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I've always been this way. I've been doing it every night for almost my entire career. The night is undoubtedly filled with evil, as seen by the spoiled blood night after night and the cries and screams of beseeching souls. Killing is what drives me. I may sound like a lunatic but I have always believed I am making the world a better place by killing murderers, demons, conniving people, and such evils—or so I tell myself. Death itself, my twin sister, and the other half of my life. My skin is gently caressed by a cold breeze, giving me goosebumps. My nakedness is gleaming through the moonlight's brightness, as well as the darkness of my balcony, which is slowly receding. It's time. I can use my shinwa and my bare hands to defeat my opponents. I entered my elevator, which takes me right to my garage where I use my own set of wheels. There are only 52 of them in existence, so I'm privileged to own one. I rode on my Icon Sheene. The garage door has been opened and I immediately drove my motorcycle out and proceeded to my given destination. going at a speed of 190 kilometers per hour. It will not be peaceful and calm the entire night. I grinned at the idea. I'm looking forward to my mundane exercise. ------ I finally reached their headquarters. It was 1 am when I got here and took me an hour and a half to get here for the usual 4-hour drive—not bad. The huge mansion was the brightest house there is in these mountains—oh wait, it is the only house here. I stopped at the Gate and Honk my horn as loud as I can. “This is private property! Leave at once!” one of them shouted while holding his rifle. I took off my helmet and smiled brightly at them even though they can't even see my smile. “Bro it’s just a girl! Hey lady, want to come and have fun with us?” one man said, grinning from ear to ear. “The master will not be happy if he finds out!” the guy who spoke to me first, responded. “He wouldn’t know if we don’t tell him, right?” the guy said still grinning. His face made me want to throw up. “Are you sure you can satisfy me?” I said in a seductive voice. I will play their game for a while. The group of men laughed maniacally and they were rubbing each other’s shoulders as if they won the lottery. These disgusting morons. One man motioned to open the gates. I smirked and slowly went in and as the lights finally hit me, they saw I was armed but then, I am faster than them. In just one swift move I took down those imbecile watchdogs who thought of me as a side dish. How dare these insolent fools to think that? I wasted my Daggers already. Such a Bum! The alarm suddenly filled the whole mansion. One of them got away and pressed the alarm. Armed men went out of the mansion and surrounded me. They were all pointing their guns at me. “Do not move!” one man said. Some of them checked their men who were already dead. One guy eyed me. I took a step forward. “I said do not move!” he shouted as he shot near my feet. I smiled mischievously. Too bad they can't see my smile with my Mask on because it would be their last to see a beautiful woman like me. "Tsk! Is this how you treat your uninvited guest, boys?" I said sweetly. "b***h! I said don’t move or we will shoot you!" the other man spoke. "You came to the wrong place, Miss." A baritone voice said behind the crowd of armed men. I couldn’t see who it was because these men are tall. "Oh come on sweetie, let me see you. Your voice sounded divine. I'm sure you look dashingly handsome" I seductively said. "You should leave while I am being nice." He responded. "Oh, did I get the wrong address?" I acted shocked. "This is the Skreepnight g**g headquarters now, isn't it?" I asked sounding unsure. "This is your last chance, Miss," he said once more and still not letting me see his face. I'm starting to get pissed off. "Well, I'm sorry for making such an entrance but I don't do sneaking in" “I am not sure I understand. So, you want me to leave unscathed knowing I killed your men?” I laughed. “Who sent you?” he asked. “You know what, I don’t like talking to people I cannot see. It is quite rude,” I said in a stern voice. After saying that I rushed my way to where that divine voice was coming from leaving the guys in a trance and as soon as they realize what was going on, they started to fire at me. "Time to dance Boys!" I shouted as I blocked the bullets using my sword, the shinwa. All the bullets came flying back to them as I spin my sword, causing their deaths. Awe, such poor souls! I killed a lot already but I saw a bunch of men heading back to the mansion. I hate people running from their deaths as they could even escape—but they can't. I ran as Fast as I can and violently kicked the front door open. It was quiet—or not. The g*n was immediately fired at me from the stairway good thing my reflexes are on point and I avoided the bullets. I rolled for cover at the Wall. I returned my Shinwa to its scabbard and took out my g*n. Just how many are there? s**t, I forgot to count—damn that masculine voice, I can't wait to hear it again... And this time I want to hear him beg. I smirked at the thought. "Hi boys! Are we playing hide and shoot now?!" I shouted and my voice echoed inside the whole place. “You are not getting out of here alive!” one guy shouted back. His voice was near. I readied myself for an attack. Oh, stupid guy. "Let's have a bet then? Oh wait, you wouldn't know who'd win! You'll be dead before you'll know!" I said as I laughed maniacally. “You should have killed me the moment I stepped on your property,” They rained bullets on me so I crouched and hugged my body to protect myself from the cement that was slowly coming off. "Careful now, you don't want to waste some bullets!" I shouted again as soon as they stopped firing. "f**k you b***h! If I get my hands on you, I'll kill you myself!" an angry man said and started to fire aimlessly. I smirked. "Really?" I slowly went out behind the wall and faced the stairway. He fired the g*n, but it ran out of bullets. He looked stupid. I smirked at his reaction. "Somebody's not counting" I teased. He quickly grabbed a magazine from his back but before he could, I shot him right through the head and he fell on the ground from the second floor of the mansion. I ran to where I heard the voice near me. Such a shame he didn't even help his friend. I saw two guys ahead, approaching me from different sides and both fired at the same time so I immediately split my legs and the bullets from different directions hit them instead. Stupid creeps. Another guy ran towards me and the other one to my right side. I shot the guy in front of me first and I rolled myself into a ball to move from the opposite side and shot the guy coming from the right. 4 bullets were wasted. "This is so boring than I expected! Come on boys, let me show you how to dance with bullets!" I shouted. As if on cue they started coming out one by one shooting at me. I killed the closer man from my end. 5th bullet The one on my left. 6th Two men were hiding at the side of the wall 7th Wow, I guess they are stupid. I guess that was what you call, hitting two birds with one stone—well, a bullet in my case. I ran to the middle of the stairway and jumped down and did a triple back flip, avoiding the bullets as much as I can. Dang, I am not even sweating as much. What kind of renowned g**g is this? I felt something on my left shoulder sting. Who the hell hit me? A bullet was grazed on my left shoulder but it is nothing that I cannot handle. Pain is what makes me thrive. I moved faster and flipped on my back one more time. There you are. You little prick, you dared to hit me! good but not enough. He was shocked and was not able to realize I was already in front of him. In one swift move, I put the g*n inside his mouth and blasted his brains out, causing some blood to stick to my clothes. I released the empty mag and inserted the extra. 8 bullets left. Someone tried to shoot me from behind but I hid in the wall. The sound of shooting was heard all over the mansion. I saw a ventilation shaft above me so I climbed it and crawled inside while those morons were wasting bullets hitting the wall. I crawled in their direction and when I reached their position, I slowly went out of the shaft, not making any noise. I stood behind them desperately waiting for their guns to run empty. "Tsk, tsk,” I commented. The eight men were shocked to see me behind them and immediately pointed their guns at me. "How did you get there? No matter, you are going to die anyway!" one shouted at me and pulled the trigger. The g*n didn’t go off. "You boys really should learn how to count," I said smiling and shaking my head. They all tried to click the trigger but they are all out. The other guy immediately reached for his magazine but I pointed at him with my finger. "You shouldn't do that if you don't want to die first." I shook my head in disappointment. They all stopped and looked at me as if they were compelled by what I said. They all looked so pissed and angry. Two men started to run toward me and I shot them without hesitation. They both fell to the ground. They were running towards me in a single line nearby, of course, the bullet will pass from the first guy. Two down already in just one bullet. Another 'hitting two birds with one stone moment. I love how Jackson designed these bullets! A+ for him! I will give him praise once I get back. "That’s two! Now I have enough bullets to kill every last one of you. Let's start from the right!" and in one swift, I shot at them, one by one and all 6 went down in one jiff. All I did was twisted my hand to fire the g*n in a certain manner so that all of them will be hit. I threw the g*n to the side. A remembrance for them. I’m sure the g*n won’t be traced back to me. I walked my way to the quiet hallway while whistling. It reeked of blood but it smelled good. I stopped myself in a huge library and there I saw the said leader of the g**g. "Are you the leader?" "I guess I underestimated you." Oh, the same baritone voice that I've been waiting to hear all night. I sat on his table while looking at his broad and masculine back. He was facing the window with his hands at his back. "I guess who'd thought a fine lady like me can kill all your gangsters in…” I looked at my watch "less than 15 minutes." I continued. He sighed. "They sent you here to kill me right? Go on kill me. I'm already a dead man walking." "Now, don't say that. Your death angel just came to fetch you. No need for a sour mood." I looked at his table. A picture frame caught my attention. He has a family a wife and a daughter. "Where'd your family go?" He faced me so I waived the frame I'm holding. My, would you look at this old man, he looked like he was in his early fifties. But still looked dashingly handsome. "Gone. They are dead. I—I killed them, my stupidity killed them." "You should've known that before taking over a g**g. Poor thing," I commented while staring at the picture frame. They looked happy here. The man in front of me was carrying his daughter at his shoulders and holding his wife with his free hand. An epitome of a happy family? "That must've been a terrible incident." I looked him in the eye. "Kill me now, I'd rather be with my family now." he sounded desperate. "Then kill yourself for me." I offered. He looked at me perplexed. He seemed like he was having second thoughts—is he afraid of dying? "Answer me. Cat got your tongue old man?" "I—I can't kill myself. I can't do it," he said as his body shivered from fear he let out a sob. This is what a leader of a notorious g**g is. Such a pathetic weakling. "Then that's a pity. I like seeing you suffer like this. I want you to feel the pain and agony of how you lost your family. It was your fault." I said as I threw his picture frame on the floor, shattering the glass. "Please! Kill me, kill me now!" he pleaded and knelt in front of me. I guess I got what I wanted—him begging but he's doing the opposite way, he is begging me to kill him when in fact I want him to beg for his life to be spared. Such a big difference. My urge to kill was suddenly gone, he ruined everything. "This is your punishment. Live and die slowly remembering your pained past," I said and left him in his library, still kneeling and crying. I dialed a number on my phone. “Took you long enough this time.” The voice said on the other line. "Shut it, I talked with the old man." “That’s new, since when do you talk with the dead?” He joked sounding amused. "Stop asking. Spare the old man’s life, he's already dead, living in his cocoon body. I will be the one to kill him if he'd do something stupid" I spoke. “Ok, is it time for clean up?” he asked. "Yeah, I will see you this week." "I would be honored," he spoke with amusement in his voice. "And I need a new g*n," I said as I dropped the call. What a boring mission. I am waiting for a demon mission and yet, I was given a lame task. Well, It’s a school day again tomorrow. Time to play pretend.
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