Chapter 48

2937 Words

Chapter Forty-Eight:  “Becka, do you know who that new girl is?” Veronica asked, dislike thick in her voice as she nodded to a caramel skinned girl who was chatting loudly with a group of Witches.  I shook my head. “I have no idea who she is, why?” I asked looking back at Veronica.  “Well she seems to know you and won’t stop spreading bullshit rumors we know aren’t true but the other minds seem to believe every word she says, makes me sick.” Veronica shook her head in disgust.  “What do you mean she is spreading rumors? About me?” I asked, shocked that a girl who I didn’t even know could have anything to say about me. Then I thought back to my first year when everyone was always talking about me throwing their speculations at me whenever they got the chance. “Rebecca don’t!” Tasha gro

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