
1716 Words
Alex POV My wolf was going wild within me as I sat high in a tree overlooking the forest, smelling his mate hidden within. She was nowhere to be found despite my extensive search, but her scent lingered nearby. With a frustrated sigh, I rubbed a small spot on my hand with her scent. I desired above all else to locate her, but I also didn't want to scare her off. “Mate is here, I know it.” Gunner my wolf howled in my head. “I climbed all the branches that were sturdy enough to hold someone in this tree. She is not here.” I responded to my wolf. “She is here. I sense her next to us,” my wolf demanded in my head. He was insane. No one was at my side. “She is not here, see?” I responded to my wolf as I moved my hands through the leaves in the tree. As I moved the leaves around, they brushed past my hand until I felt a tingling sensation from something I touched. As I quickly let go of my hand, I finally heard something moving in the leaves. A small creature emerged from the leaves, but I quickly caught it and held it close to me. Once again, sparks greeted me as I felt something in my hands fighting to break free. Why did I feel a connection to this small creature? As I slowly released one of my hands, I was amazed to see a young woman while my wolf declared "Mate" in my mind. “If I release my hands, don’t fly away.” I whispered. I did not know if she grasped what I was saying, but I certainly didn't want to intimidate her. Letting go of both hands, she flew up and perched on a small branch closer to my face, examining me. “Are you a pixie? You are so small.” I blurted out before thinking about how to go about talking to her. She nodded her head as she flew closer to me and placed her tiny hand on mine. “Yes, I am; I’m smaller than most.” A soft voice greeted my mind. With her flowing brown curly hair and captivating bright blue eyes, the girl's beauty mesmerized me. My knowledge of pixies was minimal, only based on what I found in the Light Fae library. The book's claim of the Dark Far wiping them out was clearly incorrect. My knowledge led me to believe that she could change into a form closer to the size of a human. As she flew higher, I feared her departure, which prompted me to slowly extend my hand towards her. Her small hand once again greeted mine as she flew against my hand and held onto my finger. “I can’t talk with you. I’m already in trouble for revealing myself. I must go.” her soft voice greeted my mind again. “Why can’t you talk to me? Is more of your kind nearby? We won’t harm you.” I responded. “I’m the last of my kind. I’m sorry, I must go,” her voice whispered in my head. “We can’t let mate disappear.” My wolf demanded. “Whatever trouble you are in, we can help you.” I offered. Her hand brushed against mine again. “No one can help me. When he calls, I must go. It is my job to provide information.” She explained in my head as she flew from my hand. “Is that why you were watching us?” I asked. She shook her head yes as I reached my hand towards her again. “Can you stay until you are called back? I want to help.” I questioned. She nodded affirmatively once more and flew towards me, circling around my body while observing me. Taking more of her in, I noticed a black strap tight against her neck, and as I reached a finger out towards it, she flew further away. “Is that strap around your neck hurting you?” I asked. Flying close to me again, she placed her small hand in mine. “Please, I can’t talk; the more I tell you, the more trouble I’ll be in.” Her voice quivered in my head. “I’m your mate. You may not understand what that means, but no matter what trouble you are in, I’ll help you.” I explained. The pixie flew up and gently touched my cheek. “I know what a mate bond is and I know what we are to each other. That is the only reason I stayed when you requested. I'll show you my orders to protect the good in this realm. Once I show you, you must return to your kingdom and forget about me,” she responded Before I could speak, my mind was flooded with images of the Troll King scheming against the Light Fae Kingdom. She was given the assignment to gather information about my travel group for unknown reasons and had three days to finish it. Private conversations revealed that the troll king's forces had considerably bolstered in the past few years, potentially posing a challenge to the light Fae Kingdom. It was urgent to alert my brother-in-law, King Damien, right away. The warmth of her small hand faded away as she pulled from me and distanced herself. “Can you show or tell me how you are involved and why you are in trouble?” I asked. Shaking her head in refusal, she distanced herself even more to take flight. “The vision you showed me said you had three days. Stay with me for at least that time and give me a chance to help you.” I requested as I held my hand out. Upon coming back, she landed in my hand and settled, enabling me to bring her closer. Her smallness and fragility became clear as she sat in the palm of my hand. Her small hand brushed against mine again as she looked up at me. “My name is Ember. I am the pet cherished by the troll king, unable to flee while wearing the collar. Once he commands me to return, I'll have to reveal what I've witnessed. Our conversation will be known to him. I won’t be able to block all of it from him, no matter how hard I try,” she explained in my mind. “If I remove the collar, you are free?” I asked. “Yes, but it is difficult to remove. I’ve tried for years.” She explained in my head. “Can I look at it? If I touch it, will it hurt you?” I asked. “No, it won’t. You can look.” She responded as she bent in my hand so I had easy access. With my fingers, I slid her hair off her neck. The collar closely resembled the ones in the dark far territory after we triumphed over them. They were resistant to any powers from this realm removing them’, but I was not from this realm. I was confident in my ability to remove it from her, but the one controlling it would quickly learn of its destruction. “I believe I can remove the collar Ember, but we will need to leave this place immediately after for safety. Will you accompany me to the camp we have set up so I can inform my brother and warriors?” I asked. Ember nodded her head yes as she flew out of my hand and I jumped from the tree. She trailed after me, and once we arrived at the camp, she concealed herself in a tree while I woke everyone up and briefed them on the situation. Once ready, I held my hand out for Ember. Flying towards me, she landed in my palm and stared at me. The sensation of her being so close warmed and calmed my wolf. My brother and the other warriors traveling with us were equally astonished by her small size. “When I remove the collar, Ember, we will make our way to the Light Fae Kingdom immediately afterwards. I promise you will be provided with safe accommodations.” I explained. Ember nodded, showing she understood, while I brushed her hair from her neck. Concentrating on using a tiny amount of my power so I would not cause my fragile little mate harm, I felt a warming sensation at the tip of my fingers. Ember’s small body trembled in my hand before I released my power into the collar around her neck. “You have nothing to fear, little mate. I am one of the elemental hybrids in this realm, and the power I possess will never harm you.” I whispered, knowing she was putting an incredible amount of trust in me with a little knowledge of who I truly was. Gently pushing one finger against her collar, I released just enough of my firepower to warm it, instructing the fire to melt away the spell and cause her no harm. It only took a few seconds, and the tiny collar released from Ember’s neck. My little mate flew straight to my face and planted a kiss on my cheek as soon as it was released. “Take flight towards the light Fae Kingdom and warn King Damien and Queen Luna. Alex and I will run with his mate and meet you there.” My brother Aaron instructed the warriors. It was obvious, based on the way Ember was flying, she was exhausted. I was not surprised; the collar, although small, was created with powerful magic, and the process of me removing it most definitely overwhelmed her. “Ember, I’m going to shift into my wolf. I want you to hold on to me.” I instructed. Ember nodded once more than I transformed into a wolf, and she flew onto my back, gripping onto my fur as we sprinted away at top speed. Size and fragility won't deter me from standing by and safeguarding my tiny mate. Her past was a mystery to me, but I'm committed to ensuring a bright future for her.
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