You Have Shattered All My Preconceptions

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All I felt was rage, I couldn’t swallow down the growl that erupted from my inner wolf when Rose showed me her neck, her shoulders and her stomach. I was sure probably her breasts had the tiny white scars too, but I did not want to push her to show me. Mostly because I was already doing my utmost to control my wolf’s desire for her, both lustful and protectively. She had looked at me with wide eyes when she heard the growl. I had mumbled something about being so mad I couldn’t help it. She seemed satisfied with my response, thankfully. We had made our way up to my apartment in comfortable silence. I was glad of the silence, more because I was trying to calm my wolf down. He wanted to go out and tear this f*****g Marco’s head off for hurting Rose. I promised him we would get the chance, he had to be patient and care for her right now. As we entered my apartment Rose looked around, she turned to me with a playful glint in her eye. It was good to see she was acting more like the feisty female I met in that dark alley. “Just as I imagined it to be, a minimalistic bachelor pad. Let me guess, you have a mirrored ceiling in your bedroom, right?” I frowned, mostly because I had considered the idea. Luckily, I hadn’t gotten around to it. “No, why the f**k would I have mirrored ceilings?” “I thought all bachelor pads came as standard, mirrored ceilings, voice activated lighting and sound system. You have shattered all my preconceptions, good for you”.  She looked up at me with the prettiest smile ever, I almost forgot my own name for a moment. “I don’t have a mirrored ceiling, but…lights on in kitchen and shower room”. The open plan kitchen attached to my lounge area lit up. I smirked down at Rose. “Some preconceptions of bachelor pads are true”. I laid my hand on her lower back as I guided her towards the kitchen. She took a seat on one of the stools next to the countertop. “What kind of topping do you like on your pizza?” She looked thoughtful for a moment. “I don’t know, I guess I don’t have a preference”. She looked down at her hands, why did she appear upset again over pizza toppings? “You like anything then; I can work with that. I have mozzarella, cured prosciutto, olives and tomatoes. How does that sound?” “It sounds wonderful. Do you mind if I use your restroom to freshen up before I eat? I still stink of tobacco smoke and bourbon after my shift at the bar”. I nodded at her with a smile. “Sure, have a shower, you’ll probably feel better after it. I can lend you some clothes so I can wash yours if you like?” She still seemed tense, but she managed a small smile back. “Thanks, that would be great”. “Wait here, I will get you some clothes and a towel”. I walked round the counter and headed for my bedroom. I had two options, either give her something of Belinda’s that had been left here, or one of my shirts and a pair of shorts. I opted for a combination of the two. I pulled out a black leather mini skirt from the bottom of my closet and grabbed one of my shirts from the drawer. I considered giving her a pair of Belinda’s panties that were here but thought better of it. Then again, it would mean she was naked under the skirt. I tried not to imagine it, my wolf was already hornier than a rhino at a bachelor party. I grabbed the only pair of lace black panties I could find and just hoped she wasn’t insulted. As I walked back out towards the kitchen, Rose looked like she was in a daze. I just drank her in for a moment. She was beautiful, maybe even ethereally so, I swallowed as my throat dried up. This female had the power to make me nervous, another first. “Hey, everything okay?” I asked as I walked towards where she sat. “Yes, I was just deep in thought. Is that the clothes?” She stretched her arms out for me to place the clothes in. “Uh, yeah…we will get you more at the store tomorrow or I can swing by your apartment and pick up your things later. For now, that’s all I can muster up. Hope they’re suitable”. I felt nervous again, maybe she would be annoyed at me for giving her Belinda’s underwear and skirt. Even though she had no real reason to be annoyed about it, we had only met a couple of hours ago. Still, I wasn’t comfortable with her wearing Belinda’s clothes either, but needs must. Rose held up the tiny lace panties and dangled them in front of her face. “I assume these don’t belong to you. If they do, should I be worried?” She looked at me with that playful glint in her eyes again. “You were right the first time, they don’t. Neither does the black leather skirt. It’s all I have at short notice though, sorry”. “No need to apologise Dylan, I am grateful for all you have done and are doing for me. I will go get that shower now. I can’t wait for this pizza either”. She slid off the stool and gave my bicep a squeeze as she smiled and walked off in the direction of my bedroom instead of the restroom. “Wrong door Rose, the guest restroom is to the left. That’s my room”. “Do you have a shower in your room?” “Of course, I do”. “That’s all I need to know”. She gave me a cheeky wink and walked into my room. Fuck, last thing I needed was her scent all over my room and shower. Now all I could picture in my head was her naked in my shower, naked on my bed. I had to put these thoughts out of my mind, they were not helpful right now, I had to stay focused on protecting Rose not f*****g her. Although, that thought made blood rush straight to my c**k. I gave my head a little shake and went to the cupboard to get the flour for making my dough, then to the fridge to get all the other ingredients out. Just as I was rolling my pizza dough out onto a tray my buzzer went. I walked over and pressed the intercom to answer it. “I have a delivery for a Mr Dylan Thorn needing signed for. It’s the replacement brain cells for the ones you have obviously lost tonight”. “Zac, quit f*****g around and get up here. We have a lot to discuss”. I pressed the release button for the door and waited for the knock on my apartment door. Sure enough, a minute later, I walked over to let my brother in. He looked tired, but mostly annoyed. He was always so clean shaven and smartly dressed. At three in the morning apparently, he didn’t care about being presentable. His black button up was creased, he had on jeans as opposed to smart black pants and his hair wasn’t styled, just mussed up like he had literally rolled out of bed five minutes ago. He was stealing my look!  “Glad you could make it brother, I am just making pizza, want some?” Zac glared at me as he walked past me into the kitchen area. “f**k pizza, this isn’t a party. What the f**k is going on and why are we in this mess Dylan? What happened tonight?” He didn’t even sit, just kept pacing. “Where is this Rose?” I threw a tea towel over my shoulder as I walked back round to put the toppings on my pizza baes. “She’s in the shower”. I said casually as I covered the base in passata sauce. Zac ran his hands through his hair and cursed under his breath. “I can’t f*****g believe you Dylan, not only did you betray the client by taking their money and not going through with the job, but you have also led them straight to us. The ones who betrayed them. What the f**k were you thinking? Clearly this woman is being tailed and now you have brought her to your own apartment. Could you not have dropped her at a motel or something? s**t man, this is bad”. I had to agree with Zac, I had f****d up. I never considered that I could lead Marco and his bloodsuckers right to Rose…and us. I was just so focused on getting Rose somewhere safe, I should have been more aware of the aftermath. I wasn’t going to tell me brother that though. “Look. I decided in the moment. I just had to get us somewhere off the street. Coming here to get freshened up and decide our next move seemed logical at the time. But, I agree, we can’t stay here. What do you suggest?” “It’s a bit late to ask me what I suggest Dylan, because you know what my suggestion would have been an hour ago? Stay out of this. Don’t bring this female to your apartment. Don’t piss an entire bloodsucking coven off. No female is worth that”. He was pissing me off. “You might be my brother Zac, but don’t think I won’t kick your ass for talking to me like that. And Rose is worth it, we owe her. I almost kidnapped her and dropped her off to be sucked dry like a f*****g popsicle. I know had it been you in my situation tonight you would have done the same god damn thing. She is an innocent; we help the good guys remember. We started doing this job to make money, but along the way we have always stuck to a strict code of conduct. Do not shed blood unless we must and help put bad guys down when the police wouldn’t. Rose needs us, we can’t abandon her Zac, I won’t abandon her”. I ran my hand through my hair before shoving the pizza in the oven. I was trying hard not to lose my cool with Zac over this, not only did we need his help. I had never fallen out with him yet and I didn’t want to start now. He was all I had in this world. Zac sighed and slumped down onto the nearest stool, resting his forearms on the counter as he scrubbed his face in frustration. “Fine, I admit I probably couldn’t have dropped her off at a vamp’s den either. I just don’t know how we are going to get out of this Dylan. Give me some specifics, so far, the information you have been giving me is patchy. How is this Rose connected to the vampires?  Why would they target her specifically? Why didn’t they kidnap her themselves, it makes no sense? Why pay us five hundred thousand to kidnap her when it was something they could do themselves. Something is amiss here bro, I feel it. Why is she worth so much to them when there are a million other females out there who would probably be as tasty to snack on”. This gave me pause, he was right. Why when there was an abundance of humans out there for them to feed on, why were they specifically after Rose? She had promised to tell us all she knew,, I just hoped what she told us shed some light on things. “You’re right, we need to ask her all those questions. As for specifics, I don’t have any yet. She has assured me when she freshens up, she will tell me all she knows about the vampires”. I turned round to pull the pizza out the oven and set it down on the counter to cool. “I can’t believe you haven’t asked her those questions yet, what were you doing all this time? Painting each other’s toenails and discussing the latest celebrity gossip. You’re a PI for f**k’s sake Dylan. Why is she worth half a mill to this vamp? She must have a gold-plated p***y”. Zac ducked and laughed as I tried to slap him across the head with my tea towel. The sound of someone clearing their throat made us both stop and turn round. Rose was standing there looking stunning, no make up on, hair wet down her back. Her long tanned legs were amazing against the short black leather mini skirt. I hated to admit it, but Belinda never looked that good in it. She had my shirt on but had tied it in a knot just below her chest to make it a crop top. My wolf howled in approval too. I felt like my heart had skipped a beat and I struggled to let out a breath. I looked over at Zac who had an expression like I imagined mine to be. One of awe, curiosity and lust, I could sense his libido was kicking up a notch as mine currently was. I wonder how his wolf is reacting. “No, I don’t have a gold-plated p***y and the reason why Marco wants me so badly is because I was his lover”. Well s**t, I was not expecting her to say that.
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