Chapter nineteenThe maps of Taranjin were pored over again and again until we knew every back street and alley. Like many cities of Kregen at this time, Taranjin was a higgledy-piggledy mess. Well, when a cornered rat fights he or she likes to have a tortuous corkscrewy maze of alleys in which to surprise the adversary. Our advance was materially assisted in that the Shank aerial fleet had gone north to deal with the Hamalese. They flew patrols; they could be avoided. There were only a couple of quick flare-ups and in both the Fish Face went down, burning. Below us spread the outskirts of the city and the tiny dots of the gangs of Freedom Fighters closing in. I spoke to Balass the Hawk as he stood at the rail, impassive in armor, shield resting on the deck, his black face intent on the s