Chapter Six-2

1897 Words

“No – of course not – how could I do – such a thing?” “Very easily,” Jasper said with a twist of his lips, “unless you want to be exposed for the lovely liar you are.” Noella gave a little cry. “Are you – threatening – me?” “Of course I am,” Jasper replied, “and let me point out, my pretty little deceiver, there is nothing you can do about it unless you want yourself and those tiresome old servants you make such a fuss about to be thrown out and left to starve!” He spoke in a way that made Noella know that he was enjoying intimidating her and she said, “How can – you be so – despicable? How can you – expect me to – help you – steal from someone who has shown – me nothing but – kindness?” Jasper laughed. “Very easily,” he said. “You of all people should know how uncomfortable it is

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