"Chapter 58"

1477 Words

I don't know at that time what was happening to me, I don't want to say no or I have any worried about Aden's conditions, seriously, at that time I feel it's the right thing I'm going to do. She was holding my hand and taking me to the place where that event is held on. " I have already wasted my time because of that pathetic professor. If he let me go to that event I'll never miss the chance to see Mrs. Brooks, but I have another choice if he let me go at on right time so I'll have the chance to sit in the front row." She said with a sad face. "So, who is your Mrs. Brooks, why he is so famous?" I asked her. "He is a billionaire, who is famous for his intelligence and success in business, our trustee invited him to given an inspiration to our business students." She said to me, and I

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