Chapter Ten

2447 Words

Chapter Ten ‘Anichka,’ said Diana. ‘Did you see signs of another way out?’ None, said Anichka. ‘Tasha?’ Diana said crisply (did nothing rattle the woman?) ‘Serpents. You’ve wandered these caves more than the rest of us. There must be another way out.’ There is, said Konrad. Tasha nodded. ‘It’s not a good way out, but it works.’ ‘Get us there,’ ordered Diana. I hope you know how to find it, Konrad said to Tasha. ‘Of course I do.’ Tasha set off — not in the direction of the door through which they had entered, but the other way. An arch loomed in a dark corner of the cave, so well tucked away Konrad had failed to notice it. Less promisingly, wisps of smoke drifted through it. Tasha, the fire seems to be that way. ‘The fire is all ways. This one also leads to an exit. What more do

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