16. Out of the Hideout

1196 Words

Egan   I tried to avoid her the whole day. Cyrus was restless, trying to push me to see her, to be with her. But I couldn’t. Being near her was only feeding his growing madness, his fantasy that she was his mate.  He couldn’t get vulnerable, he couldn’t fall. Cyrus was the strongest dragon from our clan by far and the only reason why the red dragons avoided a direct confrontation and didn’t slaughter the remaining dragons of our clan yet. Without him being on his top form and fully focused, we are lost and will be dead. Thus, it didn't matter how hard it was, it didn't matter that I wanted to be close to her too. I simply couldn’t.  I asked Alev to look after her, but he was also very busy with the company and trying to track the red dragons in an attempt to find out what they knew abo

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