Lycan Queen is leaving

356 Words
Hello Lovelies! If you missed my author live in December then here is some exciting news for you. Lycan Queen is in the process of a deep edit, there’s parts I absolutely hate and want to fix, and I went thru my readers comments on chapters and I’m tweaking somethings that majority of you readers didn’t like or care for. The published version WILL be somewhat different than the version on here. I have already written a brand new chapter between the original chapters 6&7. My editors and review team, have already read it and they love it! All of them have said it’s a great addition, it breaths more life and a lot of humor into that section of the book and that it was something they didn’t know they needed until they read it. Also the published version will end after the Alexander Wedding because I feel that’s a great spot to wrap up the first book so I can start plotting out the following books for the Crown Series. Once the edit is complete LQ will be published and available for purchase as an ebook, or a paperback book on Amäżon!!!! Eeekkk! I’m beside myself excited! I originally said that I was going to remove LQ from here at the end of December but I couldn’t bring myself to do it but I have too. So I will give my readers till Sunday of this weekend 02/04/2024 to reread this version again if you want to, but I will be removing it Sunday evening. Thank you again for all of your support and love for this book. I will be posting book release updates, promotional stuff and anything else LQ related on my Author Faceböök H. Crow! If you have any questions or words of encouragement please leave them in the comments and I will reply back. I’m very sorry to some readers who I took a few weeks to respond, Dreame wasn’t notifying me that I had new comments so I was not aware they were there. But I will check back regularly so I don’t miss any further comments! Xoxo! -Crow!
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