Chapter 4

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His flight to Sta. Catalina was scheduled for tomorrow and he doesn't know what he should feel. He wanted to see someone, he wanted to make her feel his anger. "How long will you be staying there, Toby?" Mikay asked him. She was her silent business partner at Square One. Toby's friends don't know anything about her. Other than she studied at St. Celestine, and she was her childhood friend in Sta. Catalina. She was his pretty little secret. Besides, the woman doesn't want Toby's friends to know about her. She also has a “phobia” with men. "I will only be there for a month, Mikay." Toby put his hand on the woman's shoulder but he immediately removed it when he felt her shiver. He took a deep breath and he moved away from her to give her some space. "Don't miss me too much!" He jokingly said. "Psh! i***t! As if I'm going to miss you! Even if you're gone for another year, that's okay for me! That's in my favor!" Mikay argued back at him. Suddenly his face changed as if he suddenly remembered something from his past. "Hmmm...Toby? What would you do if you saw Nhia?" The young woman asked. He clenched his jaw. He also clenched his hand in anger. He walked away from her. He didn't want to scare the girl with his reactions. "If we did see each other, so be it. It's not like we are going to have a happy reunion. If it happens, then it happens," he told her. He was not going to admit that he planned to destroy Nhia's life. Mikay was a nice woman, she doesn't want to see or hear anything related to any kind of violence. Toby noticed Mikay's eyebrow rising for a moment but he ignored her reaction. "Mikay, make sure to avoid my friends, they are crazy. I don't want you to get hurt," he seriously said. "Toby, you do know that even if you don't tell me, I'm not really going to meet with your friend! All of them are playboys, for cripes sake!" She sticks out her tongue to Toby, causing the latter to laugh. "You're a terrible friend Miks! Brad and Stephen are the womanizers in the group. Louie and Iñigo already have a family. And then there is Liam, he is a good boy!" "Whatever...I still don't trust those men. I will be just hiding in the office." Mikay laughingly said. "But seriously, be careful when you get there, okay? If you need someone to talk to, just call me." "I know that, Miks. That's why I'm thankful that you are my friend." "It's nothing. Can we stop with all the drama now?" she looked at Toby and gave him a two-finger salute. "Yes ma'am!" *** "Toby," his Tito Khillua hugged him when he stepped out of Sta. Catalina Airport. He took a deep breath then he started to look around. "So may things have changed the last time I was here, Tito," Toby noticed. He hasn't seen Sta. Catalina for several years. The tall buildings that were in front of him used to be a vast acre of rice fields. "Gov. Cervantes did all of this. Sta. Catalina is lucky to have him in the office," Toby just kept quiet. Hell, he doesn't know who Governor Cervantes is. "Would you like to go home, so you can get some rest?" "No, Tito. I want to go to the firm." There was grim determination in his voice. Khilliua thought that Toby was eager to see the firm, however, what he didn't know was that the young man wanted to see Nhia… To make her hope that they will be together again. "Okay. Let's have lunch first. I'll let my secretary know we'll go to the after lunch." **** "Hurry up girls! Sir Khillua might suddenly return to the office!" a woman's excited voice could be heard while Nhia was inside the bathroom. "I heard he's currently with the person who will be replacing him at the firm. In other words, we have a chance to flirt with a younger Pedroza!" Nhia almost dropped her bag. She was suddenly nervous at what she had just heard! She only knew two Pedroza that were young, Khael and Toby. 'Oh, god! Don't let it Toby. ' Nhia whispered. She was not yet ready to see her ex-boyfriend. "What time are they arriving?" "Someone told me they will be in the office after lunch. So they are probably on the way here!" 'Lord, please don't let that person be Toby!' Nhia took a deep breath before she came out of the lavatory. Why must she know that he would be coming here after lunch? If she would have known it beforehand, she might have filled for a half-day work leave. ‘Don’t be stupid, Nhia. He vowed never to go back to Sta Catalina so don't be so paranoid!' She started working for Pedroza Engineering Firm two weeks ago. Nhia was an assistant to the HR director. The older Pedroza wanted her to be his secretary, but she refused because she did not want to be talked about. She was still far from her table when she was suddenly pulled aside by one of her co-workers, Lizbeth. "Sir Khillua is already in the lobby! Hurry up, Nhia! I want to see his handsome nephew!" Nhia flet as if she ran out of energy at what she heard. It was Toby! Toby was the new manager of the Firm! Her feet were felt heavy, so Lizbeth had to drag her into the lobby. The latter let her go and joined the crowd of women that were huddled near the entrance. Nhia, however, decided to be far away from them, so stepped back and remained the back, away from them. She was so nervous. Her heartbeat was beating so fast and she seemed like she was about to faint. I just hope the employees won't be introducing themselves to him, there might be a good chance that Toby won't notice her. She look at him. How many years had passed since the last time she had seen Toby? Toby still looked the same in Nhia's memory. He still has this square jaw, pointed nose, a deep set of eyes that penetrated Nhia's personality whenever he looked at her. Even memory of the shape of his thin lips was still clear. The way the navy-blue shirt was stretched on his shoulders and chest fit perfectly well on him. And his aura was full of authority. Even the way he looked, would compel you to obey him. Nhia shook her head. 'Nhia, you need to remember what that Toby had done you!' she reprimand herself. "Miss Aquino!" "H-huh ?!" Nhia blinked when she was elbowed by the woman next to her. "Sir Khillua is calling you," she whispered. "W-why ?!" Nhia couldn't help but stutter. Her heart started being over time. "Klairinhia come here." The older Pedroza said smiling. If she hadn't been so indebted to the old man, she might have resigned and run away. She took a deep breath before she started walking to him. Her footsteps were heavy, and it seemed like her heart was not cooperating either. It kept on beating erratically. "Sir Khillua..." the girl swallowed when hers and Toby's eyes met but she was the first one to break eye contact. There was a fire in his eyes. Although he had a straight face look and his demeanor was formal in everyone's eyes, she knew her ex-boyfriend very well. She knew behind his calm facades, he was furious inside. "Since you and Toby know each other, I'm assigning you to be his personal assistant." "Wh-what?" She said out aloud. God! She repeatedly asked that their paths should not cross, that was Nhia's only prayer. But what could she do if his uncle had assigned her as an assistant to her ex-boyfriend? "As you all know, Toby had just returned to Sta. Catalina. So he needs someone to help him adjust to the things around her, he needs someone who knows him. Someone like you." "But Sir...I'm not qualified for the secretarial position…Another thing is, I'm was just recently hired...Why not ask Lizbeth instead?" 'Go, on, Nhia… Make excuses...' "You're not qualified Nhia, you're overqualified. You should be in the managerial position, but since you declined my, I have to do something about it. But my dear, Toby needs people he can trust inside and outside the company, and I choose you. " "But sir..." "No buts Nhia. It's not a request. It's an order." Nhia just sighed again. She glanced at Toby who was intently looking at her. "Okay, sir." She was unable to do anything but follow the old man's wishes. However, in the situation between her and Toby, there must be a way to work things out. 'Just ignore him, Nhia.' "Good. Toby, I will be accompanying you to your new office," he turned to Nhia and continued, "Miss Aquino, follow us." All she could do was follow the two of them who were happily talking with the other executives of the firm till they reached Khillua Pedroza's former office. Nhia stared at Toby once more, his broad shoulders. His lean back… It feels good to run my hands on that part of his body--' "Damn, that was creepy!" She stopped imagining when Toby suddenly stopped in front of her, which caused her to bump into his back. The young man looked down at her with a smirk. He leaned down, their face was close to each other, she could feel that her heart stopped beating then whispered. "Don't stare at me too much. I might melt." He had this mischievous grin on his face but his eyes were saying something else. Somethings dangerous. "I was not staring at you, SIR. I was thinking of something else." Nhia avoided looking at him then she walked passed him. ‘You're just so stupid, Nhia!' she scolded herself. Why was she even drooling over that man? To think that she was even caught! Time was not on Nhia's side. For her, it felt like she was in a constant slow motion. All she did was anticipate Toby's every move. She was able to breathe a sigh of relief when it was time to go home, and Jeremy had surprised her. He sent her a text message telling her that he was in the lobby and waiting for her. "Bheb!" her gay friend shouted at her. He even carried a bouquet of flowers. Nhia smiled as she walked closer to her friend. She noticed the wide smiles of her co-workers. What they knew was that the model Jeremy Dee was her boyfriend. "How are you?" Her friend immediately asked. "Urgh! You won't believe how tragic this day went!" Nhia replied annoyance was heard from her voice. Finally, she was able to breathe some fresh air. "Tragic? Seriously, bheb? It was such a tragedy?" "But, it is true!" Nhia said as she pouted. "All right .. Spill .." he said as they walked out. "Did you know that--" "Miss Aquino ..." Jeremy turned to the speaker. She heard Jeremy gasp. "It was tragic, right?" Jeremy just took her hand and squeezed slightly in response. The way the two people acted did not escape Toby's scrutiny. 'So, they are still together…' There was the urge for him to rush and punch the other man but he restrained himself. He has to keep his cool. "Do you need anything else, sir?" Nhia asked him. "Immediately report to me tomorrow morning ." That was all he said and then he left staring at his departing back. 'Don't look back Toby,' was all he could say to himself.

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