Chapter 26

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When Lukas came out of the cottage where Nina and Aurora lived at the moment he could feel that something was calling him. Something was calling him and he could hear the voice but this was not something which he could hear with his own ears. But rather it was like that someone or something was calling from inside his bloodstream and he knew that he had to go there. It was most definitely the Siren’s call and he had to heed it. Lukas walked down to the ledge which was his favourite spot and then he did not even think about the rocks and dived in the stream that was flowing down from the mountain. The water was freezing and cold but it did not matter to him because his blood was boiling and the water only regulated his temperature. But then suddenly his body was drown away from the stream’s current to another part of the mountain ledge where he had no idea where he was being taken. But now the sound of the song which he could hear inside him was growing louder every passing second. And suddenly he was dropped inside a pool within a rock enclosure which was more or less like a grove. It was covered with aquatic plants and weeds on all sides and it was like an aquatic dream come true. Lukas dipped in the water after taking a deep breath as he had feeling that whatever was calling him was most definitely under water. As he dipped inside there was a vortex under the water in the middle of the pool and he was caught in the current and something pulled him deeper in the water. After sometime being caught in the current and drowning Lukas understood that he did not have any problem breathing under water. It was strange since wolves were not known to have such capabilities. “But you are not only a wolf, are you now Alpha Lukas?” asked a female voice from behind and Lukas turned towards the direction of the voice. This was the second time that someone had said the same sentence to him. “I suppose not Miss. But I don’t understand fully to what extent what I am in reality. It was a strange thing that I was born at all from the union of my parents,” said Lukas as he watched in awe at the strange creature in front of him. “You seem to be not surprised at all that you were called and brought here. Most of the men who find their way down here are either so taken with lust that it is the end of them or they are so scared that they try to do stupid things which finally gets them killed. But I am glad to find that you are not one of them,” said the mermaid who was wearing a strange dress made out of sea weeds, algae and corals. It was hauntingly scary and beautiful. “As I said earlier Miss. I am so caught up in understanding the truth about my own identity that now being scared or lust ridden is the last thing on my mind. My sister tells me that I am in need of a mate but finding her is also a quest which I am not sure what is it going to be,” said Lukas. “Why do you say so Alpha Lukas? After all you have seen the quest that you need to take her on in order to allow her to find the pearl which is going to be the first mark of her destiny!!!” said the mermaid as she smiled and Lukas saw that she had two rows of sharp teeth like sharks. It was a weird sight to see someone speaking like that. “I do understand that I have seen something which I am not entirely sure about but I don’t know how to embark on any quest. When I heard the call of the Siren, I thought that it was Aurora but actually it was you which made her sing out to me, is it not?” asked Lukas and the mermaid did not reply but just smiled at him. “If that is so, then I guess you could help me in finding the path of how am I going to get along at all towards my destiny?” asked Lukas, as he went a bit closer towards the mermaid. “Your destiny is to stand beside the woman who is still in making. The princess who is your mate is not yet a Queen, your path is to help her become that. She is going to bring us all together and create a safe haven for all of us. That is what you need to understand Alpha. Unfortunately the powers of the Universe have decided that a new world is going to be born from the powers and womb of a woman and the violence begotten by men and other male creatures. You will be taken to the one you seek in the right time. For now you need to find the sorceress who will help you understand your origins,” said the mermaid as she smiled again and the sharp rows of teeth were exposed. Lukas understood that it was time for him to leave and he bowed out of courtesy. “I shall bid you goodbye Alpha Lukas. Your path is going to be difficult, the one which has never been trodden upon before but so will be hers…” said the mermaid and splashed the water and waved her hand before his face. Immediately Lukas was above the surface of water and he was again being taken away by the current downstream as he started swimming against the current upstream. After quite some time he was able to find a ledge to which he could hold on and then climb out of the water. The sunshine had crossed the ledge and was now falling directly on the water and the colour which it was changing along with the flecks of rainbow which struck the dark rocks made Lukas look at it mesmerized. “Are you going to stand there all day long looking at the water or you are going come out of it?” asked Rhea who peered down at him from the ledge. “How long have you been standing there Rhea?” asked Lukas, as he rolled his eyes not looking back at her. “Not long, But I can see that you rolled your eyes at me Brother. Why do you think that I would be spying on you?” asked Rhea, as Lukas jumped up on the ledge and then rose up to the place where she was sitting. “I did not for one moment think or tell that you were spying on me darling. I was just asking what were you doing here and for how long were you here…that’s it. Why have you become so sensitive at the slightest words these days? It feels like I am poking a grizzly who is going to devour me the moment his eyes open!! You were never like this before Rhea…then why suddenly like this?” asked Lukas and then he looked at his sister who was standing there dumb-founded. “I ….I don’t know Brother….I have no idea that you did feel like that about me…I was thinking that I was trying to help you and you were getting and now I think that I have exceeding my mark,’ said Rhea and before Lukas could even react she started running and she ran in the midst of the olive groves. Lukas ran after her calling her name and when he finally reached the spot he found Mirani standing before him. “I need to speak to my sister, Mirani. Please leave my way. Let me go…It’s imperative that I make her understand that whatever she does she is always going to have me beside her. She needs to understand the value of her presence in my life, she is the only family that I have left Mirani…I beg of you…let me through,” said Lukas as he peered beyond the position where she was standing. “Alpha Lukas, you need to understand that I am sympathetic with what you are going through but at this moment she needs a female presence beside her more than her brother. She knows that she has you no matter what but she is undergoing a lot of changes in her body and the pressure of her mind, we can only imagine. She is an enigma Alpha. And she needs to be treated with extreme care and caution. She needs a friend as well as a brother, now my question to you is, can you be the friend that she needs?” asked Mirani, as she smiled, her green lips curling up in question and challenge together at the same time. Lukas looked at Mirani and felt that his ire was rising and his blood was close to boiling. He growled at her but then he understood that it was what she wanted and he was exactly behaving as she had expected he would and then she would gradually distance Rhea away from him and then he would be all alone in the world. It was very easy for someone to capture and defeat the person or creature who was alienated but she did not know that he could already hear and understand her thoughts beforehand. How he was being able to do that Lukas had no idea at all but definitely this time was working in his favour. “I am going to be whatever she needs me to be Mirani, but in order to be that I need to understand what is ailing my beautiful little sister…she has been in my care since she was a babe and father brought her from this grove and now also it is not going to be different,” said Lukas as he could hear the sound of rustling leaves behind Mirani. He knew that it was rhea who had been listening to him this long and he knew that he had hit the right spots perfectly. “It is fine Mirani. I understand what is happening. I think I got what is wrong and I know how this can be rectified,” said Rhea as Mirani stood aside and he could see her standing there covered in all dried leaves. “Are you sure that you do not want to stay back here instead of going home? Like I told your brother you are our family as well and we take care of our own. So you need to understand that you will always have a place here as long as you want,” said Mirani as she placed her hand on the top of her head. “Yes, I know that I shall have a place here Mirani. But you need to remember as well that I have a family who loves me and I have a pack who are going to sacrifice for me and die for my sake. I am not a lone wolf and definitely not a rogue. I have a pack who is going to take care of me when required. Apart from that it is good to know that I have another family as well who are willing to take me in their fold, with their arms open so willingly,” said Rhea, and Lukas could not miss the hint that she sent towards Mirani. “I am glad that you think the pack as your family Rhea, but remember one thing. You are not only a wolf, but also a Druid and a powerful one. Never forget that it is who you are,” said Mirani as Lukas caught hold of Rhea’s hand and smiled at her softly. She smiled back at him and the brother sister duo returned back home as the sun set and the moon arose in the eastern sky.                
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