while the boat dries her last...and then, God willing, be away from this awful place. ABE: (appears lost in thought) Back to the Big Apple, indeed. He looks around, gazes down-river. SWEDEN does the same. They stand side by side, framed in golden light. Perhaps not so oddly, the place seems quite beautiful now. A reverent silence sets in. The men look like they have aged 10 years since they set out. ABE: (near whispers) My God, Swede. What have we done? SWEDEN appears to think about it, gazing down-river. At length he clasps ABE’S shoulder. SWEDEN: Let us not speak of it. (beat) Whatever it was.... It was not of— or for—ourselves. ABE: (sees an otter flop in the current, roll over upon its back) Aye. Something thunks at their feet, then, something which has come to the