Something Pure...

2109 Words

Past Dominic You try hard to forget your past when it's as horrible as mine, but it creeps up on you when you expect it the least. I had tried and done everything to keep mine in the shadows they belong to. But now and then, the painful memories of my past come into light. And when they come, I was left reeling, not knowing how to stop what I was feeling which always had me doing something stupid or reckless. Maddox told me everything about Brenna and her aunt and Ray, after that we both were lost in our thoughts. Our past wasn’t as great as it would seem to some people when they look into our lives now, in Carter house. On the surface we were a happy family, a family that has everything, but the thing was we had gone through hell to get here, to get everything. Mr. Jared Carter—our D

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