Chapter Seven

1846 Words
Damon's POV Damn! I hated the way he looked at her. I despised the way he always jumped to defend her, hoping she would notice him. I saw his desire for her in his eyes and it ripped a tear in my heart. It was her f*****g first day of school and she already had the boys drooling over her. I didn't know why that bothered me more than it should. Why couldn't she be one of those unnoticed nerds in college? Why couldn't she be invisible to these horny boys? She was mine and even if she wanted nothing to do with me anymore, she would always be mine. I tried to convince myself that I would stay away from her to protect my reputation. That it would be like we've never met before. But after learning about the truth, the real reason she was in that motel, I was determined to make things right. Or perhaps, I realized it was impossible to stay away from her. Not when I would be seeing her every day, in her tight little skirts and tops that exposed her cleavage. And watching those brats try to score a point with her. I wasn't going to compete with some college students for her attention, that would be absurd and embarrassing. I had to force her to come to me and I didn't care if I had to give her a thousand probations to achieve that. "Mr. Griffin?" I cleared my throat when I realized I had been lost in thoughts for several minutes. It was gradually becoming a habit, one that I had recently developed because of Maya. I stared at the three college students sitting in front of my desk, their expressions worse than I expected. Jasper was angry, possibly because he had failed to impress Maya. And I knew he never would. I had enough experiences in college to know that good boys never impressed girls. Girls were mentally and physically inclined to toxic men. Men who would hurt them but apologize with good s*x. Men who would make them question their worth and drive them crazy with negligence. Yes. They were never with the good boys. I turned to Maya but she was fiddling with the hem of her skirt, possibly trying to pretend I didn't exist. She wouldn't even look at me and I wanted to punish her for that. Punish her in ways that she would never imagine and maybe fill her afterward. My gaze flicked to the brunette, Lauren, who was the reason they were all in my office. I knew her dad. He was an alumnus and after a very generous donation, his ridiculously untalented daughter was shoved into Emerald. It was ludicrous but money often dictated the terms of an agreement. "Mr. Griffin, you can let us go if you have nothing to say." Jasper interrupted again. I turned my focus to him, hoping it wasn't so evident that I despised him. He got under my skin with everything he did and maybe he knew that. That would explain why he was unapologetically cocky. "Don't make me add a few days to your probation period," I warned. "Probation?" They all chorused at the same time. "Yes. Probation." "We can't possibly be on probation on the first day because of a minor argument." Maya protested, licking her plump lips. I mentally reminded myself to focus. "I've read the rules and this is extreme." "We didn't do anything wrong," Jasper added. "It's unfair." "Unfair? Really?" I threw him an amused glance. "Let's talk about your offenses. First, you caused a scene and disrupted some activities in school." "Excuse me but that was Lauren's fault." I shot Jasper a dark look. "Don't interrupt me again!" He scoffed and crossed his arms across his chest. It took every ounce of my self-control to stop me from bashing his head against my desk. "As punishment, three of you will be on probation for three days. I'm being very kind to all of you because it's your first day." I continued. "Or would you rather have me send you to the Vice-Chancellor to face disciplinary actions?" They shook their heads. "I thought so." I pulled out some probation sheets. "It's the first week so there's a lot of work to do around Campus. Three of you are going to be very useful to us." I flashed them a wicked grin. "Jasper, go see Miss Lindsay for your tasks. She will tell you what to do." I handed him the sheet and he reluctantly took it. "Miss Maya." She turned her face away. "Mr. Maxwell will guide you on what to do. Room 23. Make sure you give him the paper or you'll get an extra day." I slid the paper to her and she rolled her eyes. I detected the slight shock and disappointment on her face because I had assigned her to a different professor. But that was exactly what I aimed to accomplish. Ignoring her attitude, I turned to Lauren. "Miss Lauren, I will oversee your work for the three days you're expected to be on probation." "Can we switch?" Lauren blurted out without any hesitation. "I'm sorry if that came out wrong but I'd rather be assigned to Mr. Maxwell." "Why?" "Well," she shrugged. "He's my dad's friend and I think I'll get along with him. I promise I'll be useful like you said." She had reacted exactly the way I predicted, allowing me to swap her with Maya without raising suspicions. "Fine," I breathed. "You can swap with Maya. I don't think she has any preferences." Maya shot me a long dark look before she handed her paper to Lauren. I was almost certain that everyone in the room noticed but I was relieved to see she wasn't the only one glaring at me. It was a good thing they were all pissed. "Now, you should know how Emerald works." I sank back into my chair. "This is college, no one gives you detention here. But you'll get probation every single time you violate one of the school's rules. You have three strikes each semester and you'll be expelled." I leaned forward, my eyes flickering between the three of them. "You three are down to two strikes. I suggest you learn how to tolerate each other." Without a word, they rose to their feet and turned their backs to leave. "Maya," I called out and she paused, then turned slightly to face me. "Your probation starts now. Please take your seat." She closed her eyes briefly and sucked in her breath. Then folded her arms with a huff of breath, still furious. I knew she felt betrayed, angry even, but she would learn to forgive. The door snapped shut when the other two exited my office, leaving us in the cold, anxious room. Maya glanced back to ensure they were gone and when she confirmed that, she exploded. "I told you to stay away from me!" She choked out. The color had drained out of her rosy cheeks, leaving her skin white. "Far away from me!" Her eyes were hot and deep with need. Exactly as she'd looked at me the night I took her virginity. I rose from my seat and stalked up to her. I grabbed her waist and she gasped. I leaned down until my lips were less than an inch from hers. "Do you really want me to stay away from you?" I took my time admiring her. Wherever my eyes touched her body, I branded her as my possession. "You hurt me." She squeaked, her chest rising and falling. "Do you want me to stay away from you?" "You said those awful things to me." "Maya." With an intake of breath, she searched my gaze. "Tell me you don't want me," I said hoarsely. "Tell me you don't need me to make things right and I'll stop trying. I just need to hear those words from you." She gulped, her eyes burning through mine. "I hate you." She whispered, then giggled loudly. "I hate how you make me betray all my ideas about love and commitment. How you..." She shook her head. "I hate your guts." "You make me do crazy stuff too, Maya." She broke away and took a few steps back. "You're trying to get into my head. I should be angry..." She exhaled. "I should be upset with you." "But here you are," I said. "You're struggling with your emotions. You know you want me, your body needs me just as much as I need you." Our eyes locked in the small room. "I don't want you, Damon," She whispered, trembling. "And my body doesn't need you." I set my jaw grimly. "Then prove it." I closed up the distance between us again, my body pressing against hers. "Show me you don't want me." My fingertips grazed her neck slowly and she shuddered, her body responding to my movements. "I don't." I traced my fingers across her chest. "Then why is your heart thumping so hard?" I leaned closer and my lips brushed her neck. "Why won't you say the words?" "Be-because..." She stuttered softly. "Because I'm upset.....angry." "Do you want Daddy to fix things?" I groaned, gently cupping her left breast in my hand. "I can make all that anger go away." She swallowed hard and shut her eyes. I took that as an invitation and my fingers slowly traveled between her thighs. I stroked her wet p***y and she gasped, pulling me closer by my shirt. She was so wet, so f*****g wet like she had been turned on for hours. I scooped her up and placed her on my desk, pushing away all the files carelessly. I positioned myself in between her legs and unzipped her skirt. I threw it carelessly on the ground and tugged her panties down as well. I sucked in my breath as I stared at her wet core; beautiful, swollen and aching for me. Her hips arched up to my face and my c**k was nearly exploding out of desire. "You're so wet." I said. I had to taste her. First, I kissed her inner thighs and then I moved higher. Holding her against the table, I stretched her legs wide. For a moment, I allowed her to feel the warmth and sensation of my breath. Then very slowly, I moved my kisses to the core of her pleasure. My tongue reached for her p***y and I drew her bud in. "Damon..." She gave a soft gasp beneath me but I had just started. —•—•—•——•—•—•——•—•—•——•—•—•——•—•—•— Thank you for reading! Comments and votes are really important to me. Don't forget to vote(I can only know you're enjoying the story if you do). I will love to interact with you in the comments too! Xoxo
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