Chapter 7-3

855 Words

Hoyt pulled up beside Keir, where the young man stood at the side of the road with his thumb out. They went through the show of Hoyt telling him hitchhiking was illegal and then putting Keir in the backseat of the car. “You forgot to read me my rights,” Keir said with a smirk. “Since I’m only bringing you in, not arresting you, I don’t have to, as I’m sure you well know.” “I do.” Keir leaned his head against the back of the seat. “If I had to guess, our killer is staying somewhere in the area.” “Presumption, but logical,” Hoyt agreed. “How large an area is another question. He could be hiding out in any of several small towns within a thirty mile radius of Faircrest. Or, he could be holed up in the same motel Teague’s at. Or be renting an apartment or house. Teague and I discussed that

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