33. Race

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After lunch, I fly around with Malax for a long time. We see werewolves roaming around. We tell them to use shuttles. It'll be faster. Brains are everywhere too. I even see 1 walk into a river. There are so many on the planet now. Malax says it's over 100 million. We get done flying around and land for dinner. We have it on Fang's land again. "Hi! You must be Echo. I've heard a lot about you. I'm Mahsa. I'm Luna of the Moon Keepers Pack." "It's nice to meet you. Yes, I am Echo. What did you hear?" Malax cracks up laughing. "I'm Malax. It's nice to meet you." "You as well, sir." "Have they put in the pool and spa yet?" She smiles. "Spa? What spa?" "NADINE." She runs over. "What?" "This is Luna Mahsa. She likes the idea of a spa." "I CAN PLAN THAT FOR YOU." Nadine pulls her away. "I never did find out what she heard." Malax laughs, and we go over to Tim and Hunter. "His house is done. We're walking over there." "My mother is supposed to be designing the furniture. I have no idea where." "She took a break. She's helping with the spa now." Tim rubs his eyes and Hunter nods. Then they lead us into a house. It's like every other house. 2 stories. Nice kitchen. It has a couple of extra rooms. But not many. It has an amazing backyard. It goes to a river. "I'll put a garden back here, and I'll be able to fish right from the yard. I love this location." Malax nods. "I could love this too. It's beautiful here. Fish whenever you want. Set the house temperature to 70." "Yes, sir." "It's hot here." Tim gets out a paper. "Thora said this is the hottest part of their summer. It won't get much hotter than this." "I like the weather. It's perfect for swimming." "Yes, and it's nice now. The evenings are amazing." Hunter smiles. "This is nearly the same as the summers on our home planet. Not much change to adapt to." "Good. And the house is good?" "The house was perfect. The kitchen's a bit more advanced than we're used to, but we'll figure it out." "We'll leave some brains here forever. You'll be able to ask them questions as you go." "Not this many though. This is a lot." I stretch big. "You put 200k in 1 village, baby." I giggle. "We were in a hurry. We helped." Hunter nods. "You did help. You helped a lot." I jump up and down. "I WANT TO HELP MORE." Tim kisses my head. "Why don't you help design the furniture? You can go back to the main area." "RACE." "I'll race you. Let's see how fast that wolf is." Hunter transforms into his wolf. He stands about 8 feet tall. Muscles burst through his clothes. His head turns into more of a wolf. He has huge sharp teeth. I turn into my dragon then into my wolf. I try to yell 'race' but I bark instead. Then I jump around and bite at his feet. I am so excited. I keep barking, and my tail goes in every direction. "Someone's excited about racing." Hunter pets my ears and I stop moving completely. That feels amazing. He stops, and I run my head into his hand. "I wondered where everyone went." Thora comes out the back door. "We love our ears rubbed. She's never going to stop doing that. Belly rubs too." I fall over and lay on my back. "Woman, you are something else." Malax drops to one knee and rubs my belly. Thora's right. This is the best feeling ever. Then he stands up. "But you're racing now." I jump up and bark a bunch. Then go back to Hunter's feet. He's not moving them. "Race to the lake waterfall. Fewer people for you to run over. It's that way." Thora points. "Stand beside him. I'll say go. We can fly over you. Give me some clothes for him first." The brain hands her shorts. "READY... SET... GO." I run so fast. I get him on the take off no problem. Then he runs around me. He uses his arms and legs to run. I did not realize he would do that. And he is so fast. I run as hard as I can and catch up with him. I'm about to pass and he sees me. He speeds up and gets in front. I go as fast as I can. I swear my vision changes into a tunnel. I'm not catching him though. Then he stops really fast. I slam into him. I taste blood right away. And it feels like my arm slices. He presses me on the ground. "Don't move." I could scream. My f*****g arm hurts. He snarls and lunges at something. "GRRRR" A bear jumps at him, and he rips its head off. My boys land beside him. "I wondered why you stopped so suddenly. s**t, she's hurt." Tim picks me up. "Human, baby." I turn human and look at my arm. It's got a gash all the way down it. I stare at it and cry. "Yea, you 2 hit hard, babygirl. THORA, GET TYE." She never landed. She takes off again. "Did you get bit?" "She got my shoulder. I'm alright. I knew I broke her skin. I didn't know it was that bad." Tim looks at Hunter. "She's fine. You might get a wolf. I'm not sure if her bite does that or not. Nadine does it usually." Tye lands and heals my arm. "All better." "His shoulder, Tye." Tye heals it. "What were you doing?" "Racing. They collided because of the bear." "How do you share that wolf's form?" "We don't. We're born like this." Tye nods. "Try to transform into that now. Concentrate on big feet, I guess." I turn into a dragon. Then concentrate on his weird long feet. I step and open my eyes. I'm a very naked wolf. I still have boobs and no clothes on. I have a lot of hair on me though. I guess this is ok. "I NEED THAT TOO." I get tackled and taste blood. I stand up and Thora gets off the ground. Then she transforms into it too. She shakes her head. "I didn't notice you were naked until now." I shrug my shoulders. "I think the hair makes it ok." Hunter laughs. "And if you change from human, the clothes will shred off you. Same as with your current wolves. I can't believe how white you both are though. Both Luna's no doubt. Alpha's are black. But there can be a lot of colors." Tye nods. "Same as our wolves. White is Luna there too." Thora spins in a circle. "This is like wolf 2.0. We can even talk. We're a lot stronger." Tim holds out his arm. "I sure as hell don't want Nadine to do it again." I laugh and chomp it. Then I get Malax. Thora tackles Tye. "Damn it. I can't heal myself." Tim laughs and changes into wolf 2.0. Tye tries. "Nope. Thora can't give the form." "Oh well, I still got it." Malax gives me his shirt. Then he transforms. Tye hands Thora his. "Let's go to the food area again. You can show everyone. He's going to need a lesson about our wolves anyway. If he does get 1." "Why?" "They come with a soul and wolf strength." "What's that?" Tye's eyes go red, and he throws a boulder really far. "Insane strength. You'll be the strongest person on the planet." "Wouldn't I have it now?" "Maybe. Ours force shifted in the moonlight. You can try." He closes his eyes and he's a normal black wolf. I jump up and down. "I CAN GIVE THEM TOO." "Well then s**t. I got both already." Malax turns into a wolf. Tye smiles. "You won't have the wolf strength yet, Hunter. It'll come when the wolf does. It'll probably take a couple of months. Then one day, you'll get pissed, and your eyes will go red. You have your wolf then. You can talk to him in your head. I'll have Mason sit and talk with you for a while. Malax, you will not get the wolf. You have a dragon as your second soul. You can't get a third soul. Come on everyone."
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