Chapter 4

2220 Words

Chapter 4 Holden insisted we have our conversation where we were comfortable, but I knew he really meant he wanted me to be comfortable. He settled me on the couch, spread an afghan over my legs, and made sure one of the throw pillows was cradling my head against the sofa arm. Then he disappeared. I was about to shout for him, but then I heard noises from the kitchen, so I squinted at the doorway and waited. A few minutes later, he came back with two cups of coffee. He handed me one, and after making sure I had a firm grip, he used his free hand to lift my feet. He sat on the couch, and let my calves rest on his lap. I could feel the heat of him through my thin sweats, and I wanted to wiggle, see if I could actually feel certain parts of him. I knew that would be frowned on, though, so I

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