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MOANA'S POV I groaned and tried to get comfortable in my bed. My elbows scraped something rough, causing me to wince and I open my eyes. I wasn't in my bedroom, I was in a cage. A smelly one. I jerked awake and looked around. Silver bars surrounded me while I heard the sound of water dripping. The memories started coming in and I cussed under my breath. I remembered the light going out in the club and a prick at the back of my neck. I had been drugged. The man that caught me before I passed out. Have I been kidnapped? Did the men get to me or perhaps it was Caleb's wife? What was going to happen to me? I knew I shouldn't have gone to the club. I should have listened to Lisa. "Let me out" I tried to shake the bars but they were sturdy. "Don't bother. They won't hear you", I turned and saw a girl huddled in the corner, her entire focus on her nails. "And even if they do, they won't be releasing you. This is for the damned", she said in an eerie Voice. "The damned? I didn't do anything to be a damned", She looked up and chuckled. "They never pick up the wrong person. You must have done something really bad", Her eyes looked dead. "I didn't do anything" I sat in the corner. She laughed again and moved towards me on her hands and knees. Her face was dry, lips cracked, I wonder what the state of her nails would be. She also smelled funny. "You look innocent but that was how I looked a long time ago", "How long?", She moved back a bit and sat crossed-legged on the floor. She counted on her fingers for a long time and I wondered if she knew what she was doing. "I think a hundred years?", Maybe staying in here had made her delusional. She didn't look a day over twenty but she claims to have been in here for a hundred years. Maybe I had been taken to an asylum. I read somewhere that a few of them looked like prisons. "Do you remember your name?", "I don't have one", I'm definitely in an asylum, but I needed her to keep speaking. "That's impossible. Everyone has a name", "Not me", "I find that hard to believe. Maybe you've forgotten yours", She snarled at me and moved back to her previous spot at the edge of the bars. "Don't worry about me. You should be more concerned by what they'll do to you when they finally come for you", "Who are they?", "Lycans", "Lycans?", She nodded. "They don't exist", She laughed loudly. The sound drowned out that of the dropping water. "You're about to find out that they actually do and what it means for you to be here", Lycans? Like the werewolves. That was pretty hard to believe. I had read them in books and romance stories. Never expected to hear that they existed and I certainly didn't believe her. With each word, I was more convinced that we were in an asylum. "You say this is a place for the damned?", "Yes... There's no getting out of here", She bit her fingernails and chewed on them. Was she being fed while in here? "They are all eventually killed. And when it's your turn, you will be killed too" She sounded so sure but I ignored the fear her words tied to evoke in me. "What did you do to be brought in here?", "I was... I am a rogue", Rogue. A term used todescribe the wolves who didn't belong in a park. Like in the books that I read. Too much reading probably made her insane. Mom had threatened that it would happen to me at one point in my life just to stop me from reading too many books, but stubborn me, i didn't listen. "My mate was murdered. I went on a revenge mission and killed over a hundred wolves. Killed some important people. I got caught and I ended up here", She went back to picking her nails. "And this happened a hundred years?", I asked still confused. "Or more. I lost count", "Do you think they'll be coming for me soon?", "Yes. Very soon", "There's no way to get out?", My questions sent her into another fit of laughter. "The ones who tried to escape are always the first to get killed", She looked up again and looked me dead in the eye. "Don't be foolish" I looked away from her, examining the bars. There has to be some kind of way out of here. I had to find a phone and call Lisa. Tell her that I had somehow been trapped in an asylum. I pulled at the bars harder and shouted again in frustration. "Relax and wait for your time," she said in an eerie voice. I sat down back again with no escape in sight. The girl continued eating at her fingernails, while I watched her and listened for any type of sound. It was really alarming the way she ate her fingernails and I watched her for a long tỉme. She suddenly stopped and her head snapped up. "They are coming" she said while looking straight at me. I moved away from her line of sight. "Who?", "The wolves. It's time for your judgment", Judgment. The hairs on my neck rose as I listened to any type of noise. I couldn't hear anything. Not even the sound of a gate opening. "They'll soon be here, very soon" she said and cackled right after. She was scaring me. Trying to put me on edge and make me think something bad was actually going to happen. "There's no one coming", "Soon", I was about to speak again when I heard footsteps. "Just in time" she whispered and a man was suddenly standing at the bars of our cell. His face was covered in a ski mask. He punched something on the gates of the bars and swiped a card. I heard a sound and the door opened, and the man stepped inside the small space and I watched his every move. I eyed the open gate. Maybe I could make a run for it. The man must have noticed my intentions because he blocked the entrance again. "I'm taking you up to see the alpha", Alpha. Yet another term used to describe the leaders of a pack of wolves. Was this man also crazy? Wolves couldn't be real. He pulled off his ski mask and I paled at the sight of the man in front of me. "Elvis" I muttered in disbelief.

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