5. Just like a dream

1363 Words
  Alma    “Humm…” it felt so warm and nice, I thought-dreamed as I woke up slowly. My mouth was strangely dry as if I had cotton balls in it. I felt like an old bag of bricks.  I tried to open my eyelids, but they felt too heavy. My hand reached up to my pounding head, an annoying sound, similar to an alarm clock,  was piercing through my mind.  I felt a comfy, soft blanket beneath me, and the pillow was the fluffiest I’ve ever tried. There was something warm over me, over my waist.  Wait! Nothing felt familiar! It surely wasn’t my bed. My eyes fluttered open, empowered by shock and a twinge of anxiety. I choked a gasp, as my eyes wandered around the fancy and unfamiliar bedroom. My heart almost stopped when I looked at the insanely handsome man beside me, his warm hand was resting on my bare belly. The blanket only covered his lower body, leaving his sculpted abs and his hard chest exposed. I blinked twice, even though it took some effort, I had to snap back from this dream.  “Alma, wake up!” I told myself but when I looked at my side, he was still there.  It wasn’t a dream!  I clenched my eyes shut and my pounding head hurt with the thunder of realisation. My-drunk-stupid-self had just slept with a stranger! It wasn’t the end of the world, many people did it all the time. Many people, but not me. I breathed in and out as panic grew in all the sides of my mind.  Why did I do it? Wasn’t my life complicated enough? And guys only complicated it further! I was so stupid! This kind of thing didn't work, at least not for me. Even with Oliver who was a wizard it totally backfired, imagine a human!! I had to do the smartest thing possible; go away fast, before he woke up. I took his hand off me gently and he stirred in his sleep, thankfully soon enough he went still again whilst displaying a soft and beautiful smile on his face. I had no time for this!  I stood on my tiptoes and had to brace myself to not fall face first on the floor since my legs were quite wobbly and my head was spinning like an old disco ball. I think I was still a bit drunk.  I collected my clothes as quietly and fast as I could, dressed up, and fled the bedroom. I found myself in the golden and very light hall of a  fancy hotel - the kind of fancy  I only ever saw in movies. I took the elevator down and left, trying to find my way home.  The memories of the night that felt just like a dream, that I had been sure was only a dream while it happened, came back in glimpses, blinks of light.  My skin remembered his touch and the hairs of my arm stood upright at only the thought of it, making a funny shiver flutter down my spine.  It felt so good, that it only reinforced my now frustrated belief that it was only a dream. I had never slept with anyone but Oliver before, it wasn’t something I did, especially with a stranger. I didn’t even know how to do these things well, I was surely a big disappointment to him, to Egan, I was glad that I fled.  I was already bound to face enough disappointment. I didn’t need more of it from my dreamy stranger.  Egan was so different from Oliver. With Oliver it was all raw and fast. The first time was rushed when he convinced me to do it in my school changing room during a party, and the last time it was quite uncomfortable, in his car. That was it, the only two times I’ve done it, besides last night.  It felt boring, mechanical, I didn’t understand people’s fascination with physical love, at least not until now. Now I know that there was more to it than hammering and discomfort. Now I know it could be actually enjoyable, really, really good.  I sighed, trying to think about something else. But it wasn’t that easy. I still smelled like him, and I was still a little tipsy and not completely in my right mind.  After figuring out where I was, I called Niki to pick me up. Her crush had a car and I was sure she could convince him to do what she wanted, like she always did.  After a couple of heavenly hot coffee sips and a few minutes, I heard Garret’s car honking and I entered it fast, the sunlight was hurting my eyes, I was feeling like a hungover vampire.  “So, Alma. Did you have your first ride with a stranger?” my friend asked with a chuckle. “Niki!” I scolded her, silently asking her to not say anything in front of her guy.  “Babies, we are all grown up, single, and young. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a bit, especially after a sh*t day,” she comforted me, turning to look at me and taking my hand in hers.  I sighed. It wasn’t necessarily wrong, it was just not me.  “And you will tell me everything about it!” Niki giggled, “ I bet he was better than Oliver, honestly, even a dildo should be better than him!” she continued bluntly, ignoring Garret‘s presence completely.  I knew how much she despised Oliver and with good reason.  Suddenly, I winced as a wave of nausea churned my stomach. Bloody hangover.  “Feeling bad?” Niki asked with a look of sympathy, and I only nodded, avoiding opening my mouth and letting out something more than words. “You still have to grab your stuff at the school dorm, but I guess that you don’t want to go back there now. Your parents' place also doesn’t seem like a great choice. You can go to my apartment,” Niki offered and I flashed her my nauseous smile.  This was the best I could do, crashing in Niki’s small but cozy apartment.  My stomach revolved again in a crazy tsunami, and I felt like I would drown in myself.  I just wanted to go home, Niki’s home, and forget about it, yet part of me wanted to remember and play it over and over in my head. It was the best night of my life. Good that I left, this way the memory of it would remain untouched, perfect; no room to ruin it, just like a dream.  ~ * ~   Egan    I woke up and instinctively palmed the bed looking for her. She wasn’t here, her scent had already faded almost completely. She must have left a while ago.  Alma, I smiled at myself.  I knew I shouldn’t have done it, yet I was unable to control myself, something very rare for me, unheard of.  She had a very special effect on me, I haven’t felt this much attraction to anyone since a long time ago. I even told her my real name, which I wouldn’t normally do. I always had to be in control, that was how I have achieved and protected all I have.  I stood up slowly, I had to take a shower and leave. It was already 8 am, soon Daniel would call saying that I was already late to the first meeting. He always forgot who was the boss.  I went to the bathroom, I was right. She really wasn’t here anymore.  It was better like this, better that she left.  It couldn’t work anyway, I didn’t have time, nor space in my life for someone. She was young, almost innocent. She is better off living her simple life without my darkness. 
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