Singer x Spy Part 3: You Are the Reason

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Previously...  Bangkok, Thailand  Shangri-la Hotel Room 2517 December 30, 2018 Sunday 04:00 Light footsteps were almost not heard against the carpeted floor of the hotel room as a figure made his way towards the door. It opened and closed softly and the figure was gone. Dex lays his naked body on the bed. The spot next to him was still warm. Slowly, he opened his eyes as tears started falling. Then the tears turned to light sobs. 'Ash... Please don't leave again.' But Ash was already gone. He left. He already did. Every year this happens. Every year Ash comes to Dex. And every year he leaves. 'Why can't you just stay with me, Ash.' 'I love you.' Somewhere in Bangkok December 30, 2018, 05:30 Ash stood still as he stared at the headstone in front of him. He held a single white rose and laid it in front. Looking up to the sky that was still devoid of light, he prayed silently. "Make it brighter faster, please." As he lowered his head again, he knelt in front of his parents' grave. "Mom. Dad...This might be my last visit. If I do come back, that's a good sign. But if I don't... I would like to ask you guys a favor... There is this person I met seven years ago. He is very special to me. I am not even worthy of him. He's like a ray of happiness that brings me out of the dark when I needed it most. I killed. I betrayed people. I am.... ...I'm dirty. If I don't make it this time, please. Please look after this special person for me. I love him. I know that I shouldn't. But I love him. Please watch over him for me. Make sure he is happy. And will always be happy. That's all I ask. Mom. Dad. I have to go now. I love you guys. We might see each other soon. Who knows..." Ash stood up and he breathed in shakily as he tried to suppress his cries from coming out. But tears still found their way down his cheeks. "Goodbye." *** Canadian-US border January 17, 2018 "f**k! I should have known." Ash muttered as he ran in the middle of a thick pine forest. He needed to get to his car fast. But the winter snow was not helping. Canadian winter is just as bad as the northern United States. Ash's pursuers have proper gear. He doesn't. He didn't get a chance to change after his 'job' almost got ruined. He was running in dress shoes and a perfect suit on a foot deep snow. It wasn't exactly his plan. Everything was simple. He was to infiltrate the private party in the middle of nowhere where the elite, high level politicians, biggest celebrities were inside the big mansion. It's a secluded mansion on the outside. It's a black market venue on the inside, two levels down below it. Ash's target— a prince. Well, selling your own people and country doesn't really qualify you as a good prince anymore. His job was to eliminate the said royalty. Ash thought gathering information to get to this mission was the hardest part. He thought wrong. He could have died a few days ago when he landed in Paris to gather intel. The Arabian prince was there. Now... How the hell does he get out of this situation? As an agent, he knee it's all about sense of direction and strategy. He had to make them think he was heading for the road. He would hide for a few minutes if he has to. Running blind wasn't good. After what feels like forever for Ash, hiding and covering his tracks, he saw his awaiting vehicle. Well hidden. 'Those guys were dumb. Luckily their dogs were dumb, too.' He thought to himself smugly but importantly, he was relieved. Ash got in his car and headed for the Wisconsin border. Even if his pursuers catch his car later, as long as it's empty, it won't matter. Especially when it's burning to nothing by the time they find it. Seattle, WA January 18, 2018 Ash stepped out of his car and stood outside by the secluded off-road. Using a laptop, he logged in to the anonymous site, went through hoops then got to the real site with the black page. He typed a few letters, then the page turned white. Words appeared as he waited in front of the laptop. Code X: Set is clear. After reading the message, Ash closed the laptop and put it inside the burn barrel next to him laying in the middle of nowhere. He then walked back to his car. The laptop incinerated inside the barrel as he drove away. The message means his boss confirmed his kill. The mission was complete. Miami Airport  January 30, 2019 Ash arrived in Miami from Washington a few days after his last mission. And he was now trying to enjoy his cappuccino inside a shop at the airport. Sitting there, he recalled the events from a few days ago. It wasn't one of his difficult missions but his mind wasn't on it a hundred percent. Ash's mind wandered back to when he last left the man he's been in love for the past seven years. The man he knows he betrayed. He used his love for a week in a year. Without even saying goodbye formally, he would leave. But Dex waited. Every. Year. 'I can't keep doing this to him. He deserves the best. He deserves to know. I'll take what he can give after. If he still takes me then... If not.' After his coffee, Ash took a taxi from the airport to get to the port so he can board a ferry that will take him to the Bahamas. He needed to talk to his boss. In person. The Bahamas January 30, 2019 "You've only turned twenty six. Why the sudden change?" A man said after taking a drink from his glass of vodka. He was sitting on a beach chair next to a younger guy. "I want to live." The twenty six year old replied. "You are living, son." The older man said without turning away from the view in front of him, the beach. "A better life, father." The older man finally turned to his left and looked at his child. "You fell in love, didn't you." "Yes." The son said bluntly. He doesn't need to hide it. Nothing escapes the knowledge of his father, his boss. No matter how hard he will try and cover it up, it's no use. "Same person?" The father asked. The young man only nodded. "Tsk. I thought I taught you better, Ash." "I'm still alive, aren't I?" "True." "So..." Ash sighed deeply "How do I get out of this?" He was nervous. But he had to be firm and get concrete answers. He's never asked anything for years he worked for his father but to meet the person he fell in love with. And now, he wanted to make the ultimate wish. A way out. "You don't." Ash's father replied, his face expressionless. It rendered Ash clenching his jaws and fists. "Our group is not made for quitters, Ashland." "I'd like to not hear or use that name. Ever again." Another wish... "It's not a name." Ash's father responded. "It's you." "Father." "This is my sacred place, Ash. You barged in unannounced. You expect me to be happy?" "I didn't." Ash didn't flinch from his father's cold tone. "I expected answers." "I gave you one." "Not the one I wanted to hear." The father and son stared at each other for a few seconds, neither one was yielding. "Tell me one thing, Ash." Ash's father finally broke the uncomfortable silence. "Did you ever shed a tear for me?" "No." Ash answered, his poker face plastered on his face. "Your mother?" "No." "Peter?" "No." "He was a good rabbit." The older managed to smile thinly. "A coyote still ate him after being snatched and killed by Rudolph." "...." "Rudolph, your dog?" Ash's father continued to ask. "No." "How about your parents. Biological parents?" Ash paused for a second. "No." "Hm. How about this love affair... Did you ever shed a tear?" Ash clenched his jaws. Almost too hard. His father glanced at him, his eyes calculating every twitch in Ash's face. "I see." He said with a small nod. Ash remained quiet. He has never shed a tear on anyone. But one. His father continued after a long silence. "I can't burn 'Ashland'." He said then gulped another file of his drink. "He never existed." Ash's face lit up. He knows his father's language. He was hoping... "Don't be too happy yet, son." Ash cleared his throat. "Yes, father." "CIA-Code X is the black ops of all black ops. Ashland was never an agent." Ash's face wrinkled at his father's statement. "I knew you'd be a great black operative just like I was." "Just like you ARE, father." "Yeah." Ash's father said, dejectedly. "I have no way out. Well. Unless I get a burn notice and be stuck. Preferably. Here. I love the beach. I can be an aimless fisherman or a homeless man..." He chuckled. "And the women?" Ash added. "Don't tell your mother." "Tsk." "I didn't cheat on her, I swear." Ash's father sighed in his defense. "Keep telling yourself that." Theodore can't argue about his love problem with his son. "Anyway, about your status --" "Yeah." "Ashland was a ghost. You're my son. My legacy. I didn't want a certain government take advantage of my masterpiece. They already have plenty from myself." "Dad. I-" "I only have one very special agent. Mine. Was mine." Ash smiled at his father. Warmly. "Now, don't be emotional with me, kid" Ash chuckled. This is the longest he's had a talk with his father. "You are your own agent now, Ash. Or whatever you choose to be." Ash was about to give his father a hug when the old man stopped him. "We don't do hugs, kid." But Ash was stubborn. He hugged his father so tight, the old man almost fell on the sand. "Okay-okay. I felt the love, kid." Ash just giggled inwardly after almost suffocating the old man. "You have a flight to catch, right?" the old man asked. Ash nodded. Still smiling. "Go. We are attracting more daddy long legs here." Ash got up, his smile wasn't leaving his face. "You know how to contact me. As your father." "Yes dad." Ash smiled one more time before he got to his heels and left. Upon reaching a room at Grand Hyatt Baha Mar, Ash gathered the little luggage he has. He opened a burner phone and sent a text to a local number. On the other side of the building, under a beach umbrella, Theodore laughed at a text he received. Bangkok, Thailand  February 13, 2019 The city was loving the pre-Valentine atmosphere. Young lovers were excited, especially the concert goers. The Royal Paragon was on standby for the Valentine concert of the year. Even singles didn't mind being single as long they see the performer tomorrow, the biggest solo concert of one of the biggest stars in the country. Some fans even flew all the way to Bangkok City to celebrate the special night with the man they admire so much. In the front of the hall was the name of one of the biggest celebrities in Thailand, displayed for all to see. Dex  Valentine Concert Special 2019 "My Songs Of You" *** Siam Kempinski Hotel 20:00 Dex  was very nervous. His concert is tomorrow night and right now, he felt like a woman in labor as he paced back and forth across his hotel room. "Dex!" A very good of his, Kyle Khemmonta voiced out. "Settle down! You're making me dizzy watching you." He whined in frustration as he sat on the couch in front of Dex. "What?" Dex hissed as he stopped, placing his hands in his waist. "I'm nervous, okay!" "Right!" Kyle retorted "But this isn't your first rodeo, , now is it? Calm down. You'll be fine." "But it's my first solo Valentine's Day concert." Dex returned Kyle's incredulous stare at him. "So?" "So?" Dex's brows furrowed deeply as he grimaced. "People are crazy on Valentine's!" "Phi..." Kyle sighed. "I think it's just because you don't have a 'valentine'." "f**k you, Kim!" Kyle laughed. He can always rile up this man's emotions by mentioning how single the singer was. "But seriously." Kyle tilted his head as he leaned back on the couch. "...Whatever happened to that 'KhunYing' of yours?" Dex glared at the younger guy sitting on the couch like he owned it. "Okay. Okay." Kyle raised his hands as a sign of backing down. "Don't mention. Don't ask. Got it." "Don't you have to meet Carter in an hour?" Dex asked who seemed to have enough time to tease him but forgot his own date. "s**t!" Kyle grabbed his backpack off the couch and quickly checked the clothes he was wearing, "How do I look?" He got a smack in the arm from Dex instead of an answer. Kim chortled as he headed to the door in a hurry. His lover can be a little grumpy when he's late. "See you tomorrow'! You will do great! Bye!" Slam! "Dick." Something about saying bye and closing doors doesn't sit right with Dex. He hates it. Sighing, he sat down on the bed and rubbed his face up and down with his palms. 'It'll be fine. It will be fine.' Ding! Hearing the text tone, Dex got up and reached for his phone in his suit jacket he wore earlier at dinner. He had hung it on the coat rack by the window. "Third text in a month." Dex muttered to himself while his chest began to hammer. "That's got to be a record." 'What does it all mean, Ash?' Dex thought as he stared at his phone screen. Ding! Dex looked down on his shirt and noticed the stupid design on it. He couldn't make out the pattern, random symbols on his shirt. "What— " Dex's face was filled with confusion, wondering how he managed to wear such a shirt and how the texter knows. Ding! "What the f**k!" He hissed, his heart beating hard and his ears turning red. He was getting anxious. Without thinking, Dex rummaged through his suitcase and took out another shirt -- a plain navy blue one. He looked at himself in the mirror and he was satisfied. Then stood in front of his hotel window. He dialed the unknown number hoping what he thought was right. "Pick up... please pick up!" Toot.toot.toot. It was busy. He dialed again. "Hello, Dex." Dex's heartbeat went helter-skelter hearing the voice from the other line. "Ash..." "How are you  feeling?" "Nervous." Dex responded, eyes roaming at every window of the hotel across his. "That's normal." Ash said softly "Where are you, Ash?" "Somewhere." "Come on, Ash.  Please don't tease, na?" Dex was desperate to find a figure watching him from afar. He kept looking. "I missed you, Dex." Dex bit his bottom lip hearing those words. It warmed his heart amidst the cold February night. "I missed you more, baby." Dex rasped against the phone. "You should be resting  plenty. For tomorrow." "I have all day tomorrow to rest. Please. Tell me where you are." "Paparazzi will be all over  your ass if we see each other." "I DON'T CARE!!!" Dex bellowed in desperation. "Just...Just tell me where you are. I beg you, love." There was silence after after Dex begged but he waited. He settled with listening to the soft breathing from the other line as he waited. "Five minutes." Ash replied. "What—" The line died. "What the f**k?!" Dex's heart sank when the call was cut. He swallowed painfully and dialed again. It rang. And... nothing. "s**t!" Dex panicked and his fingers shakily dialed the number again and again. Dialing... "The number you have dialed  is not available." Dialing.... "The number you have dialed is not available. "f**k!" Dex slumped his body onto the couch. He laid his head and back against the soft backrest, his chest heaving in agony. Dex closed his eyes as he tried hard not to cry. "How many more times do you intend to break me, Ash? Love... Please... A knock came at the door. "Room service." Dex got up hesitantly, his mind filled with sadness and thoughts of the person he talked a few minutes ago. He walked towards the door and opened it. "I didn't order any—” "Hello, Dex..." "Ash..." "I did say five min—” Dex didn't let Ash finish his words. He pulled the man in a hotel staff uniform towards him and bury the guy's face in his chest. " Ash... It's you." He half whispered, his nerves shaking as he hugged the other close. Dex's tears started falling. He hugged the man he missed so bad for as long as he wanted. "You're bad for my heart, baby." Seconds later, he felt a damp on his shirt. He pulled away from the embrace a little and cupped Ash's face. "You're crying?" "Like you aren't." Ash chuckled. He bit his lower lip. "Stop the tears. You need your voice tomorrow." Dex smiled bitterly as he wiped the tears from Ash's eyes using his thumbs. Then he rubbed the back of his own hand to wipe his own tears. Ash watched his big baby before he touched Dex's chest where his tears have stained the shirt. "Sorry about the shirt." Dex looked down on his chest where Ash's hand was then grabbed it gently. He placed the said hand on his face and closed his eyes. Ash's hand was cold. It was lightly calloused but for Dex, it was beautiful. 'He's really here.' He thought as he rubbed his cheek against Ash's palm. When Dex opened his eyes, his gaze met Ash's warm one. "Dex..." Ash removed his hand from Dex's face but put both arms around the taller man's neck. He kept his eyes locked on Dex's and smiled softly. "I'm not going anywhere." A warm smile broke from Dex as well. But still, he was doubtful. He rounded his arms on Ash's waist and pulled their bodies closer. Closer as he could. Their faces were only an inch apart. "I'm really not going anywhere." Ash rasped, his mouth blowing hot breaths to the taller man. "You can even tie me up." Dex smirked. "I tried that before. It didn't work..." Ash chuckled softly. He remembered Dex's little attempt to cage him inside their hotel room in Shangri-la. "Try again...and again... And again." Dex's face turned serious, but his grip remained tight on Ash. "You're giving me the right to?" Ash smiled. He pressed a hand against Dex's nape as he bit the side of his lip. "If you choose to take it..." Dex blinked as he waited for Ash to continue. "...I'm all yours." No more words were needed. Dex closed their gap and sealed the statement with a passionate kiss. He ravished Ash's mouth like he has been hungry for longer than a year. Ash was only gone for 6 weeks this time. Still. Too long. Ash responded to the kiss just as passionate. He put his hands on Dex's chest and began unbuttoning the shirt. He moaned as Dex's tongue plundered into his mouth and explored the warmth there. Meanwhile, Dex's hands were also busy trying to free Ash from his hotel staff uniform. Wherever he took it from. He would love to play the guest - hotel staff kink but right now, all he wanted was a naked Ash. In front of him. Or underneath him. Or above his crotch. Before long, two naked hot bodies were attached to one another, hovering the loveseat couch inside the hotel room. Ash has his hands on the back of the couch, trying to hold his balance as his knees sunk on the soft seat. Dex was behind Ash, ramming his c**k inside the latter's hole. "Ah!" Ash threw his head back as his sweet spot got assaulted over and over again. "Dex! Ahhnn.." "Ash. My Ash..." Dex rasped as he pounded on Ash's ass. He forgot how long they've been at it since Ash declared himself as 'his'. Ash had already come twice. One at the door while being f****d against it. One on the bed. Dex has c*m once. He wanted to last and enjoy every second of their union. Ash's hole was clenching tight around Dex's c**k and the latter grunted hard. "f**k! Don't tighten, baby." He demanded as he thrust his length harder inside his lover's love hole. "Ah!! Dex." Ash gripped on the couch. "! "You like it fast, baby." Dex smirked as he clasped his right hand on Ash's right shoulder, the other on top of his backside caressing it. Ash has a lovely back. Very beautiful. He then trailed kisses and bites on Ash's back as he kept ramming his c**k inside of him. "Ssss...Ah! f**k!" Ash felt the pain of his lover's bites. Pleasurable pain he calls it. "You're mine, Ash." Dex hissed under his breath. "Mine." "Ah...ahhh. ..Yes! Ah!" "Say it!" Dex demanded, hunger for a confirmation. "Ah!" Ash could utter no more words. He's lost in his heaven, sent to oblivion by the heavenly assault on his ass. "Say it, Ash! Say you're mine." Dex's grip on Ash's hips tightened. He lowered his head towards Ash's back. "Say it!" He hissed at the back of Ash's ear. Ash is almost cuming. His lover's dominance was turning him on. Really hard. And he let himself enjoy it. Dex wrapped one hand around Ash's twitching c**k. "Say you're mine or I won't let you c*m. .." Dex continued hissing. Ash felt his hair all over his body rise. He has never been caught and tortured all those years of dangerous operations. If he did, he hoped now that it won't be Dex and his painful hold on him. A c**k-hold. If it's Dex, even the most sensitive, classified information he holds won't be safe. Ash will talk. "f**k! Dex...please." Dex begged as he was pulled against his lover's chest. "I... I want to cum." "You know what I want, baby." Dex husked against Ash's ear as he continued his assault on Ash's ass and prostate, not letting go of his hand around Ash's c**k. Ash lifted his head, turned it half way to meet Dex's face. He used his left hand to pull his man for a kiss. One hand still on the back of the couch holding his balance. Breathless, he pulled away from the kiss, face drunk in heat, lips swollen red. He looked into his lover's eyes, with all the love he has for him. "For always...I am... and will be yours, Dex..."I  "... I love you." "f**k!" Dex burst inside Ash's ass because of the confession. Feeling the shooting sensation and as Dex let go of of his length, Ash also came. On the couch. Hard. This was the first time Ash mentioned the word love and Dex couldn't contain his happiness. He came undone just like that. Both bodies were exhausted. Ash fell on the couch after his knees gave up on him. Dex used his remaining strength and flipped Ash over. He sat on the couch and put Ash on his lap, riding position. While facing each other, faces still drunk from their climax, the lovers looked deep into each other's eyes. Dex brought his hand on Ash's left cheek and he caressed it ever so softly. Ash put his left hand on top of Dex's right hand that was placed on his cheek. They both smiled at each other, lovingly. "I love you, Ash." "I love you too, Dex." Bangkok, Thailand  February 14, 2019 Siam Kempinski Hotel 06:00 "Ahn... Dex... Stop..." Ash grabbed his lover's hair and gently tried to remove him from between his legs. "Hm?" Dex looked after his mouth let go of his lover's c**k. "But this microphone is way better, baby." He winked at the blushing man lying down on his back before he continued sucking on that delectable member. "Ahnn. .Dex... " "Hm?" Dex hummed whilst not stopping. "We don't have much time -- Ahhnnn..." Ash moaned, hands under his pillow gripping on it tight. Dex kept sucking on Ash's length as he prepared the younger man's hole. He couldn't get enough of him. They just woke up. "Dex...ahn. .. Just.. Oh, f**k!" He grunted as Dex's lube coated fingers assaulted his hole repeatedly while sucking his c**k. "Just f**k me already!" Dex lifted his head from Ash's crotch, smirking. He put Ash's body next to him in spooning position before he guided his c**k inside Ash's wet and awaiting hole. "Ah!" Ash gasped. He fisted his hand on the sheet while Dex pounded his love hole from behind him. Dex pulled Ash even closer in their spooning position, kissing Ash's lips as he tilted his head. He then placed one hand on Ash's abdomen and started ramming his c**k inside, hard and fast. Ash knew that they have to do this quick. Dex has a few hours to catch some rest then head for a little rehearsal before his concert starts at 20:00 Bangkok time. That's 8pm. Royal Paragon Hall 19:55 A beautiful man wearing all black- pants, shoes, and shirt folded to his elbows made his way to the front seats. Some awaiting audience were giggling and murmuring as the said man smiled at them. "He's cute." "And alone." "Single too?" "He's a fan of Dex?" "He's gorgeous!" "Kyah! He smiled  at me!" "I think we're forgetting  we're at Dex's concert." "Who cares! They can both have me!" "You wish!" "Shhh! It's starting!" An announcer's voice soon roared inside the concert hall welcoming the audience. The cheers and whistles of the crowd rivaled the beat that made the opening for the Valentine's Day concert. "Are you ready?!!!" The voice from the background made the audience go even wilder. A figure soon slowly appeared at the center of the stage from down below. He wore an all white pants, shoes, and shirt with white jacket. The only color on his outfit was the single red tulip on his suit jacket's chest pocket. "Please welcome. DEX!!! !!!" One year and a month later... Bali, Indonesia Two men, both wearing only a pair of swim shorts, sat on the edge of a natural pool. They were enjoying the view in front of them from a hillside where they were at, their private cabin behind them. "Isn't our anniversary date gonna be weird?" Ash spoke as leaned his head on Dex's shoulder. Dex chuckled. "You're the one who confessed your 'I love you' on the same date. February 13." Ash turned sideways to his right and lightly punched Dex's side. "You're the one who wanted to get married on the same date." "I love that day." Dex said with a smile. "February 13 was the first day you told me you love me. It was the day you surrendered to me completely. It was the day you stayed. ...And never left." Ash smiled lovingly at his husband. He jumped into the pool, stood at the bottom, and put his body between Dex's legs hanging by the waters. "You are a cheesy romantic." Ash placed and ran his palms on his husband's knees. Dex grinned while meeting his husband's playful gaze. He then placed his own hands on top of Ash's which were still on his knees. "You made me so happy for agreeing to marry me last month. I don't care about the weirdness of the date. It's a beautiful and happy day for me. For us." Ash nodded with a smile before he tiptoed and met his husband's lips for a kiss. He then grabbed a remote control laying next to Dex. He pressed a button and his favorite song sung by his husband in his concert last year, played in the background. "And this last song is a special request from someone. Someone I love. Someone I love most. My future. My everything." "...From secret love. To goodbyes. To us. Our present. And our forever. My love, this is for you... You said I have the right. So I'm taking it. I'll tie you with me. Forever. There is no escape, baby. Not anymore." "Ash Martel, marry me." And as the music plays to the tune of "You Are The Reason", the newlyweds deepened their kiss, a very passionate kiss... one of the many more to come. *** Inside the cabin.... The screen on Ash's private phone flashed as a message was delivered. Code X: I've been burned. You know where to find me.

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