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Ember POV Once I recommended Alex finish the bond, he stayed silent. Even though I wasn't familiar with his species, I knew the meaning of being soul-bound. I may have been young when I learned about it, but I knew it was something you should never deny. Having a soul-bound connection for my kind was incredibly rare, but it meant it was our destiny to be with that person. Just a few hours ago, I doubted if we could be together, but the more I spent time with him, the more I realized I wanted to stay by his side. Being small always bothered me, and now that I've met Alex, I wish I could always be big when I'm with him. I craved to feel his lips against mine again, and I wanted to feel his touch against my skin without him pulling away in fear he was going to break me. The room's silence made me uncomfortable, prompting me to fly away from him again. According to him, his wolf desired to mark me, but perhaps he didn't want to form a bond with someone like me. Alex’s warm hand greeted my body before I could make it far, gently pulling me back to the bed as he rolled and set me down on his chest. Feeling awkward, I sat on him and put my head in my lap, but his finger gently nudged me to look up at him. “I didn’t mean to upset you; I just couldn’t form the right words to respond right away,” he admitted. “Did I say something wrong?” I asked as I looked into his enchanting eyes. “No, I want to mark you Ember and complete the bond with you, but we don’t have to rush it. My wolf is pushy, but just because I said that’s what he wants does not mean you have to do it. I want the decision to be up to you, and we also need to ensure it’s safe. I don’t want to cause you harm,” he admitted. “It’s because of how small I am that you are worried,” I asked. “It’s not; your size does not bother me at all. You are adorable, and all I can think about is holding you,” he responded. “I’ve never been able to choose for myself until I met you. I want you to mark me. I want to remain with you.” I responded. “I’ll mark you, I promise, and we will complete the bond. Let’s wait until we get back to the Kingdom. I know you are tired, just as I am, so how about we get some sleep? I promise I won’t move around so you can sleep on top of my chest,” Alex offered. Turning off the bedroom light, Alex adjusted against the pillows, and I found it very comfortable on top of him. He provided me with comfort I hadn't experienced while sleeping for so long. His heartbeat resonated in my ear while his fingers lazily grazed my body, quickening his pulse and calming me. His touch was soothing, making my body crave more. “I wish I were bigger,” I whispered. “You are perfect the way you are, but if that’s truly what you wish when we get back to the Kingdom, I know a witch who may help you maintain your larger form longer,” Alex responded softly. “That would be a dream come true,” I responded as he continued to brush his finger against my body slowly. Alex's comfort quickly lulled me into a peaceful sleep. ___________ Opening my eyes and rolling slightly, I felt incredibly refreshed. I’ve never slept so well in my life. As Alex continued to sleep soundly, I sat up and observed him. Despite a gentle knock on the door, Alex remained unfazed. “I’m sure Alex is still sound asleep; once in a deep sleep, he can sleep through almost any sound. If you’re awake and hungry or want to get out of the room, I have berries here.” Alex’s brother’s voice sounded through the door. At the mention of food, my stomach growled hungrily. Despite being slightly scared to meet more people, I flew to the door and responded, “I’ll come out.” Alex's brother heard me and opened the door, giving me the chance to fly out. Aaron walked over to a table and sat down. “Make yourself at home; I will check to see if it’s safe to head towards the Kingdom. Here is a small plate full of forest berries. I was not sure if that was something you liked. If not, I can look around for something else,” Aaron explained. “Berries are perfect,” I responded as I flew over to the table and sat on the edge. “Thank you.” I chimed as I looked at Aaron. “No problem,” he responded. “I’m sorry to cause the two of you so much trouble.” I expressed as I looked around. “You are causing no trouble at all. I’m thankful Alex could free you from that scum. You are family now since you are Alex’s mate, but even if you weren’t, we would have helped you,” Aaron responded. “I was raised as a child to never trust any other species, yet the two of you seem completely different from what I learned or any of the other larger creatures,” I explained. “Is that why your kind remained hidden? The palace library had minimal information on pixies when I researched this realm.” Aaron asked. “I was young when my home was attacked, so I’m afraid I don’t know all the reasons. I was always told most don’t like us because of our ability to fool others, and others use us because of our ability. Some pixies did not mind associating with other species, but I was never allowed the option and protected more than most. I was never told the reason,” I explained. “I can’t imagine living in hiding; it must have been hard,” Aaron responded. “My life was never hard when I was younger; despite it being a long time since my home was destroyed, I still remember the fun I had like it was yesterday. I wished to know what the world was like outside of the small area we remained hidden, but that did not stop me from being happy. The ones that cared for me were loving and taught me much. I miss all of them dearly.” I whispered. “I am very sorry you lost so many you cherished deeply. I am happy you have held onto happy memories. That way, they may always stay alive within you.” Aaron smiled. “My memories are one of the main things that kept me going over the years. In honesty, I always told myself to endure this a little longer for all those who protected me, and one day, I’ll be free.” I expressed as I heard the floor creek behind me. “Looks like, Sir Sleepy-head is finally up.” Aaron laughed as Alex sat in a chair right by the table I was sitting at. “Morning, Ember; I hope you slept well,” Alex chirped. “I did, thank you,” I replied. “I’ll head out and see if it’s safe for us to leave while you remain with Ember.” Aaron offered as he got up from the table. “Thanks,” Alex said, as he kept his eyes on me. The moment Aaron left, Alex brushed his finger against my wings. “Come back to the room with me for a few minutes,” he requested as he got up, and I flew from the table into the room. Alex closed the door behind us. “Can you shift into your larger form now?” he asked. “Yes,” I responded as I shifted. Once I finished, Alex immediately pulled me towards him, surprising me. “Is everything okay?” I asked as he brushed his hand against my face. Instead of responding, his lips met mine as he kissed me with hunger while pushing me onto the bed. “I’m finding it hard to control myself around you, tiny mate, but if I’m going too far, just say stop, and I will,” Alex whispered. “Keep going,” I responded as his hands met the hem of my dress before pushing it up. “f**k, you have nothing on under this,” he growled as his lips trailed down my bare skin. Alex continued to explore my body as his hands slid against my bare skin, touching me in ways no one had ever before. A shiver ran up my body as he cupped my breasts, but he withdrew fast from my reaction. “Am I going too far?” Alex asked. “No, no one has ever touched me this way. It feels good; I’m just getting used to the feeling.” I admitted as he got up on the bed with me and pulled me in his arms against him. “I’m glad I’m the first to touch you, and I should be the only one to do so,” he whispered as his lips met mine again. Alex held me for several more minutes before helping me straighten my dress. “Aaron will be back soon,” he explained as I grabbed his hand. Even the slightest touch drove me wild about him as I pulled myself against him once more. “Thank you for coming into my life,” I whispered as I shifted back into my smaller form once again. My life was filled with joy once again, just when I needed it.
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