Chapter 29

1476 Words

Anastasia reached back, tugging the woolen hood over her head. Keeping her eyes lowered, she rounded a table and moved toward the massive double doors. Without looking behind her, she stepped across the threshold and started back the way she and Declan had come. She'd gone to him, hearing most of the fight he'd had with Falcon. Guilt tore through her. Instead of being the adhesive holding her home, Declan's home, together, she tore everything apart, and she didn't know how to mend any of it. She felt alone, lost in more ways than one. "Are you lost, vampire?" Anastasia inhaled at the low voice and spun to face whoever had snuck up behind her. She only made it halfway before a large male body pressed hers back against the nearest wall. Anastasia slammed into the wall, the hood falling bac

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