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"Careful pup, don't bite." He closed in on me to tower over me. "Hounds in heat shouldn't antagonize the big dog."   I glared up at him. Catching that woodsy cologne again. And for some reason it was disorienting me now, combined with the rest of him. My eyes roved down over his frame, knowing now that he was wound with muscle and coated in sexy tattoos.   "So, which am I?" I challenged. "A pup or the b***h in heat?"   He dropped his face to me. "You tell me."   I reared back. That'd sounded perilously close to a come on. From Porter?   Okay, clearly, he's not at all who I thought he was.   "I'm your boss!"   "Not here you're not." He took another predatory step toward me, forcing me to retreat before he stepped on my foot. He chased my movements. "Here you're a small woman alone in the apartment of a man you hardly know. Asking him for favors when you never know what you're going to get."   What am I going to get? I almost wanted to ask the question. Nearly dying with curiosity now.   "What are you going to do?" I eyed that holster. "Shoot me?"   He snorted. "Why would I do that?"   He reached into his side pocket and lifted his fold handcuffs to tap them pointedly toward me. "When this could be sooo much more fun."   "Porter!"   "My name is Kane. Only people at Clark & Walker call me that."   "But I-"   "Kane." He cut me off. Walking past me.   "You're a bouncer?"   "Security Manager." He corrected.   "Same thing?"   He hesitated. "Close enough."   What the hell does that mean?   Could he possibly be more mysterious.   I bet he'd be so stunned I could shove him against that wall and climb him like a tree.   I blinked in shock at my own thoughts.   I blamed it on the fact that the whole elevator now smelled like his cologne. That deep earthen, woodsy aroma that made him seem wild.   I was already wondering if he'd have a motorcycle hidden in the garage that he was going to expect me to ride in my skirt.   It'd certainly finish his look.   I found myself adjusting my skirt uncomfortably. Noting that my panties suddenly felt like they were sticking to me and knowing full well why that would be.   He led me around the side of his apartment building to a line of garage doors. He plucked a keyring from his pocket and hit a button with his thumb. As soon as the door started lifting I realized that what I was looking at was a car.   A nice one.   The pointed lined and deep decorative indentations made it clear that it was expensive.   "What is it?" I asked breathlessly.   "A car."   "What kind."   "A Spider."   "Never heard of it."   He snorted, walking toward the driver's side while I slid between the wall and the car, trying not to get dust on my clothes as I cracked the passenger door. "Of course not."   "What the hell does that mean?"   "You're so careful and controlled, I can't imagine you driving anything fun."   "I can be fun."   He paused to peer over the top of the car, eyeing me skeptically. "When? In the sack? 'Cause I really doubt anywhere else."
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