Falling Apart

2038 Words
Title: Falling Apart Genre: Fanfiction story based on two actors names Tae Darvid Kreepolrerk and Tee Thanapon Jarujitranon of SBFive, a Thai boyband. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ He scoffed after seeing the ** video about his on screen loveteam partner choosing another person as his 'boyfriend material'. "Really now..." He muttered alone. "We'll see." Two days later... "P'Tee!" Bas came running to the fifth member of their band who had been away for a solo work. He wasn't alone when he came to the studio to join the workshop for their new series. "Hi, nong! How are you?" He asked while getting a tight hug from the youngest of the five member boy band. Right now, the two are outside the studio by the hallway, and are about to go in. Bas then noticed the man who was walking with Tee earlier. "Who's behind you-- oh my god? P'Ken?" Bas' eyes widened at the sight of one of the famous Lakorn actors in the country. "Hello!" "Can I have an autograph?" Bas said before fishing out a small notebook and a pen from his pocket. "Bas!" Tee stopped the younger guy from extending his hand with a notebook and a pen. He turned to his companion who sent him to the studio and apologized. "It's fine, Nong. I can sign it." Ken said with a wink. Tee could only say thank you inaudibly which Bas saw and hugged his Phi for it. After which, Bas thanked Ken and left, skipping into the studio, looking so cheerful while admiring the actor's signature on the paper. "Phi..." Tee turned to Ken when the latter snaked a hand behind his back and squeezed on it. He got cornered against the wall. "No one's around. Besides, no one will be jealous, right?" Tee chuckled. "Yeah, no one." The two of them are looking at each other, the tension was high until someone broke the moment. "P'Tee?" Tee glanced past Ken's head and saw Copter with Kimmon and Tae behind him. "Oh, hi Cop." he turned to Ken and pressed an index finger on his lips. "Gotta go. I told you we'll be busy today." "So? I said I was dropping you off." Tee smiled with a raised brow. "And you did." "Alright. So... Tonight?" "Sure. I'll meet you at the usual place." Ken smiled with victory. "See you tonight, babe." "Mm." Ken kissed Tee's forehead before turning around and walking away, not giving a single glance to the other three's astounded faces. Tee gave his band mates an innocent 'what?' and entered the studio. "Gosh, I'm so tired." Tee slumped his body on the only available couch inside the dressing room. The other four of his band mates were still puzzled why Ken, the actor was with him though at the back of their minds, they kind of deduced what was going on already. While Tee retired on the seat, closing his eyes, leaning his head on the arm rest, one pair of eyes was glaring at him. Angry. But he couldn't say why he was angry. The workshop began again after the much needed rest and lunch. Exercise after another was done by the participants. One of them was a one on one acting of a certain scene in the series. "Argh! You're doing it wrong!" Tae suddenly snapped at Tee. "W-what do you mean I was doing it wrong?" He turned to the trainer and asked. "Was I?" "Maybe it was a little lacking, Nong. We can try again. It wasn't that bad. Your acting was good, it just needs a little more...what you say, a kick. Make a bit more snappy." Tee nodded to the trainer but glared at his acting partner. He felt that he didn't deserve to be yelled at by him. They did the exercise once again and the trainer was satisfied. Very much so. "Alright! Take 15!" The trainer called to give a break to everyone. Tee walked towards the end of the studio sat down, leaning his back against the wall, took out his phone from his backpack and checked his messages. His stress and tiredness swiftly disappeared after seeing a text message. A... ...Cake? Hahahaha! See you later, Lil bunny. Don't forget to eat and drink plenty of water. Fighting!> Ken had saved his name on Tee's phone as Daddy K. It was only two days ago when Tee finally agreed to date his secret suitor of one year. No one knows yet. Except for Jenean and Ken's family who had been supportive of his decision to court and ask Tee to be his boyfriend. The workshop ended before five o'clock. Everybody was tired and was just about ready to go home and sleep the rest of the afternoon. "You got plans, P'Tee?" Bas approached the older one and clung his arm around his. "Mm. Yup. Why?" "Let me meet P'Ken again." Tee laughed and pinched his bandmate's nose. "I'm telling Godt you're crushing on someone." "What? It's not like we're dating already. He's too slow. I've been throwing hints and he's too dumb to notice it. His height doesn't make up for that stupidity and him being dense." Tee chuckled and ruffled Bas' hair. "Find someone else who'll see your true worth." "Well... How about P'Ken. He's hot." Bas' twinkled as he leaned on Tee's shoulder. Tee just shook his head while smiling. The older one was just done putting his stuff back in his bag while he was telling  Bas, "Well, he's taken. So, not him." "Owh. I knew it. You're dating him! I was too late." the youngest of the band was playfully pouting against Tee's chest when the three figures walked towards them. "Y-you're dating P'Ken?" Kimmon asked in surprise. Copter was gaping. Tae's face was unreadable. Tee smiled thinly and turned around to see three pairs of eyes boring holes on him. He shrugged before turning back to his backpack and telling Bas he had to go. "I'll go first. See you guys tomorrow." After waving goodbye, Tee left and headed outside the building. A week had passed and Ken would still sneakily send Tee to his job. He's good at hiding his face from the prying eyes of Tee's coworkers. But the band members know him and so does Tee's manager. During road shows and fanmeets, fans didn't notice any change in Tee but the sourness of Tae's face that appears from time to time. Just over a week ago, he was acting all cute and playful with the other three members of the band when Tee wasn't around. It's all gone now. "You're getting on my nerves." Tae told Tee after one fanmeet and they're now inside their dressing room, just the two of them. "I am? I wonder why." Tee said nonchalantly as he sat on the couch, fixing his clothes to leave for the day. Tae stood in front of him, eyes looking at Tee instensly. "You're really dating that man?" Tee smirked. "What's in it to you? As far as I know, we're just a pair on screen." He looked up and meet the older man's eyes before getting up. "It's bad for our image, Nong." "Oh yeah? How about when you said you prefer Copter if you were to choose a boyfriend?" "Is this what this is about? That stupid interview?" "Tsk. Don't think so. Besides, why would I date someone just for that reason. That doesn't make sense. I like him and I accepted him. A year was enough." "A year? He's been courting you for a year? You can't do this." Tae heaved a painful sigh. "You're gonna wreck our pair with this." "Let it sink. I've been tired keeping it afloat anyway." Shoving Tae by his shoulder, he walked towards the door to leave. "I don't need your intervention on my choice of relationship. You see, he...is my ideal boyfriend. It's only practical I'd be with him. See ya." Before Tee could open the door, it was slammed close by the pair of hands, now pressed at the door with him imprisoned between the two arms. He snorted. "This again? You did this the other day, too. Now, let me go the way you did." "I won't." Tee looked back to Tae with indifference. "What do you want?" "You. Break up with him." "Oh, please. You have no right to tell me that. Now, if you please let go?" Tae slammad at the door again. "I said, I won't." Knock knock... Tee sighed in relief when someone knocked at the door. Tae had to let him go unwillingly. Two weeks later, the band members finally had a day off. Tee went home to the north and planned to spend time with his family. That evening, Tae showed up at his house when Tee was by himself. "I'm here to win your heart." Tae said with a bouquet of white roses in one hand. Tee squinted his eyes on the older guy and slammed the door in his face. "Ass. Win my heart, my ass." He murmured and went back to the giving room watch a movie. Knock knock... Tee ignored the door. It became persistent and on the last knock, he stomped his way back to the entrance hallway to open the door. "Didn't you get it? It means I don't want i--" Tae fell into Tee before he could finish his words. "What the-- " "Why'd you let him pass out outside? It's so hot out there." Tee's mom said to her son as the latter tidied the bed Tae was laying on. "I didn't know he'll pass out. And I told him to leave." "The neighbor said you slammed the door on him." "No, I didn't." "Yes, you did." a weak sounding voice interjected. "Mae, he slammed it and left me outside." Tae said in an almost helpless voice. Tee's mom's eyes widened and smacked her son's arm. "You're horrible. How could you do that to him? He's gonna be my son-in-law." "Son-in-- what?!" Tee was flabbergasted. "You two are dating, of course it will lead to marriage one day. Tae already asked me." Tee's mom got up and told Tae to stay put while she gets him something to drink. Tee dating Ken is still unknown to his family. He's been planning to tell them when he was ready. "You!" Tee turned to Tae angrily after his mom left his bedroom. "What the hell are you doing?!" Tae played innocent and just smiled. He had tried many times to make Tee break up with Ken. He failed. So he went behind his back and won his family' heart first. It was easy. "Do you want to me to tell the world that we're dating now or you do it. Either way, you're mine now." Tae said with a mischievous grin on his face. "Says who?" "Both sides of our family." Tae answered and made himself comfortable in Tee's bed. "You can be angry all you want but I've looked back and I realized... I can't let anyone have you. You're mine. So...deal with it." With his blood pressure rising, Tee grabbed what he could and threw it at Tae. A pillow. His slippers. The TV remote. "How dare you!!! I told you, you have no right!!!" "Baby, don't do that. I'm still hurt." Tee's eyes widened at Tae's words and then noticed his mother had already opened the door. "Oops. Lovers' quarrel. My bad." With that, she closed the door and left. "Are you kidding me?!" Tee threw the bear he got from Tae one of his birthdays. "Asshole!" "Mm? Doesn't matter. What? Yours or mine?" Tae asked while patting the space on the bed next to him as he lay sideways facing the angry and red faced Tee. "Argh!!!" Though he screamed and was pulling at his hair, it won't change anything. Tae had made his move and Tee had no escape. This is what happens when a possessive man gets hold of his ultimate inner beast and acts on his desire to get what he wants, whichever way he could. The end. -ZiaJang
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