The Agra

1289 Words
I quickly turn her around, hiding her from the dogs and the two goons coming our way as I pull her out of the area. Running as fast as I can, I hold her arm as if my life depended on it. Through the thick forest surrounding us. I hear the man running faster and the dogs barking louder, but I don't dare turn to look back. We run for too long and when she loses her breath; she shouts in between breathing out and in. “Where are we going? Are you kidnapping me, too?” I smile, and I want to stop running and explain to her. I am not kidnapping her. But I do not have time for an explanation right now. So I keep running as I stare into her eyes. “You are free to go anywhere you want to go, baby gal.” She lets my hand that is in hers go. She stands up for a second before walking steps away from me to position herself to stand still with her back on a tree. Taking deep breaths and holding her back by the tree. Sweat is covering all her pores. And I am forced to stand up, too frozen, watching her. I am scared. We need to keep moving. But it looks like she is not moving anytime. I am tempted to abduct her and pull her out of here, but I don't. I can't hear the dogs anymore, so I give myself hope she will decide as soon as possible. Before we get caught. Because I am sure the dogs are not too far enough. I close my eyes as I pray in my mind. Hoping Keirah understands that there is no way out of this. My uncle's men must be everywhere now, looking for her. And I am the only one here now to save her. We need to move. But she is not moving. What am I going to do? We are back to the beginning. It is as if she tied me on the spot. Just the way she had done when she walked away with my uncle at the bar yesterday. I can't do anything. I stand still and close my eyes, pushing away the memories and praying she understands the dangers of staying here. And the possibilities of what will happen if we get caught. After a while, with my ears hearing no movement from her. I plan perfectly to go on my knees to beg her to listen to me for once. We need to move now. I open my pleading eyes to see her already standing right in front of me. Keirah stands inches closer to me. Tiptoeing on her feet to bring herself to my length close to my mouth. I didn't see this coming. She has a mix of scare and desire all over her face just like yesterday on the dance floor. I was expecting to see the most scared person's expression of hers, which broke me when I held on to her earlier. An expression I do not want to see on her face ever again. But it had all vanished away. She watches me with a lustful grin covering her face. I can't bring myself to open my mouth. So, I just stare at her nonstop. Keirah pulls my head by the back to bring my mouth lower onto hers as I stand frozen. Digesting and registering what is happening. And before I know it, she is pulling my mouth onto hers for a deep, enthusiastic kiss. My worries rise. My body is alert. My mind thinks it won't be long now, and I will vomit on myself nonstop. Yesterday happened out of luck. I am not stupid to think I won't get nauseated again. I see the sweat. I see the saliva in her mouth and mentally get prepared. But when our lips meet each other for the second time, the connection between us sets itself up. We are back to yesterday. We are back on the dance floor. Keirah is all in, and so am I. Keirah holds on to me very tight, almost tearing me apart. Her eyes are closed; her lips are held between my mouth too tight. Turning me and holding me by a tree in a tight position that is too hard for me to move an inch. As much as I am trying to keep my body in check. My body is betraying me. My c**k is already too painfully erect in my pants. Just from having her kiss me like that. The same is happening to this woman in front of me. She is tearing off her clothes as if she is possessed. Possessed… “Jesus!!” It is true. She is possessed. How did I forget all about the Agra in her body? I see all the signs. It is not her mind. It's Agra. I turn my hand to look at my watch and I know her time is up. The Agra has reached its maximum activation. Keirah is shaking all over with no awareness of her surroundings as she holds on to me tightly. She isn't herself. I stand still, observing her through her actions. And the dilemma in my head is making me run crazy. Keirah jumps on me, hitting her body on me as she tries to take off my clothes. She tears all my clothes with all the force she can gather, and I stand frozen naked, watching her. I feel so bad watching her like this, hissing, and composing myself. With a regret-filled face, I hold on to her as I murmur. “I am so sorry.” Just from holding her face, I feel her body is overly burning. She is completely naked, just like me. And she is scratching her v****a, which is swelling beyond. Even from my point of view. The drug has passed its maximum activation time and is affecting her. She is running out of time. “Please f**k me… Please!” She begs in tears. I want her so badly. Despite all that, I can't bring myself to do what she is asking me about in her state. But what options do I have? She keeps scratching her v****a so badly. It is as if she has a rush inside her v****a that must be scratched or broken out of her lady part. She jumps around like a crazy person. “I NEED YOU TO TOUCH IT. SQUEEZE IT. DO ANYTHING TO JUST MAKE IT STOP.” She shouts, almost going into more tears. Jesus…. What can I do? If I do nothing, she will die. With tears already glancing in my eyes, I prepare a flat surface down the tallest tree she was leaning on earlier and carry her bridal style to put her in the ready-made area. I know what I should do first, but I don't have time. And thank God her juices are dripping through her thighs. I position my hand on her c******s, simulating it, while another hand works up her breast. Playing around her body with foreplay for some time, teasing her body. Wanting to build the pressure. So that it is not so bad when I get my fingers into her. And hoping it would take away the horny mess she is feeling. f*****g her with my one finger and she rides it. I add up another to have more pressure exerted. Her walls tighten up around my fingers, and when I feel her at her climax, I hold still. Wanting to build up an intensive orgasm for her. But it is of no help. She doesn't feel any better.
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