
1869 Words
Ember POV As we walked through the tunnel, Alex pulled me close to him. I inhaled deeply, trying to revel in the amount of contact I could have with him in my larger form since I could only stay in my enlarged form for so long. “How far are we from the kingdom?” I asked. “It’s about an hour's walk from here,” Alex responded. “I know you could show Alex some of what you overheard about the troll’s plans to attack the Light Fae Kingdom. Do you also know what strengthened them?” Aaron asked. “Yes, the troll king picked up where the Dark Fae king left off on experiments. Most troll warriors have been infused with other beings’ power sources.” I explained. “Ember, when we reach the Kingdom, King Damien will most likely ask that you share everything you know with him. Are you comfortable doing that? I promise to stay with you the entire time,” Alex asked. “Yes, I am. I'm glad I can assist those who want to safeguard this realm. The trolls want to follow through with the Dark Fae’s plan.” “We will do everything we can to protect the realm,” Alex responded, as his hand brushed against me. “I should transform back to my normal size now,” I whispered, spacing myself from Alex for a moment and then flying up to his shoulder when I was finished. “How are you feeling?” he asked. “My head hurts slightly, but otherwise, fine,” I answered. The rest of the walk was filled with a casual conversation between Alex and his brother. I relished the feeling of being lost in my thoughts, so close to the person my heart belongs to, even though I questioned if confessing my love was right. I was not expecting a response, but his silence made me concerned that I was the only one who felt this way. Even though I was no longer captive, there was still much I needed to learn. I remained unsure about how to interact with people. Perhaps I spoke too soon, but I wanted to express my emotions. “Almost there,” Alex whispered as a ladder came into sight. “Home sweet home,” Aaron chimed as he climbed up and unlocked a door. A loud bang instantly traveled down into the tunnel, echoing around us. “What the hell was that?” Alex blurted out. We cautiously emerged from the tunnel and found ourselves in another small forest within the Light Fae kingdom. The sound of crashing water was nearby. “Dammit, Damien, you need to seal the twins’ power before they blow up the entire kingdom.” A loud voice yelled, filling the entire area, followed by the sound of children laughing afterward. “Looks like Storm and Sky are causing trouble.” Aaron laughed. “Alex, Aaron, why are the two of you back?” A man said as he ran up to us, out of breath. “Did the warriors, not alert Damien we were on our way?” Alex asked. “No, no word has come in on your travels.” The fae man said as two small children ran up to his side. “Uncle Alex.” the little girl squealed in excitement. “Where is Damien? We must speak with him immediately,” Aaron requested, not wanting to waste time. “I’m right here.” Another voice sounded as a Fae with wings like a bird landed on the ground by us. The two small children immediately attached themselves to him. “So, are we going to talk about the small pixie on your shoulder?” The first Fae we saw asked. “Damien and Anthony, I would like to introduce you to my mate, Ember. The Troll King held Ember captive, and she possesses vital information about his imminent attack. The trolls have become considerably stronger, and if the warriors we were traveling with haven't informed you, it suggests they encountered danger on their way back.” Alex explained. “Come to the cabin now and we will discuss.” King Damien ordered as the other Fae looked directly at me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ember, I’m Anthony,” he said with a smile. “Nice to meet you,” I responded, but he clearly could not hear me. “Ember is happy to meet you as well,” Alex said, helping me out as we walked through the forest. “I apologize in advance, my family here can be a little … hectic,” Alex said as he flashed me a slightly guilty smile. “It’s fine. The two children are the prince and princess?” I asked as we walked. “Yes, Princess Sky and Prince Storm are two very rambunctious five-year-olds,” Alex responded. “More like naughty.” Anthony corrected as he looked back at us, causing Alex to laugh. “Is there a reason you are at the cabin right now? I did not think we would run into you immediately after we got out of the tunnel?” Aaron asked. “Your precious niece and nephew blew up a portion of the palace, so the cabin is home for a few days.” Anthony chuckled in response. “Impressive” Alex laughed. “Very,” King Damien agreed with a hint of pride in his voice. It took little time for us to reach a small cabin. As I leaned against Alex's head, my head began throbbing. “Ember, are you ok?” Alex whispered. “My head and my side,” I responded now, finding it hard to concentrate as my side burned as well. “Hold on Ember, my sister and Maya are inside. Maya should be able to help you.” Alex said as he picked up his pace. We’d hardly stepped into the cabin when a breathtaking woman who bore a striking resemblance to Alex enthusiastically greeted us, enveloping Aaron in her arms. “Welcome home, and welcome Alex’s mate,” she chimed as she looked at me. “You don’t look surprised that I found my mate,” Alex responded. “I sensed it when it happened, although I was startled to sense your entrance back into the kingdom. What brings the two of you home early?” Luna eyed Alex with an inquisitive brow raised. “Aaron will catch you and Damien up to date, but I need to speak with Maya,” Alex explained. “I will get her for you,” Anthony offered as he walked away from us momentarily. I had a weird sensation like my body was asserting its own will. Did the symbol on me cause this? It required immense effort for me to maintain control as another stunning woman returned with Anthony, cradling a newborn. “Maya, this is my mate Ember, and she has a spell on her right now placed by the Troll King. Do you think you can remove it?” Alex asked. Maya nodded before turning to Anthony and handed him the newborn. “Come with me into the bedroom,” Maya beckoned. Alex followed her, and once the door was closed, he told me it was safe to fly to the bed. “Can you shift into your larger form?” Alex asked me. “Not right now,” I whispered. “Are you a pixie?” Maya asked with a shocked expression. “Yes,” I responded, as I nodded my head. I was unsure if she could hear me like Alex. “Maya is a hybrid wolf. She can hear you.” Alex said softly, as if he read my mind. “Ember, are you comfortable with me holding my hand over you so I can sense the spell?” Maya asked. “Do what you need,” I responded, as I felt a calming warmth emit from her hand as she held it over me. “This is a very strong spell. I’m surprised you are even fighting this Ember. Alex, can you leave for a moment?” Maya asked. “Are you comfortable with me leaving?” Alex asked, and I nodded affirmation. Once Alex left, Maya looked at me. “A spell like this would have caused immense pain when it was originally cast on you. I'm sorry you had to experience something like this. Unfortunately, I don't know how to undo a spell like this, but I'll look into it. In the meantime, I can make you a potion that will help you fight off the effects.” Maya explained to me. “Thanks. I don’t remember the spell being placed on me or any pain.” I admitted. “Hmm,” Maya said as she held her hand over me. “It seems whoever did this has blocked memories from you and I can sense they did so on multiple occasions. I can remove the block they imposed on them, but please be aware that it may temporarily overwhelm you. Is that something you would like me to do?” Maya asked. “Yes, please…. I want to remember.” I responded. Maya held her hand out and chanted a few words: “First, I want you to take a sip of this; it is the potion that will help you fight the spell.” Maya ordered as she opened it so I could fly over. Maya made it easy for me to get a small amount in my mouth, and the headache I was experiencing faded almost immediately. “Thank you,” I whispered, happy to feel some relief. “Is there anything else you need help with before I cast the spell to remove the block from your memories?” Maya asked. Since everyone was still unknown to me, I avoided asking too much and shook my head no for the time being. Maya held her hand over me one last time and chanted a few words. It felt as though a lock had been removed from my mind, allowing forgotten memories to come flooding back. Grabbing my chest, I let out a silent cry. The memories that greeted me made me sick to my stomach. The way I was truly used, the experiments they conducted on me just so they could possess my power. “I’m sorry, Ember. I’m sure what they blocked is painful. I’ll get Alex and bring him back.” Maya whispered, but I shook my head no. “I just want to be alone right now,” I replied. “I understand. You are welcome to rest here.” Maya nodded, gesturing to the bed before stepping out of the room. Luckily, the room's window was open wide, allowing me to slip out. Flying out to the forest, I sat high in a tree and closed my eyes. I knew the true motive for why I was valuable to both the Dark Fae King and the Troll King. I was the reason they killed my kind. Their motive was to apprehend me, and staying here would only invite danger.
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