twenty first century. She was in another world. Alexander stood up, pulled off his tunic and breeches and came back to the bed. He started kissing from Beatrice's collar bone to the valley between her breasts to her stomach and then finally, her inner thighs. Without warning, he slipped his tongue into Beatrice's wet folds and lapped at the warm moisture coming out from under there. The taste was heavenly and he found himself going for more. His member which was already rock hard grew harder from Alexander pleasuring his woman. Alexander was lapping up the juices from Beatrice's womanly crevice and she moaned in pleasure, pushing his head further down and wrapping her legs around his head. He drank hungrily and when he was satisfied, pulled back his head. He aligned his pulsing member with Beatrice's warm crevice. Gently, he sunk his length into her dripping folds and he almost went under because of the sheer pleasure. He started going in and out of her, their moans merging together as one. Alexander picked up his pace and started ramming himself into Beatrice faster and faster. Her moans because louder as she erupted beautifully. He continued pounding into her until he too erupted. His body trembled with the pleasure of his c****x. Alexander climbed off Beatrice and took her in his arms. He kissed her on the lips for a short while with his arms still wrapped around her. He pulled the covers over them. Both of them were too sated to talk so after a while, they drifted off to sleep with love for each other in their hearts.
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