27. Once upon a time a young dragon

1194 Words

  Alma   I was about to leave work, it was already 5 pm, but I wanted to hand Daniel a few documents to sign before I left.  The truth was, I was really tired. Pregnancy made me as sleepy as the fury ball that should be napping on the couch of the mansion right now. That cat was living his perfect life! But even though I seriously needed a nap, I was trying to do everything right here in the office. “Alma, you forgot the Savy Contract,” Daniel told me as he flipped through the pile of pages I gave him.  “Oh, I have to print it, I’m on it, just wait a minute,” I said apologetically, already turning to leave.   Seemed like my trying to do it right wasn’t good enough since I still forgot something, I confused myself. “I can sign it tomorrow. Alma, you are doing good. You don’t have to

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