Chapter 22: Fun day out

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Lara Leo went to make the call to his friend, while I had to go to my bedroom and try to relieve some of the ache the heat was causing. I was in the middle of self pleasuring when Grayson banged on the door. “Go away!” I called out. Usually he wouldn’t come in if I didn’t give him permission, but he was a wolf and could smell from out there how wet I was. He flung the door open and kicked it shut behind him. “You didn’t have to do it yourself, darling, I would have helped.” “Get lost.” “You sure? I know how much you love my fingers,” he grinned. I couldn’t deny it, he was very good with his fingers and I looked at them longingly. Today though, I wanted to try something different, something I’d never had him do before except once in the hotel. “I don’t want your fingers.” Standing beside the bed he asked, “tell me what you want.” I looked at his gorgeous face, those beautiful blue eyes and blushed. I shrugged, coming over all shy. “Scoot over,” he said. I moved over and he climbed in beside me. Cupping my cheek he pulled me to him and pressed his lips to mine softly. He kissed me for a while, and then he moved on to kissing his way down my neck and whispered, “tell me what you want, anything you want and I’ll do it.” “I want you to kiss me.” He went to kiss me on the lips and I stopped him. “Not there.” He tilted his head and frowned. Too shy to say it I pointed between my thighs and his eyes turned to an ‘oh’ look and then he grinned. He got between my legs and kissed his way up my thighs, open mouthed kisses, tracing his tongue in circles as he inched closer towards where I was aching and wet. “Please,” I whispered. He looked up at me with those blue eyes and then he kissed that ache, kissing it softly all over and then gently licking it, teasing it with his tongue as he tasted me. When I was moaning he started to lick me faster, then he found my c.lit and my back arched in pleasure, seeing my response he continued to lick it and grinned up at me, “you like that, darling?” I nodded. “Want me to keep licking this little bit?” He licked it again and I cried out. “Yes!” Chuckling, he carried on and then slipped his fingers inside of me adding to the pleasure. With his tongue on that sweet spot and his fingers thrusting into me I came harder than I ever had In my life. As I lay there panting after, he crawled up above me and grinned. “Feel better?” I grabbed him around the neck and pulled him down on top of me making him give me more than just his fingers. As we lay there after catching our breaths I turned to look at him and said, “no more messing around, I want to be your mate.” He sat up so fast he almost fell out the bed. Looking down at me he asked, “seriously? Are you sure?” I nodded. “Why now?” “I’m only fooling myself by keeping up this charade of saying I don’t want you, I do, I always have, I love you so much and I’m fed up of not allowing myself to just enjoy that.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed my nose. “I’m so glad to hear that, darling.” He bounded out of the bed. “Come on, let’s go see if Leo spoke to this vamp.” I smiled, happy to see him so happy and I knew right there I’d made the right choice. We went down and found Leo in the living room with Amber sitting beside him. “What did he say?” Grayson asked, sitting on the other side of Leo. “Good morning to you too, Grayson.” He only grunted a reply. Sighing, Leo sat back. “He didn’t answer, I left him a message to get back to me.” “So in the meanwhile we just what? Hang around casually knowing there’s two of those things out there, less than an hour from here too, is it even safe to change in the woods?” Leo looked at Grayson thoughtfully and said, “you’re right, until we can deal with them, best not use the woods for a while.” “You think they could move on and find this place?” I asked. “They love wooded areas and being less than an hour from here I’d say yes it’s very possible, although I suspect they would rather stick closer to their food source, not many humans for them to eat here.” “What about changing?” Amber asked. Leo put his hand on her leg making my curiosity spike, but he’d done that to me before, so I couldn’t tell if it meant anything or was just a reassuring leg pat. “We will have to find somewhere else if it comes to that. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of woods in Surrey, we’ll just make sure it’s far enough away we won’t risk coming across them during a run.” Grayson gave a nod then jumped up and went to the kitchen for food. Leo rose an eyebrow and looked at me. “Dare I ask why he’s so happy this morning?” “He always acts like that,” I tried. “Me explaining we won’t be able to change and run here for a while, telling you not to hunt those things and he doesn’t so much as put up a fight or argue the point?” Blushing, I mumbled something so low, my lips barely moving even his werewolf hearing didn’t pick it up. “What?” “Uh, we might have, sort of, fixed our situation.” He frowned and then both his eyebrows rose. “Oh, you mean you’ve…accepted him as your mate?” I nodded, smiled and blushing, quickly slipped from the room. I sat down at the table and Grayson slid a plate of toast, fried eggs, bacon and sausages, typical English breakfast with a side of pancakes. “Thanks,” I smiled. He came around to my side of the table and kissed my cheek. Sitting next to me he said, “would you want to do something today, Just me and you?” “Do what?” “Anything you want, if we can’t hunt the wendigos then maybe we can find some other fun things to do in the meantime.” “Define ‘fun things.’” “I don’t mean anything dangerous, I mean normal…human stuff.” He struggled on the word human as if it pained him to get the words out. “Since when do you like going out anywhere except on a case or to stalk me?” “Quit saying it like that, I don’t stalk you,” he snapped defensively. “Huh, what would you call it then?” He faced his plate of food, jammed a piece of sausage in his mouth and shrugged. “Protecting you, keeping an eye on you.” “So stalking then.” He made a noise in his throat not quite a growl, but close. “Anyway, like I said, you don’t leave the house ever, certainly not to mingle among the humans.” “I’m trying here, I thought you wanted us to be together now?” “I do, I never said I’d be easy to be with though.” I smiled sweetly at him and he shoved my head. I shoved his back and before I knew it we were both up wrestling one another, he grabbed me in a headlock, I managed to punch him in the stomach enough to make him loosen his grip, I tried to knock the back of his legs, but with me still in the headlock it meant we both went down. I tried to get on top, but he pinned me first. With one hand holding my wrists his other slid to my waist, sliding under my top and cupping my b.reast. I smiled and waited patiently, while he was distracted tugging and playing with my n.ipple, I used the moment to throw him off guard, throwing myself to the side I managed to get on top and straddle him. “Shouldn’t get so distracted by the enemy,” I smiled. Grinning up at me boyishly he said, “hard not to when the enemy is so pretty.” My eyes grew wide and my heart fluttered. “You think I’m pretty?” Growing more serious he leaned up on his elbows and said, “of course I do, wait, did you think all this time that I’m not attracted to you?” I shrugged, blushing, and unable to hide the red of my cheeks. “It’s just, I know you don’t understand the whole good looks thing.” He sat up leaning back on one hand and used the other to stroke my cheek. “Darling, I think you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, I may not understand it in the human sense, but trust me, wolf to wolf I find you very attractive, who you are, your personality, all of it. You have the most gorgeous hazel eyes.” Blushing harder I looked down and mumbled, “they aren’t as light and pretty as Ambers, without bright light my eyes just look brown.” He tilted my chin up and made me meet his eyes. “I didn’t realise you were so insecure about yourself. You’re beautiful to me, Lara, I love you so much.” I smiled bashfully, feeling stupid for feeling so insecure like some silly young girl. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips, I felt him harden against me and then Leo walked in. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything?” I jumped up so fast I slipped on the Lino floor and almost fell right back down. Grayson got up casually, not bothered at all. “Me and Lara are going out.” “I told you not to—” “It’s not to track the wendigos, just out to town or something.” I think Leo looked as shocked as I felt, I wasn’t kidding about Grayson never leaving the house. He was quite happy to stay here and protect Leo, the only time he ever really left was to track a mutt or something, never to just go hang out in town or anything, well, unless I wanted to go to the movies, if I wanted to do something he’d do it. Over the surprise Leo nodded, “good, yes do that.” We left in Graysons car and as he drove we both stared out at the woods we’d seen them in, both fighting the urge to go in there and explore, see if they were still there. It was quiet, so the police hadn’t stumbled across the man yet, I wondered if there was any of him left to find. We got to town and I made Grayson do everything with me, we watched a movie, a horror called thanksgiving then we went for ice-cream after. The ice-cream sundaes were massive, but by the time we left, the glasses were all but licked clean. As we walked along young girls ogled Grayson and women batted their eyes, he didn’t acknowledge them, but I knew he noticed by the way his body tensed. “You really hate the attention, don’t you,” I laughed. I held my hand out to him. “Here, you’re too gorgeous to go completely unnoticed, but it might help stop half the ogling.” “Thanks,” he said gratefully and held my hand. It did help, most people gave a polite once over and that was it, their morals stopping them from ogling another woman’s man too much. I found some small arcade and pulled him inside with me, we raced each other in some racing game, collected some tickets on the basket ball game and then Grayson tried to win me a teddy on the claw machines. He grew frustrated and hit the glass. “I’ll get the f.ucker for you,” he said, giving a glare to the stuffed animal inside. Laughing, I pulled him away before he wasted anymore money and said, “it’s ok, those games are rigged it’s not worth the amount you’d have to spend before winning.” He warred with his competitive side wanting to keep trying, but reluctantly he sighed and said, “alright, you can use the tickets to get a prize at least, right?” I looked at the ten tickets and over to the counter with prizes to collect from a hundred tickets and upwards. “Let’s go.” “What, you can’t even get something with the tickets?” “Nope.” “F.ucking hell, fine, I’ll just have to find something.” He grabbed my hand and tugged me with him outside. We trailed through the shops until we landed outside a jewelry shop, Grayson pulled me inside and started looking around. “What are you doing?” I laughed. “It’s a surprise.” “A surprise I get to help pick out?” He turned to me frowning. “Huh? Oh no, turn around” he spun me around so I couldn’t see where he was looking and after about fifteen minutes of just standing there like an i.diot he touched my hand lightly. “Done.” When we got outside he wouldn’t let me see what it was until we were back in the car. Grayson wasn’t a hearts and flowers kind of guy, he didn’t do romantic gestures, so I was curious. He dumped the small bag on my lap. “You can look now.” I opened it up, took a medium sized box out and opened it up. Inside was a necklace, it was beautiful, heart shaped with diamonds around the edging and in the middle was a wolf howling at the stone in the middle, a sapphire stone. “It’s beautiful,” I smiled. “Here,” he took it from me, made me turn around and clipped it on. “This way you get to walk away with something.” I leaned over to kiss his cheek and pulled him Into a hug. “Thank you.” Growing slightly flustered he mumbled, “sure.” When we got back to the pack house it was quiet inside, it was early afternoon so I know Leo and Amber wouldn’t be sleeping yet. Grayson went to grab a drink while I looked around curiously. I strained my ears as I walked around and really shouldn’t have when I neared Leo’s bedroom door. I couldn’t hear Leo, but I certainly could hear Amber making soft noises of pleasure. I rushed back down the stairs and blocked Graysons path when he tried to come up. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “Nothing.” At my blushing cheeks his gaze met mine. “It’s clearly something.” “Let’s just say Amber no longer needs to pine over Leo.” He tilted his head in confusion and then dawning lit his eyes. “Oh s.hit, they f.ucking?” He whispered. I nodded and shoved him back down the stairs. “Maybe we should too.” “Nope, move.” I pushed him further away from the steps. When we heard Leo’s door open half an hour later I quickly grabbed Grayson by the arm and dragged him outside to make it look like we’d only just returned. “This is stupid, it’s just s.ex.” “Just do it! I don’t want Amber or Leo feeling embarrassed and awkward.” He rolled his eyes, but went through the process of unlocking and walking through the door again.
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