Runaway Luna

1363 Words
“Janet,” Tony warned as they walked off the airplane and onto the runway. “No funny business now that we’re here.” Janet batted her eyelashed inoccently at Tony. “You know I wouldn’t dream of getting you in trouble.” Tony snorted. “Yeah right, I know what’s going on in that head of yours. You’re just waiting for an opening,” Tony said dryly. "You don't give a rat's ass how things might end up badly for me." Janet pretended to look aghast. "Brother I promise not to do anything that might implicate you or put you in a bad light," Janet mocked. "Never mind the fact that you're basically throwing me to the wolves here," Janet muttered. “Luna,” a man said. He was dressed in a black suit, had sandy brown hair and intense deep blue eyes. He inclined his head in respect. “I am Beta Owen. I’ve been tasked with escorting you to the palace along with my strongest warriors.” Owen motioned to ten other men who wore black pants and sweaters as their uniform. Janet scoffed. Amateurs. “Well…nice to mee you. I’m Beta Tony,” Tony said amicably, reaching a hand out to shake with Owen. “Let’s get going.” “No offense Beta Tony,” Owen said formally, brusquely shaking Tony’s hand and letting go as if it was on fire. “But we can take it from here. We are more than capable of pretectong our Luna Queen. You and your men can go home. Or we can arrange for a hotel near the airport where you can rest before leaving.” Tony looked at Owen sharply. “I think it would be good for everyone involved if we escorted her to the palace before leaving,” Tony said reasonably. “My instructions are to bring Luna Janet back alone. Your people may come visit her at a later date. These are confidential matters of state. We don’t want to attract too much attention and a contingent of over fifteen men escorting one female would do just that,” Owen said stubbornly. Tony let out a frustrated huff. He hadn't expected this. “Listen pal-“ Tony began angrily. “-I don’t think you understand exactly what-“ “Tony stop,” Janet said sweetly with a big smile on her face. She'd just found her opening. “I’m perfectly fine going alone with them. If I don’t have a problem, you shouldn’t either,” Janet ended. She turned to look at Owen and motioned towards the SUVs lined up on the runway behind him. “Let’s go,” Janet said cheerfully. She didn’t look back once at Tony. “It’s your funeral,” Tony muttered to Owen before finally aceeding. "Don't say I didn't warn you!" was Tony's parting remark to their retreating backs. Owen looked at Tony in confusion before getting into the front seat of one of the black SUVs. Tony noted the cellphone jammers attached to the roofs. These people weren’t kidding around when it came to Janet’s security. But little did they know…Tony wasn’t trying to go with them for Janet’s protection. He’d been trying to protect them from Janet. They’d find out soon enough. * * * “I need to use the bathroom!” Janet quipped about an hour into their journey. She folded the map Owen had given her and put it in the front pocket of her black backpack she had with her. Owen had already told her that the airport was about three hours away from Cheshire. He’d promptly cut the driver off while the driver had asked why they simply hadn’t flown their private jet to pick the Luna to save time. What Janet didn’t know was that Owen was trying ot hide the fact that Nick didn’t know she was coming. An authorization for taking the jet would have alerted him. Janet thought that Owen was just being rude to the poor man because he was a driver. It made her feel infinitely better about what she planned to do. “You…need to” Owen asked blankly, turning to look at her from the front passenger seat. “Now,” Janet said stubbornly. “O.K. well let’s see where the closest stop is," Owen said decidedly. "And then we’ll-“ “Now,” Janet reiterated trying her best to sound authorative. It wasn’t hard. She was used to getting what she wanted with her brothers. “Or I’ll end up peeing my pants.” Owen looked absolutely stunned over Janet’s crude language. “Um okay…stop the car…now,” Owen directed the driver. They stopped on the roadside. Janet promptly kicked the door open with her black combat boots and began making her way towards the trees. She heard about five men trailing her. “I need privacy!” Janet yelled out, turning to stare at them all angrily. “But Luna…we can’t let you go into the woods alone,” Owen reasoned. “If you have to use the loo, wouldn’t it be better to wait until we get somewhere…safer?” he asked hopefully. Janet shook her head. “I need to go now,” Janet stated loudly and turned to walk deeper into the woods. She let out a sigh of relief when she was sure no one was following her. She crouched down low on the ground and took her leather jacket off “I’m going to pee!” Janet called out loudly. “No one come here! I’m really….shy!” Janet landed on the right word with triumph as she tugged at the blue glass crystal shaped necklace around her neck. The leaves and twigs rustled under her as she took off her clothes and shifted. She knew the way to her University. She used her mouth to pick up her folded clothes and put them in the backpack that she’d had slung over her back as a human. Then she broke her crystal necklace with her front left paw so that the herbs and essence of sage would be released onto her to hide her scent. She really owed Melanie, her brother’s half-witch mate, for creating that necklace for her. She then picked up her back pack with her mouth and began to run. She’d already mapped out the way, thanks to Owen showing her the map earlier. And even if she got lost, she still had the map. Janet calculated it would take them about ten minutes to figure out she’d made a run for it. Luckily, the sage would hide her scent. It was about 20 minutes into her run that Janet heard howls from afar reach her ears. She ducked her head and ran faster. There was a smirk on her wolf’s mouth. 20 minutes. She was ahead of the game. ‘They really are amateurs’ Janet said to herself as she ran even faster and saw the main road up ahead. She’d stick to the perimeter of the woods and keep going straight until the turn for Chester University came. She was already enrolled there and it wouldn’t be too hard to find housing as a student. Janet couldn’t believe her plan actually worked. She’d been expecting to be caught within minutes of escaping and here she’d basically made good on her plan! Tony had known she was going to do something like this. It’s why he’d tried to accompany her. Because he knew she’d only complied with the plan instead of escaping earlier because she didn’t want anyone to blame Tony. But Owen had given her the perfect opening when he’d insisted on Tony leaving. Now nothing could be pinned on her brother. Ofcourse Nick’s people might track her down at Chester University but hopefully by then she’d be so well integrated into the system that it would be near impossible to force her to go live at a stuffy old palace. Janet ran faster as she neared the edge of the woods. Things were going brilliantly and better than expected. She'd show Nick. She was not some puppet to be strung about howsoever he pleased.
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