Chapter 20: One step closer

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Lara I tried walking forward, but red head blocked my path. “Don’t see many female wolves here in England.” The tall lanky one leered, “you must want to belong to a pack, why don’t you stay with us and we’ll look after you, baby.” I backed away, but only found myself bumping against the leader. His hand slid to my waist while the tall one pulled the zip of my coat down. Please no. He went to grab my b.reast, but the red head went barrelling into him sending them both crashing to the floor. Confused, I looked up and saw Grayson standing there. He slammed his fist into the face of the leader knocking him off his feet, he smashed the back of his head on the concrete making a loud c.rack. Red head got up and rushed Grayson, wrapped his arms around his waist to tackle him to the floor, but he was too skinny, he had werewolf strength, but not the build that Grayson had, so he barely moved him and only resulted in making his own feet slip and almost fell to his knees. Grayson didn’t even look down at him, he grabbed him in a headlock with one arm at the same time as he kicked the leader in the face sending him back onto the floor. The short guy mumbled to the tall lanky one, “Grayson, isn’t it?” He nodded and the short one whispered, “I ain’t sticking around to find out if the stories about him are true.” He turned and ran, actually ran. When the tall one came to help, Grayson didn’t look up when he said, “try anything I’ll snap his neck.” He sounded as if he were bored. The tall one tried to throw a punch and Grayson turned, side stepping out of the way and squeezed his arm, we all heard a loud c.rack as he broke red heads neck and dropped him to the floor. Tall guy looked at him wide-eyed having not believed he’d really do it, especially somewhere so public. The leader sprung up and gave Grayson a right hook to the jaw and tall guy quickly rushed and kicked the back of his legs making him drop to his knees. He gripped Graysons hair tilting his head up while the leader punched him in the face repeatedly. I was so scared, I loved Grayson so much and didn’t want him to get hurt or worse, I couldn’t live in a world without him in it and I knew in that moment I wanted him, I’d always wanted him, but I no longer wanted to push him away. I could fight too, so I pushed my fears aside and jumped on the tall guy throwing him off balance and got him into a headlock. Grayson grabbed the leaders legs and pulled them out from under him making him smack his head on the floor for the second time. When he got up blood was dripping down his neck from his head and he tried to hit Grayson again, he blocked it and did a roundhouse kick to the leaders stomach sending him flying across the floor. He didn’t give him time to get up and grabbing his neck he broke it. Copying Grayson I broke my guys neck too and found killing some one second time around wasn’t as bad as the first, especially when they’d almost r.aped me and tried to kill Grayson. I saw his car parked just to the side and watched as he made sure no one had seen us and then started putting the bodies in the trunk, probably broke a few bones to make them all fit, I tried not to think of that. Grayson didn’t enjoy killing, for him this was only for survival and protecting his pack, and his mate. When he killed or dealt with bodies it was all done in a very cold and neutral way that I’d never be able to master. Afterward he came and dropped to his knees beside me where I was still on mine and crushed me to his chest. “I’m so sorry, darling,” he whispered against my hair. “For what?” “For what they almost did to you.” “That’s their fault not yours.” I pulled back to look up at him and asked, “what were you doing here anyway?” Looking sheepish he admitted, “I was following you.” “You were stalking me?” My eyes narrowed and he quickly rushed, “it wasn’t like that, I wasn’t being creepy I just wanted to make sure you were safe.” He added more firmly, “it was a good job I did too.” I understood Grayson by now, knew it was a wolf thing, so I didn’t argue. He helped me up and we got into his car, I leaned against him, he was hesitant for a moment, probably wondering if he could hold me and then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him. I breathed in his scent, the smell of him calmed me and reaching up I kissed him. He kissed me back, hand going to the back of my head and deepening the kiss, tongue claiming mine. When he pulled back he asked, “want me yet or just wanted comfort?” For the first time I decided to be honest with him. “I’m not ready yet.” “But you do want me?” I nodded, “yes, I do, but I’m not ready, the problem really is me and not you. Men have hurt me and broken my trust all my life and the fear is still there, the thought that anyone could love me, especially someone drop dead gorgeous like you, it’s hard to believe.” “But I do want you and I do love you, I would never hurt you, never leave you.” “I know, but that inner voice doesn’t believe it, I need to work on that before I can be with you.” He was quiet for a moment and I thought he’d be angry and upset, but he gave a nod. “Alright, I’ll wait for you, I’ll be patient and let you come to me when you’re ready.” I smiled gratefully at him and then I remembered Amber. “Amber! I completely forgot about her, she was in H&M I—” “It’s alright, you stay here lock the doors and I’ll go find her.” He kissed my forehead, jumped out the car and gestured for me to lock the doors. Amber must have gotten carried away looking at all the clothes like she usually did because they came walking back together within ten minutes. Her face was one of concern and anger as Grayson spoke to her, probably filling her in on what had happened. As they climbed into the car she threw out a bunch of apologies, guilt and anger mingled in her tone. “It’s ok, it’s not your fault and there were four of them, so it was a good job we had stalker boy here follow us.” Grayson glared at me, I wisely didnt look in his direction. He started the car and sped out the car park so fast I jerked forward and the seatbelt threw me back against the seat. “Slow down or you’ll get us pulled over.” He rolled his eyes, but slowed more to the speed limit, but still fast enough that Amber dug her nails into her seat. When he parked up Amber clamoured out the car so fast, glad the fast and furious ride was over. I watched her stop at the door straightening her skirt and then she all but bounded through the door hoping to gain Leo’s attention no doubt. As we followed behind I felt the familiar ache of the heat creep up on me, oh yeah, that’s right, being a female werewolf meant we also went into heat, usually a week or two before our menstrual cycle. It affected us more than it did the males, I think the scent of a female wolf smelt like we were a b.itch in heat regardless to the males, maybe because there weren’t as many of us, it did spike stronger somewhat though, and Grayson caught the change in my scent as I squeezed my thighs trying to ignore the ache between them. He looked back at me with a raised eyebrow and asked, “you ok there?” “Yep,” I smiled sweetly. A tilt to his lips hinted at a smile bordering on a smirk. “You sure? I could help.” I pushed him through the door. Spotting Amber in the kitchen going over to Leo, I watched as Grayson snuck over to her, silent as the dead, he jumped, she side stepped out of the way and he yelped as he crashed into Leo knocking them both to the floor. Leo pushed him off and got to his feet and Grayson complained, “how the f.uck do you do that.” He got to his own feet as Amber smiled teasingly. “A girls gotta be aware of her surroundings at all times.” She winked and he grumbled walking over to the refrigerator and pulling out the orange juice. He pulled some into two cups and slid one over towards me. Leo kept reading the recipe for the dinner he wanted to cook later when he asked, “do you need the hot water bottle?” He knew better than to look at me when asking such things. I’d been forced to get used to the fact that my heat changed my scent making it obvious that I was not only in heat, but also due on my period very soon. Usually I suffered with the cramps, but that wasn’t until a few days before. I shook my head no, knowing he’d see out the corner of his eye and he gave the briefest nod. I sat down beside Grayson at the kitchen counter watching as Leo pulled out pans and pots while Amber rushed to impress him by getting the ingredients, in her haste she dropped the bag of pasta making half spill out onto the floor. Flustered and blushing she mumbled, “I’m so sorry,” as she got down on her knees and started scooping up the mess. Chuckling, Leo got down with her and gently said, “that’s ok.” It felt like a moment for her and I didn’t want to ruin it by being in the way so I got up, saw Grayson making no attempt to leave and grabbed him by the arm dragging him with me. I took him to my room and managed to distract him with a game of chess until the smell of cooking food wafted up and he got up to go find the source. “Smells good,” he said. “They’ve only just started it won’t be ready yet.” “I can help taste it for them, make sure they’re doing it right.” “Leave them.” He looked back at me and asked, “why?” I didn’t want to embarrass Amber by telling him about her crush, it was obvious to anyone with eyes, but Grayson being the way he was didn’t pick up on things like that. “You can help me instead.” When he frowned I tugged him towards me and pulled him down for a kiss. “Oh, I see,” he grinned against my lips. “Want that help after all then.” I only nodded and deepened the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck. He kissed me back just as hard, hands sliding under my top and cupping my b.reasts, ripping the bra out of the way, squeezing them and massaging, tugging on my n.ipples until they were hard. My hands slid to his flys, tugging the buttons undone and pulling his jeans down over his hips, I wrapped my fingers around the thickness of him. He tilted his head back, eyes closed, fingers digging in around the back of my neck as he groaned. He let me play for a few minutes, teasing him, then his lips were back on mine, crushing, he yanked my jeans and panties down, pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top and sunk himself into me skipping the foreplay. Even now, we both didn’t last very long, so we didn’t like to waste too much time on foreplay unless we wanted to drag the night out. I gripped the bedsheets as he filled me up, meeting him thrust for thrust. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head, slamming his hips against mine knowing I liked rough and fast. I was sweating and a trickle of it slid down between my b.reasts which only added to the pleasure as it tickled my skin. Grayson caught a n.ipple between his teeth and sucked sending me crashing into pure ecstasy as I came crying out, so loud I had to bite into his shoulder to muffle it. His own climax hit him, a growl vibrating up his chest as he finished inside of me, body shuddering before he collapsed on top of me. We lay there cuddled up for a while, but the smell of food was making us hungry, getting up we jumped into the shower in the adjoining bathroom to my room. We decided it would be quicker to shower together, but then we got distracted by one another, ending with me up against the shower wall, one leg hooked around Graysons waist as he thrust into me over and over. Halfway to my finishing point I moaned breathlessly, “this is just s.ex.” “I’m aware of that,” he grinned. I placed my hand against his chest so I could look at him. “I mean it’s just s.ex, it doesn’t mean I’m your mate now.” He nodded. “Ok.” “I mean it, just s.ex Grayson.” Breathless himself he grinned, “I heard you darling, just s.ex, just f.ucking, no strings attached. Got it.” After that he shut me up with a breathtaking kiss, thrusting into me more furiously until I was gasping and was thrown into another climax, so hard I saw stars and ripped my nails down his back. After we were cleaned up and redressed I asked, “you really don’t mind that I might use you to help the heat?” “Nope, use me all you like, doesn’t make a difference to me, I already see you as mine and myself yours, if you want to wait to declare us as official that’s fine, but in my eyes we already are. I’ll always be yours.” I opened my mouth and then shut it again, it was pointless arguing with him, he’d never see it any other way and honestly? I wasn’t sure I minded, I felt a step closer to being ready to be more than just his lover. I even held his hand as we made our way down stairs.
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