17. Anything

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Tim takes me to his apartment. "I need to show you how to use this. Then I need to do something different at 4. But for now, I want you to know how to use this." "Is it a shot?" "No. No more shots." I relax and nod. He kisses my head. "Take off your underwear and lay on the bed." I stiffen right back up. He picks me up and carries me to bed. Then he pulls my underwear off. I cover myself with my hands. "That medicine comes with an infection. You had to have the medicine." He pulls my hands back and puts a cloth in them. "Use the cloth to wipe off the outside of it. It'll help keep everything clean." I can't even move. "Now, baby. I want to make sure you can use this stuff correctly. It's important." I finally wipe it off. "Good. Don't use that or the cream inside of you. These things are only going to deal with the itching. Wipe cream around it." He puts cream on my fingers. "Good. That's how you use it. It will stop the itching. You can come in here and put it on whenever you want." I close my legs. "Ok." "Come here." He sits on the side of the bed and holds his arms out. I hug him tight and cry. "You're ok. I know this is hard to deal with. Especially with a male doctor and a man you barely know explaining everything. But if I can kiss it and try to claim it, I can keep it healthy. That's my job." "I'm not itchy." "I know. I wanted you to know how to use it first. You will get itchy. Now you can come in here by yourself and use your medicine. I promise I won't open the door on you. I'll give you privacy. If you have questions or something doesn't feel right, you come tell me, and I'll look again." "Thank you." He kisses my head. "I'm putting some of the wipes in the bathroom. Use them after you pee and before you put the cream on." "Ok." I put my underwear back on and Malax shows up. "What did the doctor say?" "Gave her a shot. She's going to get a girly infection from it. I got some cream for it. No s*x until she's cleared tomorrow." "No s*x?" Malax winks. "That means extra cuddles." I run and hug him. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. "They must start now." We go to the morning meeting and I listen to everyone talk about trade. They try to trade everything from building materials to gems or trees. It's weird watching them. I motion Kehlani's brain over. "Where does Kehlani build her ships?" "Classified." I roll my eyes and motion to Alden. He's been watching me since I called over the brain. "Where does Kehlani build her ships?" "A cold dead rock planet. It's made mostly of different ore. She mines and builds them there." "That makes sense. Thank you." I motion my brain over. "Find me a cold dead rock planet close to mine to build ships on." "Yes, ma'am." "Try to find a planet with most of the ores you'll need. We don't want to be transporting ore all over hell. Make sure it's big enough for the plant rooms and brain makers as well." I didn't even realize Tim was here. "Yes, sir." They leave, and I listen to the trade a bit more. Then it starts to itch down there. I wiggle around and cross my legs. This is not a fun feeling. I try to deal with it, but it doesn't work. I run to Tim's and do the routine. When I get back, they are breaking for lunch. Tim puts his arm around me and leads me to the cafeteria. "Is the cream working?" "Yes. It's like immediate relief. My pee wasn't red anymore either." "Good. He told me the medicine would knock out the infection in a few hours. So, that should be about gone now." "How long do I have to use the cream?" "You should be done with it by morning." "Thank you for helping me. Please don't tell anyone." "I won't. We'll get you fixed, and you'll be good as new." Thora grabs my arm. "You're missing the drama." We run to the pool. Two women are trying to beat the hell out of each other. A brown-haired woman has a blonde by her hair. The blonde is trying to gouge the others' eyes out. Tim runs over and gets between them. "Damn it. I should just have pulled you away." We go to lunch. I sit by Malax and cuddle him. Then we go back to the meeting. The longer I sit there, the worse the itching gets. I end up putting the cream on every half hour. Then Tim picks me up. "What's going on?" "It's too itchy. It itches inside." "We'll do the last step now." "There's more?" He carries me to his room. This is torture. I wiggle around trying to figure out how to itch in there. He stands me beside the bed and pushes my skirt and underwear off. Then he lays me on the bed and puts two pillows under my hips. "This is not comfortable." "I know sweetie." He gets a d**k-looking thing out of a box. "Is that for me to itch?" He chuckles. "No. Hold your legs up at your knees." I hug my knees and wiggle. He pushes my legs apart and sits between them. His eyes darken. "This is medicine. The whole white end of it will stay inside you and melt. I need you to hold your legs up for 10 minutes and let it melt." "It's too big." He smirks, and his eyes go darker. "It comes with lube. And I only need to put half in. See the line?" "Ok." I shake my head. "You relax. I'll get it in." He rubs something on me and I jump. "Cold." "Sorry, baby. That's it for the cold. You're going to feel pressure now. Try to stay relaxed." He picks up the d**k-looking thing, then I feel him push it in. I wiggle around and try to itch with it. "Relax. Almost there." As soon as he says it, the itch goes away. I relax and hear a couple clicks, then he pulls it out. "Good girl. Now we wait for 10 minutes while it melts. Does the outside itch?" "Not so much now." I hug my knees together again. "Good." He puts his thumb on me and it feels cold. "It's lube, baby. I'm going to make you c*m. The orgasm contractions will help pull the medicine up." I shake my head. "It's sick." "It's not sick. Just off balance and we have to get the medicine up there. You relax and keep your knees up for me." He picks up my ass and adjusts the pillows under it. "We have to keep it there for now." His thumb rubs up and down over my clit lightly. "Mmm" It does feel good. My legs spread on their own. "Relax and let it feel good." He stares at my p***y with black eyes. "You don't know how hard it is not to bury my face in it." Pleasure pulses from my clit. "Uuhhh" He smirks and rubs faster. "You liked that thought. Bury my d**k in it next." I moan out, "Tim." He gets on his knees between my legs. "Give you my own medicine. c*m deep inside you." "OH TIM YES" My head falls back and I c*m hard. "Good girl. Get that medicine all up in there." He rubs my thighs and holds my legs up for me. "Another minute, baby." I lay my hands on his and wonder if I could forget everything else. I want to keep him. "I'm going to pick you up and put you on your feet. The medicine is going to run out. That's what we want. It's going to coat everything on its way out. You ready?" "Yea." I am on my feet so fast. He's not joking either. White liquid runs out and down my thighs. He watches it then looks at the ceiling. "I am going to have black eyes forever." "I'm sorry." He hugs me. "It's not your fault. These things happen. I'll always fix you, baby. I'm always here for anything you need." "Do I have to stay like this or put it back?" "No. I'll get some clothes and clean you up. Come to the bathroom with me." He washes my legs off. "You should be good now. If it gets itchy again, let me know." "Ok." "Go get ready for the ball, baby. You're good now." I hug him. "Thank you." "Anything for you." He kisses my head and holds me. I can tell he wants to say something else. But he doesn't. Then he kisses my head again. "Go get ready. I'll see you there."
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