2. Just her

1562 Words
Unknown Point of View    I couldn’t miss her presence. Her bright green eyes called for me, even though she wasn’t looking, she wasn’t even trying.  She called for me, inadvertently. It had been a long time since anyone, a woman, could grab my attention in this manner, with a vice-grip.  My annoying friend Alev, the one who coerced me to come to this far too noisy place, disappeared in the background and the only thing I could see was that petite body moving rhythmically and carefreely with the frantic and unfamiliar beat. She moved as if there was no one and nothing around, her freedom was enticing and it added a glow to her.  I gulped my whiskey down, without taking my eyes off the small redhead.  I knew I should stop looking, but there was something mesmerizing about this woman, something that made a long-sleeping force stir inside me.  Our eyes met for an instant, fading the neon lights away. But I wouldn’t let her green gaze slip away in the mess of colors and twinkles, my eyes fixed on hers, and she returned my stare with an intoxicated and intoxicating intensity.  Her eyes alone were no longer enough. I needed more.  My hands were aching with the need to touch this petite and beautiful body that was moving freely yet gracefully among the blinking light of the club.  Soon, my legs moved towards her on their own accord.  Alev started to chuckle, “I knew you wouldn’t be sulking forever. Even you would end up enjoying yourself sooner or later.”  I ignored him, I ignored the crowded room, everything surrounding me, there was just her. My arm wrapped around her waist and I brought her closer to my body, her soft curves against my chest in a movement that felt all too natural, almost instinctive.  She was indeed small, only reaching up to my chest and I could easily surround her, cover every inch of her with my body.  I moved in sync with her, ignoring the sound, and the beat. She was my music.  She laced her arms around my neck and jerked her body closer to mine, her hips rocking in circular motions. My hand roamed from her waist to her hip and I pulled her flush against me, I leaned down and sank my nose into the crook of her neck. I breathed her in, filling my lungs with her sweet scent. Her fiery hair bounced around with her movements, setting itself free from the bun on the top of her head. My fingers twined in it on their own accord, feeling their silky and messy softness.  It had been a long time since I was this close to a woman. There has been little to no appeal in anyone lately.  Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the loneliness. Surely there was something about this woman, urging me to possess and consume every inch of her, to make her totally mine. Even though I knew I shouldn’t.  Except I couldn’t deny my deepest instinct and my primal desire.  I needed her, just her.    ~ * ~   Alma    Without taking his eyes off mine, the man walked towards me, closing the distance between us with a few fast strides.  He was even more handsome and bigger than I'd noticed from afar. He towered over me, a bunch of strong muscles and a large back, his squared jaw and straight nose were perfectly carved. I gasped at his proximity, it was too much for my poor drunk mind to process, too much of a sexy man!  But before I could blink, he took me in his arms. Even though I wanted to protest, his presence cast me in some sort of magnetic spell. Probably the human spell called alcohol. But there was something about him stronger than my drunkenness, that compelled me to want to be closer and engulfed by his arms.  I was losing my mind. I guess it was the only thing I had left to lose now.  I just knew somewhere in my tipsy mind that I couldn’t deny his embrace. If he were anyone else I would pull away and probably even give him a pretty and loud slap.  He brushed his nose on the crook of my neck and inhaled me; humans are so strange! But the only reaction that he could take from my dizzy body was having it moulding against his hard solid muscles.  My mouth watered, he smelt quite good too: musky and manly, but there was something unique about it, something that I haven’t ever smelt before.  I moved with him, involved by the rhythm in perfect sync as if our bodies were one.  I was going bananas! Note to self: stop drinking! I didn’t even do it often, it was my third or fourth time drinking this much since...since forever! I giggled at my own tipsy derailed train of thought. My chuckles attracted the man’s look and he lifted his head, looking at me and trapping me into his magical eyes!   He tightened his hold on me, as he kissed me with his eyes, scanning all over my face as if I were a rare vision and not a normal girl, just like the next short ginger he could find. He was probably drunker than me. He trailed a finger across my cheek almost reverently, making my lips open in surprise. I didn’t know that such a gentle caress could make so many goosebumps erupt across my skin.  I was too sensitive today!   The Latin music came to an end and now a techno beat that didn’t call for such a close dance started. But it didn’t make him lose his grip on me. I was both surprised and lost in my numbness, and I pressed my head against his chest as if this stranger could give me some comfort. Unexpectedly, he placed his hand on my shoulder blade softly and started to dance in a slow and snuggling way, almost waltzing, ignoring the techno rhythm completely.  We were dancing to our own music.  His hand wandered to my waist again, clenching around it, and as I lifted my chin, my eyes met his hazel and blue orbs once again. Funnily enough, the stranger felt quite familiar, and being here with him felt like the thing that made the most sense in my day, in my entire week.  He cupped my chin and caressed his lips against mine, making me tremble a bit. He pressed his warm lips against mine and licked my bottom lip before he pressed his tongue on the seam of my lips demanding entrance. He swept his tongue inside my mouth and licked my tongue slowly, his minty taste invaded my senses, I almost felt hungry. The taste of him dissolved in my mouth and made me melt as if he was ice cream, no wait, as if I was ice cream. My dizzy thoughts were blurred by his delicious assault.  We were hot ice cream, I decided.  He cupped the nape of my neck as his lips molded against mine, sucking my flesh. He thrust his tongue into my mouth once again and I felt my heart beating fast; I was losing my mind even more, his kiss made me feel giddy.  How could a kiss feel that good and be enough to ignite the wet fire in between my poor clenching thighs?  It felt new and intense as if it was my very first kiss.  He nibbled my lips before sucking at them again and stealing all the air from my drunken lungs, I panted against his lips. But I didn’t want to stop, breathing was overrated. I just wanted to feel his lips. I just wanted to feel him.  Safety and an almost commanding aura radiated from all his movements and touches. He surely knew what he was doing, he must be some kind of powerful or rich human.  I was entangled with a human. A strange human on the way to losing-myself-town, I couldn’t do it. I pressed my palms against his strong chest, feeling the ridges of his perfect muscles under the thin barrier of his shirt. It only made pushing him away hard. I parted the kiss, sucked in a breath, clenched my eyes as I put pressure on my hesitant palms and pushed that hot ice cream of a man away.  I turned around fast, almost tripping over my own legs: clumsy and drunk me! But before he could catch me, I steadied myself and walked away, towards the door of the club. I should go home.  I had enough disasters for a day. Leaving the club, I blinked at the over-illuminated street and breathed deeply in peace and in frustration. Now I could breathe properly, without him stealing my breath away, I already missed the sensation, his warmth,  his firm and possessive touch.  I didn’t know him, how could I even miss him? I shook my head at another drunk thought. I could still smell his delicious scent, I was indeed tipsy. I started rumbling slowly, my head spinning a bit.  Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong hands on my shoulder and turned around.      * * * T. R. Durant / Dreame / Ringdom / Innovel / Stary - All Rights Reserved . 
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