Good Little Girl

1980 Words

Past Kiara  It’s enough. I'd had enough of his stupid remarks. I am just done with him. I looked at my best friend who was sitting across me, looking at the cafeteria door where Maddox had just disappeared, she looked lost. Jerking my hand free from the iron clad grip of the bastard- whose family called him Dominic, but believe me he was a first rated bastard, nothing else, I stood up from my chair and almost instantly felt his eyes raking over me like hot coals. “Where are you going?” The bastard asked, in his silky smooth drawl that did things to me that I couldn’t explain, it was similar to the feeling that I’d had when he had kissed me for the first time. Damn it, Kiara! “It’s none of your business.” I flipped him a finger as I started to round the table to go to my best friend so

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