Chapter 26: Maddy Breaks Down

659 Words

Chapter 26: Maddy Breaks Down August 25, 20— 6:07 A.M. Wolf Ridge Ranch Who the hell in their right mind was banging on my ranch’s front door just after dawn? I rushed out of my bedroom in a pair of boxers, grabbed a loaded Colt .45 for protection on the way, and headed to the door to blow away some nauseating trespasser without any couth. Maddy Shore stood in tears, surrounded by the fresh sunshine. She wore a pair of shorts, slip-on Nikes, and white halter-top. The poor thing smelled as if she hadn’t bathed for a few days. One hand held her forehead while the other waved at me, begging me not shoot her. “Maddy, what are you doing here at this hour?” I asked, dropping my weapon, having no intention of shooting the mother of three. “It’s Dash,” she cried. “He was supposed to be home

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