43. Fun Ride

1991 Words
We pull out perfectly. Then we get to the stop sign. A bike pulls up across the street and waves at us. I jump up and down, waving. People are so friendly to bikers. Then I fall over. I fall into Eriska and she falls over. The boys get out of the truck. "Well, you made it half a block. I'll show you how to stand them up." Tim turns the handlebars as far as they would go. Then hits the gas. The bike stands up on its own. "That'll take some practice to learn. Can you 2 stand that bike up together?" We pull Eriska's bike to stand. "Yep." "Good job. Make sure you stay together. It'll take both of you to stand them up." "Ok." "No passengers. And if you turn the helmet on, you 2 can talk to each other. That's what the button does." I give Malax a hug. "Thank you." "You're welcome, baby. Have fun." We drive around for a while. I think we picked it up fast. The highway is intimidating, but inside the city is fun. Then I follow her to a party. Some boys watch us pull up. I concentrate on not falling over. We pull into the driveway and put the kickstands down. "We are so good at this." "We really are. Don't forget your key." "How are we going to get out of here? I don't think there is a reverse." "I didn't think about that. I'm sure we'll find boys that can figure it out." She takes off her helmet and shakes her hair out. 6 boys come over and talk to us at the same time. I still have my helmet on, and they are muffled as hell. I pull the helmet off and fix my hair while she flirts with everyone in sight. Scotch hands me a drink. "I didn't know you had a bike." "Malax bought it for me today. I'm learning. Do you go to every party?" "In this neighborhood. Pretty much." "Yea, I guess this is the only neighborhood we visit. That's probably our fault. We'll find a new one." I watch Eriska giggle at the boys. "Someday. Actually, do you have a phone I can use?" "Yea, what are you doing?" "Going to text her boyfriend to show up. That'll stop her ass from being stupid, and I can go ride around some more." He laughs and gets his phone out. I go over to Eriska. "Let me see your phone, so I can send my boys a picture." She unlocks it and hands it to me. I go over to Scotch and find Tobias's number. He puts it on his phone. "Say, your girl is at a party. Give him the address. If you happen to stop by, that would be cool. You're invited." -Who is this?- "Just leave him on read. He'll show up or not." Scotch laughs and puts his phone in his pocket. I take a pic and send it to my boys. Then I give her phone back. "Come check out this guy they have making drinks in here." "It's pointless for me to drink." "I know. He's still cool to watch." I put my gloves in the helmet and hand it to him. Then I take off the coat and carry it. "This s**t is all hot. I wasn't ready for that. Even as a suppra it's warm." "Probably nice with all the wind." "It is." We go into the house. The music is so loud. A bartender is doing tricks with the bottles. He's flipping them and throwing them. I see fire once. "He is cool to watch. You were right." He leans towards me. "Yea, it's worth watching. Even if you can't drink. Something you don't see every day." "Outside." Zion is pulling my arm. Scotch follows me out. "What is your problem?" Zion shakes his head. "What are you doing?" "We were riding around and stopped at a party. What are you doing?" I cross my arms. "Tobias pulled me off the couch and said we're leaving. Here we are." Eriska's sitting on the bike with Tobias. "Well, she's entertained. Now I can ride some more." "You're not staying?" "No. I was having fun riding around. I'm not big on parties. But the bartender is cool to watch." A girl walks up to Zion being all stupid. "Is that your bike? Will you take me for a ride?" "You want to see it closer?" "Yes, please." I jump a little. "Hey, get my bike out of the driveway first. I don't know how to turn it around." Zion laughs. "Give me a second. Let me get her out of here." The girl giggles and twirls her hair. "Ok." Zion gets my bike out and the girl runs over to his bike. I check Eriska, and she's making out with Tobias. Scotch fixes my helmet, so the dark glass isn't down. Then he hooks it on my head. "Be careful. I know you're a suppra but still be careful." "I will. Thank you." I ride around the city for an hour or 2. I love this. I'm so free. Then I pull up to a stop light and someone pulls up beside me on a bike. I look about 4 times and it's Tim. I jump up and down and my bike falls over. I leave it lie and jump on the back of his. He calls someone. "Send a shuttle here to take this bike home." I hug him as best as I can. The brains load my bike into the shuttle and take it away. Then he drives me around for an hour. He rubs my legs and I rub his shoulders at every light. I love having him here with me. Then he takes me on the big road. He goes fast and I hold on tight. Then we pull up to the house. "Put the suppra back in the box. I'll take you for a ride." I run so fast. I leave the door open and everything. The real me is back in 30 seconds. He laughs and puts my helmet on me. "Still need the helmet, baby. And make sure you sit on that skirt, or it'll fly up." "Ok." I snuggle in behind him and make sure my skirt is under my ass. He takes me to a city overlook spot. It's beautiful from up here. He parks and I get off the bike. "These lights are amazing." "It's amazing how big this city is. I've never seen anything like it." He pulls me back on the bike. But he puts me in front of him facing the handle bars and wraps his arms around me. "You cold?" "No. This is perfect." I watch over the city. He drags his fingers up and down my arms. Tingles follow everywhere he touches. "I love you, babygirl." "I love you too. You're turning me on though." "Good." He runs his fingertips up my thigh and over my underwear. Then he hits the gas. The extra vibration sends a shock through me. I grab his arms. "We're outside. People can pull up." "I'll watch for people." He slides his fingers around my clit. Then he scoots forward, so my crotch is nearly on the gas tank and hits the gas again. "Oh God." I hear him unbuckle his belt. Then I hear the zipper. "You're going to get it right here, woman." He pushes me forward over the gas tank and lifts my skirt up. He pulls my underwear apart then slides his d**k into me. Tingles flow through my whole body. "Yes Tim." The deeper he gets, the more tingles I feel. I push back at him and he hits the gas. "AAAHHH" My hands grab the handle bars and I scream. The vibration is right on my clit. He pushes into me faster while hitting the gas on occasion. All I can do is hold onto anything and take it. It feels so damn good. Then he rubs my ass. "You like this, baby?" "YES." I am so close to cumming. I have so much pressure. He pushes his finger in my ass and hits the gas at the same time. I scream out in pleasure as I c*m all over his d**k. "TIM" He holds it in deep and lets me finish. Then he shoves it into me hard twice and starts throbbing. "f**k yes, Echo." He drains into me while holding my hips in place. I lay against the gas tank and come down. He slides his d**k out and pulls me up against his chest. "Good girl." He hugs me so tight and shuts the bike off. "Now, what's bothering you?" "I'm shaking." "Yea, I got you good." He holds me and waits. "I've never really had friends. Only Eriska. It feels like I'm losing Eriska and have none." He hugs me tighter. "And I love the bikes. I've never been on one. I loved riding with Zion. Then I got pulled off by a jealous girl. She called me a w***e. I don't think I did anything wrong. Am I not supposed to be his friend? And then every time I'm on the suppra something bad happens. People are not nice. They're not honest or kind. They try to take my money. They call me names. I burnt one up when I wrecked. I like riding by myself. I like riding with you more." I giggle. "A lot more." He smirks. "You were famous your whole life?" "Kind of. I didn't do anything special. Daddy was famous and rich. He's the richest person on the planet. By default, that makes me famous too. The press will be stupid whenever they see me. And I have insane fans." "So, you couldn't go out?" "No. Daddy would have stores shut down if momma wanted to go shopping. That's pretty much it. He can have other things shut down. But it becomes a hassle and the press always show up. Before Malax and I were together, when I was still a teenager, I had a couple of stores shut down and went shopping. The press found out I used his credit card and so many rumors came out of that." "You didn't go out on normal dates or out with friends?" "No. Eriska and I would stay at the house or shop sometimes. The boys stayed away from me. Maybe I was too smart, or they were intimidated by daddy's money. I don't know. Once I got the suppra, I went to a party and met Scotch. I really liked him. That was a disaster. The concert was fun though. Him trying to scam my money wasn't. I met another guy once. He decided he didn't like me and didn't want to talk to me. I could have gone to school dances with dates, but the boys never noticed me. Nobody ever asked me anyway. I would have probably been boring though. Pick me up and go straight to school, then straight back. Couldn't have even gone out to eat. I guess that's not fun." "Yea, your teenage years were kind of f****d. You're learning everything through your suppra for the first time. Did you kiss any boys tonight?" "No. I haven't even kissed you." "That's true. I just bent you over the gas tank." He helps me turn around, so I'm facing him. Then he pulls my helmet off and kisses me. I scoot as close as I can to him. "I love kissing you, sir." "Me too, babygirl. I love kissing you and holding you." "I am getting cold now." "Let's get you back. Make sure you're sitting on that skirt. I ripped the underwear off you." He stands me up and puts his jacket on me. "You cuddle my back. You'll stay warm. I'll go straight home."
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