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Ember Pov Alex’s pained expression made me fear the worst as he remained silent for a moment. “I’ll never let him take you, Ember. I know someone who may remove the spell, but until we reach them, you are going to have to fight it. I will help you. If we complete the bond we share, it will help heal you and keep the fever at bay. The only thing I’m worried about is hurting you if we proceed. I want to mark you, Ember, but the spell has already weakened you. I don’t know if your body can handle that right now,” Alex admitted. “I want you to mark me, Alex. I doubt we would be together if I could not handle completing this with you.” I explained as I moved down slightly on his body and shifted into my larger form. Alex swallowed loudly as he looked at me. It appeared as though he was battling with his wolf and himself, causing his eyes to flicker. “Ember, this may hurt, but I promise the pain won’t last long,” he said in a low voice as he sat up with me on him and positioned me in his lap. Alex’s nose brushed against my neck and shoulder as he sniffed me, and then his lips met my skin, trailing me with several kisses before I felt a sharp pain from his teeth sinking in. A brief yelp escaped my mouth as pain coursed through me, but as he had assured me, the pain disappeared rapidly. Our bond grew stronger as I sensed his emotions flooding into me. He wanted to be close and protect me, even though we had only recently met. My body had a new urge to continue with him. I wanted to feel all of Alex. I wanted him to become one with me as he slowly removed his teeth and licked my neck. “Ember, I need you to tell me you’re okay, and I need to hear from you that you want to continue before I go any further,” he whispered against me. “I want to continue. I’m okay; you did not hurt me, Alex.” I responded as he slowly placed me on the bed. Alex’s lips trailed down my body as my back arched from his touch. My mate’s lips left my body momentarily as he removed his pants and then returned to the bed, taking my mouth with his like a wild animal. As his tongue explored the depths of my mouth, I couldn't help but feel the slow, tantalizing trail of his hand as it made its way down my body. As soon as he arrived at my entrance, a slight shiver of anticipation ran through me. “Are you ok?” he softly asked. “Yes,” I moaned as a warm sensation fueled my anticipation. Alex’s lips met mine again as he pushed his body gently against mine. The sight of his hardened erection sent waves of pleasure through me, while the growing intensity of my own arousal seemed to fill the entire room. My body reacted with pleasure, a jolt of ecstasy coursing through me, as his fingers effortlessly slid into my entrance. As we passionately kissed, Alex continued to skillfully move his fingers in and out of me. My body was now crying for more. “This may cause some pain again, Ember, but just like my mark, I promise it will go fast and be replaced with pleasure,” Alex said softly as he removed his fingers, and I felt the tip of his c**k press against my entrance. Our eyes met, and in that moment, Alex pushed himself inside me, stretching and filling my body. The pain was intense, and I couldn't suppress the small yelp that escaped my mouth. Pulling his hand under my back, Alex remained still for a moment, allowing the pain from his penetration to subside. He slowly moved again, keeping his captivating gaze on mine and ensuring he wasn’t hurting me anymore. A feeling of pleasure surged through me as he rhythmically moved his body against mine. It did not take long for me to coat him with my orgasm, causing him to pick up his pace. Low grunts released from his mouth as he slammed his body against mine and pulled my body tighter against his. “You feel amazing, Ember,” he whispered as he continued moving within me, now going deeper. My body melted in pleasure under his. With each thrust, my body reacted with moans of pleasure, intensifying his excitement and causing him to jolt slightly within me. With one last thrust, Alex tightened his body against mine as he released his seed inside of me. The two of our bodies remained connected while we calmed down, and then Alex pulled out slowly. It startled me when I noticed he was hard again within only a few seconds as he gently rolled my body and pulled me to my knees. “Are you still ok?” he questioned. “Mm-hmm” was the only response I could muster as his hand met my chest and his manhood filled my body once more. This time, Alex moved against me harder and faster, but I could tell he was still doing his best not to cause me any pain. My orgasms seemed limitless as they continued lubricating him while he slammed his body into mine. “Mmmm,” I hummed as he hit a sensitive spot, radiating a whole new level of pleasure throughout my body. Alex’s face brushed against my wings as he once again released his seed in my body and then pulled me so I was in his arms. The fever in my body was almost completely subdued as I cherished my last moments in this form. Once I shifted, Alex placed his hand on me. “You are perfect, Ember,” he stated as his fingers brushed over my body. “So are you.” I gave him a half-delirious smile. “The bond will allow me to aid you in fighting the fevers this spell gives you. Although I can’t completely take them away, I’ll be able to sense when you’re sick. If we stay close, I can help ease some of the burden,” Alex clarified. “Will it make you sick as well?” I asked. “No, I can just share some of my strength and energy with you to heal your body,” he explained. “Ok, but I don’t want you to do anything that will hurt you.” “I can handle a little pain. What I can’t handle is if you’re in pain and don’t let me help,” he responded. “I understand.” I flew up to his face and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. “I know you may not be a fan of your small size, but I can’t get over how cute you are.” Alex chuckled. “My size may come in handy for some things, but when being around others so much bigger, I truly feel like a bug. I want to be closer to your size so you don’t have to act so cautiously with me.” I explained. “It’s in my nature. I’ll try not to since you told me not to, but understand even if you were closer to me in size all the time, I would still want to keep you safe. You’re my mate.” Alex responded as he held out his hand for me. Standing up, Alex walked into the bathroom and placed me down on the counter. Alex had a grin on his face as he turned on the sink faucet and waited a moment before plugging it. “I know it’s not a tub, but it’s the perfect size for you right now,” he mentioned as he grabbed a small bottle that had hints of vanilla, placed a few drops in the water, and then added some soap as well. Once the sink was full, he looked at me again. “A makeshift bath should help relieve your body,” he explained, causing me to giggle. I had never experienced a bath before, but it seemed calming as he guided me into it with a smile. As I submerged myself in the water, my body relaxed, and the soothing aroma surrounded me. Although enjoyable, I was sore from what occurred in the bedroom. “I’m going to take a brief shower, but I’ll be in here with you,” Alex explained as he walked away and I heard the shower turn on. Closing my eyes, I took in the tranquility the bath provided as I rubbed my hand against the mark Alex gave me. Was it typical to already feel love for him? Opening my eyes again, I used my hand to wash off my body. I carefully slid my hand in between my legs to wash off as well, since I had a slight pain. While moving my hand, I observed a small quantity of blood in the water, which was likely a result of this being my first time. Alex was also big. Even in my larger form, he stretched me to the max. Alex shot out of the shower as the small bit of my blood mixed the water. “Ember, are you ok?” he asked, worried, causing me to giggle. “I’m fine. It’s just because you were my first.” I explained, calming him down as he dried off, wrapped a towel around himself, and then helped me out and provided me with a small towel. Alex brushed his finger against my head. “Fever is gone. The next time you’re not feeling well, tell me immediately,” he ordered in a calm voice as he carried me out to the bed and I pulled my dress back on. “So whenever the fever comes back, we just mate?” I asked, causing Alex to laugh. “Although that sounds very tempting, tiny mate, I will not overwhelm your body. We just need to remain close. If I hold you, that should be enough to help,” he explained as Aaron knocked on the door. “Everything ok?” he asked through the door. “Yes, Ember is doing better,” Alex called out. “The trolls are leaving the area. It may be safe to head towards the Kingdom first thing tomorrow.” Aaron explained as I yawned. “We will be ready,” Alex yelled back out as he placed me on the bed. “I can finally envision a promising future. The Light Fae Kingdom might be on the brink of a new war with the trolls, but now I can harness my power to support the greater good in this realm. Despite my size, I assure you I’ll do everything in my power to keep this realm safe,” I promised. “You may be small, but the power you possess is greater than anything I’ve witnessed, and you did not even show me your full potential,” Alex made clear. While I may not be completely free as we initially thought, I’m still looking forward to the road ahead. Henceforth, I vow to use my abilities solely to protect the realm and never for evil.
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