Chapter 39: Guess it was a ‘him’ problem.

1249 Words

The guys had started up a chat with Cime while Kia sat silently crying. I sure as hell didn’t know what to do in this situation so me standing against the wall across the room seemed the best option for now. I was still trying to figure out how to handle other people’s emotions, needs, and wants. How the hell was I going to deal with them doing something they can't reverse because of me? We didn’t even know if this would work out between all of us. Lucifer was standing back with a black powerful aura around him that even had my skin itching to get away from him. I knew it was rage, I had been there a few times actually. I just had to hope he didn't rain down on Kia right now or we would be dealing with hell coming down on us, literally. He would have to wait to get a few punches or fire

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