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In evening, Manik called up Navya. "Hello Navya this is Manik Malhotra speaking", he told in a cold voice "Oh!  hello sir how did you call me?", she enquired. { Manik Malhora is a famous business tycoon and a politician . He is thus very renowned and respected} "Navya I want to know a few things about Nandani", said Manik. "Sir but how do you know her,  and what do you want to know about her"?, asked Navya confusingly. "Navya I saw many cuts on her hands . Her classmate Alya also told me the same .Since you are a childhood friend of Nandani do u know about those cuts", asked Manik. "Sir, Nandani is an introvert and doesn't likes to socialize much with others and those cuts which you are talking about were made by her!", replied Navya. "What?", asked Manik shockingly.  "Nandani is a girl with lots of negativity. She is under depression and is also insomniac ", informed Navya Manik was shocked to hear the truth.He asked, "Do her parents know about this?" "No, sir Nandani is an orphan. She lives with her uncle and aunt", replied Navya. "Do they love her?", asked Manik "Yes.. they love Nandani a lot ", said Navya. "So than, why is she under so much depression?", asked Manik suspiciously. "When Nandani was 7 years old,  her parents died in a car accident. Nandani and her younger brother used to live with their grandmother  in Manglore . A lot of bad incidents happened over there", Navya said. "Bad incidents? Navya can you please ellaborate what bad incidents?", Manik said "Sir after completing our schooling, Nandani and I went to M.M.K International College . There was a guy in our college named Harshad,  who was a big play boy. Neither Nandani nor I knew that. Harshad proposed to Nandani and she accepted his proposal. Harshad dated Nandani only for physical reasons. There was another guy named Karthik Kappor. He belonged to a well to do family,  but he never showed off and was very decent. Karthik didn't know that  Nandani was dating Harshad,  so he proposed to her. Harshad and his g**g were big bullies of the college. They ragged Karthik and recorded his video and posted on social-networking sites due to which Karthik committed suicide", said Navya "What...?", asked Manik shockingly. "Yes sir, this matter was bought to the principal. Harshad and his g**g put all the blame on Nandani. Harshad was from a rich family. He bribed the principal,  and as well as the police and got out of that matter. Nandani used to be called to the police station for inquiry, many a times and she was also expelled from the college.A lot of blame came on her character. She went into severe depression due to this. Nandani's grand mom thought that if she would go to a new city and leave Manglore she would  forget all this incident but to no avail". said Navya "Thank you so much Navya for this information. Can you do another small favour,? please don't inform Nandani that I called you up, to know about her past", said Manik "Sure sir " said Navya. "You dont need to refer me as sir, you can call me Manik and if you need any help feel free to contact me", he said and hanged up the call. Manik muttered dangerously, "Nandani I promise I will take revenge from all those people who are responsible for your condition. But you also did a huge mistake by hurting yourself, you too have to bear the consequences"
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