31. Got It

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Tim snuggles me on his lap. We're in Dipak's ship. Tre's at the head of the conference table. Everyone is here. "Is she alright?" "Yes. This is what we're doing now." Tre rubs his eyes. "It was shocking." "What happened?" "What did you see? Replay what they saw." We watch ourselves in red lasers right until the end. Tre yells, "TIDAL WAVE. GRAB ON." He grabs me. Then we're gone. Tre stands up. "Well..." I snuggle into Tim. He hugs me so tight. "You're ok, babygirl. Relax for me." Dipak stands up. "What did you see after that?" "Sun and clouds." Tre nods. "I landed on the grass. Guards surrounded us. Kyro was there. He was an Elf." I sit up and look at Tim. "They were all elves. No werewolves." "Did they hurt you?" "No." I snuggle back against his chest. "Kyro said there was a big flash of light and we landed. They didn't know who we were." "How is that even possible?" Tre gets a paper. "There was an electrical storm forming on the planet. I believe there was enough power in it to send the entire shuttle into a different dimension... A parallel universe. One where we haven't been to their planet." I nod. "One where they were elves instead of werewolves." "What did you do, baby?" "I knew you would pull us out when the AI lost us. And we wouldn't be able to go back. We told them to give the suppra bodies and shuttle to us if we ever show up on their planet." Tre nods. "I gave them our names. We told them to give the bodies to us if we ever returned. Tell them alternate dimensions are real. It was all we could do. We only had a few minutes." "So, the shuttle, brain, and your suppra's are intact?" "Yes. Well, I think the brain was self-destructing. Then it froze. I don't know its status." "Kyro sits up. So, the other dimensions planet was fine?" "From what we could tell. It seemed perfect." I lay across Tim and put my head on Malax's shoulder. "You're alright, baby." Malax rubs my hair. "That scared her." "Yea, it did." Tim rubs my leg. "You're ok though." "My brave girl." I nod and Malax kisses my head. "She's done." "So is he. You 2 need to file the reports as soon as you can. For now, have the brains document anything they say about it. Both of you go take a nap or something. We'll be on the new werewolf planet in 4 hours. Most of you are expected to go down then." I glance at Tre as Tim carries me out. He's holding Nadine in a death grip. Tim sits on the couch with me in my apartment. I fall back on Malax and snuggle them. I love them so much. I wake up, and I'm between them in bed. "Always with the wiggles, woman." Malax tickles me. I giggle and sit up. "It's like warmness everywhere." I dive between them. Then I flop over and lay sideways over them. They laugh and pull me up. "Let's get some food, babygirl. Then you can get cleaned up." We sit at the table and eat. I don't know what time it is. Or what day it is. I am hungry though. I do need a bath. Tim kisses my head. "You're still too quiet, baby." "I'm really disorientated." "I'll see if I can talk to the other ship. See if Tre is going through anything like that. It could just be because you barely slept or ate and were on the suppra for nearly 2 days straight. I'm also assigning myself the apartment across the hall or next door." Malax nods. "I'll get her cleaned up and come up." Malax gives me a shower while I rub all over him. I miss him. "I want to stay with you tonight." "I miss you too, babygirl. We'll cuddle, and I'll give you all the hugs you need." He helps me pick an outfit on the tablet. Then he helps with my hair and carries me to the command room. Rye is in it with Kyro, his mate, 2 princes, Hunter, and Fang. Rye is in one of the captain's seats. The rest of them are around the conference table. Hunter smiles. "You feel better?" "A little." I run to Tim and he picks me up. I snuggle him. I missed him. Fang nods. "Seems like it shocked you quite a bit. So, you have 2 mates?" "Yes. Where is yours?" "She traveled to the new planet with our villagers." "I bet a lot of your people find their mates today." "Why do you say that?" "You're all going to be landing at the same place." He laughs. "I guess that is true. We'll also have an accurate list of everyone who is there. But I don't think they found Altheena." "At least your people were saved. That was scary." "Yes it was. I'm happy we're ok too." Tim sits at the table with me in his lap. "The brains will be able to build houses and buildings. Get your technology going again. It's not as scary as it seems. And they are fast with everything." Malax nods. "We're also leaving the evacuator ships, a couple of medical ships, and a few other ships for a few months. They'll help with food and random emergencies. It's going to be a headache, but nobody will starve or be roaming around naked and sleeping on the ground." "Thank you for that. This is horribly stressful. And it happened so fast." Tim kisses my head. "Alpha's each have their own pack land, correct?" "Yes, sir." "You could still do that. Have the alpha's each pick an area they like. Then the brains can transfer their villagers to the area and build houses." Malax gets out some papers. "You are going to have to sign some contracts for the submission process. Frode will have to go over the laws and rights with you. Then we can get the planetary shields and guns in." I run over and sit on his lap. He snuggles me. "You do not have slaves?" "Correct." "Wonderful. For the brief amount of time we were there, your laws seem to be very similar to the laws we require. I don't think there will be much of an issue for you." "That's good to hear." "Holy shit." One of the princes is staring out the window. There has to be 200 ships floating above the planet. I relax. "Welcome home." He smiles. Rye stands up. "I have Dipak, Tim." Tim goes over to the captain's seat and talks to Dipak. "They want Kyro on their ship, Malax. They don't know where to put the main city." "Let's go over there." "We're coming over, Dipak." Malax carries me to the shuttle and over to Dipak's command area. Then I sit on Tim and cuddle. They plan out where the main city will be. Then each alpha can pick their own spot later. We land where the main city will be. It's a nice area with lots of trees. It's fairly flat and a few miles from the ocean. The weather seems nice enough to swim. Thora walks by with Kyro. "Now the ocean does have sharks. But probably not any more than what your old planet had. There are also bears here. They could probably do some damage to you. You'll have to sort that out. This planet has no cows. But we were able to pack yours. We don't know if the bears will like them." I laugh and Malax puts me down. "Be careful with the bears, baby." "I want to see the ocean. I want to see the color of the sand." "Take the shuttle or fly over as a dragon." I jump up and down. "I DON'T KNOW HOW." Thora comes running back. "KNOW HOW WHAT?" "TURN TO A DRAGON." Nadine runs over. "Imagine your dragon toes. Then close your eyes and step into them. Do the same thing to get back. Except human feet." I close my eyes and imagine cute dragon feet. I take a step and open my eyes. I'm a dragon. I spin in a circle trying to see myself and I clobber Nadine. She takes Thora out. Nadine jumps up. "Good job. Go back and forth a couple of times, then we can fly." I do it perfectly. Then I lift my wings and push down. They lift me no problem. I can fly. Then Eriska tackles me. "I WANT TO GO TOO." "Ride on me. Let her get used to flying for now." Eriska dives on Nadine and we take off. 8 more dragons join us. We fly in circles. I land by my boys, Fang, Hunter, and Kyro and jump up and down. Then I switch to my human form. "Did you see me?" "We watched you flying, baby. Good job. You're doing so well." Tim kisses my head. "We're going to the ocean now." "Be careful. Dragons don't swim." "Ok." Malax checks the air. "We lost all the kids." Tim nods. "They need to play." He pats my butt. I turn into a dragon and hop away from them. Then I fly to the ocean. It looks like the ocean's on my planet. They have tan colored sand and blue water. The water is so clear here though. I can tell nothing was here to mess it up. I fly over the water and touch it with my wings. It's perfect here. Then I fly by the beach beside a shuttle. Hunter and the 2 princes are there. I splash at them and they laugh. Then I go back over the water. I get slammed with a bunch of water, and it knocks me out of the air. Thora yells, "SORRY. TYE, SHE DOESN'T KNOW." Tye lands beside me in the water. "Turn human and put your arm up. I'll show you." I turn human and he grabs me. "Are you alright?" "I'm ok." "Watch." He puts his arm up. Thora flies over us as a dragon and picks him up by his wrist. She lifts him and lets him go. He turns to a dragon in the air. I put my arm up, and he picks me up. He gets me high and let's go. I turn right into a dragon and fly again. I'm so happy I got that. I land by the boys. Nik and Elek are with them now. I turn human. "Dragons really don't swim well." "No. They don't." "Have your wolf form yet?" "I don't know." "You should have it. But it will shred the clothes off you. Switch to a dragon. THORA COME HERE. If you switch to a wolf from the dragon, it won't shred your clothes." "What do you need, Nik?" "Can you show her wolf feet?" Thora changes into her dragon, then into a wolf. They are pretty white fluffy feet. I change to a dragon, then close my eyes and concentrate on white feet. I take a step and I'm a wolf. I try to walk and do a summersault instead. Elek chuckles. "4 feet is hard to get used to. Practice walking on the beach for now. You'll get it quick." Hunter stares at me. "These wolves are actually wolves. You're not like us at all." "Yea, we had no idea other wolf types existed. We found another dragon type a couple of years ago. Never even thought about it for wolves though." I stumble away from the boys and try to stay upright. I do get it fast. Then I can run slowly. Johen runs by me so fast. I turn and chase him. I am fast too. I hear Elek say, "Now she's got it." As I run by them. Johen stops and I tackle him. We get up and shake off. Then I run where the water meets the sand back to the boys. Tye is standing there now too. "Stay close. They're bringing food for us." I sit between Malax and Tim on a big sheet. We have a picnic and I fall asleep touching each of them.
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