
951 Words
MOANA'S POV* "Married?" The word hung in the air as the shock spread across Lisa's face. I bit my lip, trying to stifle any sound. Fury quickly replaced her surprise. "I'm going to f**k that bastard up." I grabbed her arm before she could stand. "Don't." "Don't ask me to sit here and do nothing," she yanked her arm free from my grip. "Why are you still protecting him, Moana? After everything he's done? He lied to you for two years! He has a wife and he's trying for a baby. He made you the other woman!" Her voice rose, catching the attention of a few people nearby. "I know, Lisa. You don’t need to keep reminding me." "I'm not reminding you. That man deserves a serious beating." "Maybe he does, but it’s not worth it. He doesn’t even know that I’ve found out the truth." "Wait, you haven't told him?" Her eyes widened. I shook my head. "I'm too embarrassed, Lisa. Too ashamed to even show my face. It feels like everyone knows, like they’re judging me for being involved with a married man." "Don't be ashamed. It wasn’t your fault. He’s the one who should be ashamed for cheating on his wife." I nodded and wiped away a tear. "I just don’t know what to do." "What do you mean? You need to call him, tell him you know the truth, and end it." "It’s not that easy." She scoffed. "Moana, it’s the simplest thing. He lied. You break up." "But I love him, Lisa. I’ve loved him for two years. My whole life was built around him. We were planning to get married at the end of the year. How do I just walk away?" "I get that it’s hard, but holding on will only hurt you more. If he really loved you, he’d have left his wife by now. Don’t drag yourself through this." I knew she was right. Breaking up was the only way. But how could I survive it? "You’ll find someone else, Moana. Someone who’ll love only you. You won’t be second to anyone." I nodded. Yes, she was right. It was the best thing to do. But I couldn’t see myself confronting Caleb, not yet. "Call him. Set up a meeting, or at least break it off over the phone." I shook my head. "It’s already over, Lisa. Telling him is just a formality. I can’t do it now, not like this. When I’m ready, I’ll tell him." She sighed, clearly wanting to say more, but let it go. We didn’t get the food we came for, and she ordered an Uber to take me home. She offered to come with me, but I refused. I needed time alone to think, or maybe just cry. When I got home, the silence greeted me like an old friend. I went straight to my room, stripped off my clothes, and stood in the shower, letting the tears fall freely. By the time I was done, I felt a little better. Wrapped in my favorite pajamas, I climbed into bed even though it was still hours before nightfall. My head throbbed, and I needed sleep to dull the ache. I curled up with my pillow and drifted off. When I woke, the first thing I reached for was my phone. Turning it on, notifications flooded the screen. Messages from my mom, Lisa, and Caleb. Two from an unknown number, which I deleted without reading. Caleb’s messages followed, erased without hesitation. I opened my mom’s message. She wanted me to call her. I dialed her number, and she picked up on the first ring. "Darling, I’ve been trying to reach you all day." "Sorry, Mom. I was working, and my phone died." "You sound off. Are you sick? Should I come over?" I smiled through the tears. My mother had a way of sensing when something was wrong, even from miles away. "No, I’m fine. I just woke up from a nap." "Okay, did you eat yet?" "Yes." I lied, knowing the truth would only make her worry more. "Alright, love. I was concerned when you didn’t pick up, so I called Lisa. She sounded off too. Are you sure everything’s okay?" I hesitated, tempted to confide in her. But the shame kept my lips sealed. "Everything’s fine, Mom. Lisa’s probably just tired." "Alright then. I’ll leave you to rest. I love you, baby." "Love you too, Mom." I hung up and sighed, tossing the phone onto the bed. I needed food but found nothing in the fridge, so I ordered pizza. Just as I finished placing the order, my phone rang. Caleb. I hit "dismiss," but he kept calling, over and over. Frustrated, I blocked his number. Maybe I’d unblock him when I was ready to deal with him. The doorbell rang, and I grabbed some money, assuming it was the delivery guy. I paid him, but the pizza tasted like cardboard. Still, I forced myself to eat. I heard another noise at the door, faint at first, then louder. Something hit my door. Cautiously, I approached, ready to open it but stopped myself. This felt like the start of every horror movie. As I turned back toward the couch, I heard a scream. Heart racing, I dialed the police, reporting someone outside my house. They promised to send help, and I peered out the window, hoping to spot someone. A car appeared. I rushed to the door, thinking it was the police, but instead, I saw the car speeding away. Strange. I stepped outside, and my foot landed in something wet. I flashed my phone light down, gasping when I saw blood on my fingers.
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