16: To Be Dotted On

1396 Words

Alexa's POV I was still mad at Auden, but I couldn't possibly remain angry at him for long, not after he had come find me and had actually made an attempt to apologise to me. Even though I knew he mainly apologised because he wanted me to return home with him, it still felt nice to hear him admit that he was wrong. I knew I hadn’t actually thought out my decision properly before I exited the house, and I ended up regretting acting out on pure anger without properly thinking my decision through, especially after I ended up losing my way and getting lost. That was the initial reason why I decided to lay on that wooden bench due to my tiredness, while absentmindedly hoping that Auden, no matter how horrible he was, would come out to find me. And come find me, he did. He still had me crad

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