Chapter 27: Playing petty is fun.

1125 Words

"So, you are Prof. Blacks center?" A tall and I mean very tall guy with piercing pink eyes and a head full of dread locks asked as he made his was closer to me. "I haven't heard much about you or your blood line. So, I am assuming you’re weak so this test should be over pretty quick. That works in my favor because I have things to do that matter." Seriously is this place trying to test my patience. I shook my head ready to start yelling about what they put in the dang water here for them just to be so rude. Literally, I was just sitting here beside a pink tree with my eyes shut just focusing on the magic and here comes Mr. jack ass. "Are you going to speak or are you mute? This is probably why he is okay with having a student as a center. I would love a girl who put out and never talked.

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