Chapter Two-3

1654 Words

Then he said, “Very well, have it your own way. But, if they expose you and the Earl throws you out into the gutter, then it is entirely your own fault.” Noella realised that she had won and she added, “May I suggest that, as we cannot give you any luncheon here, you go to the Posting house, which is two or three miles up the road? When you return, we shall have packed up all we have to take with us. ” “A Posting house? We shall need it.” He thought that Noella looked surprised and he said, “You can hardly expect me to be able to accommodate so many people, together with your luggage, in my chariot.” Because Noella had the feeling that perhaps he was trying to separate her from Nanny and Hawkins, she said, “I don’t see why not. Hawkins can sit on the box with your coachman and Nann

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