Chapter Twelve

1395 Words

Chapter Twelve Ted Dalton Well, it’s nice to be out of suspension...I think. Miss Luana announces my ‘progress’ as I empty my bladder for her. Assuming that she has walked me daily, this is the fourth day since being pierced. Being hooded and suspended there is no other way to track time. Unless of course it’s by way of the syringe callously stuck into my buttocks. An unseen nurse has continued the Thorazine and perhaps it is my imagination but the injections seem to come more often and quicker. One could conclude I am getting a smaller dosage more frequently but I have no way of knowing. It is getting easier for me to move about and I find myself peculiarly eager when I hear Miss Luana’s voice. I know she will release me from the boring hell of confinement and for that alone I am grate

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