Chapter 52

2439 Words

Chapter Fifty-Two: “Sire you are a bit early but I am sure we can start early is this the niece you were talking about? She sure does have the family resemblance.” Spoke the small framed man before us. He was in a cop’s gear with a belt, with all the same utensils the human cops had but some of them looked scarier than the human ones.  “Yes well my Great Niece here needs to learn what can happen to one when they step over the line of what is right or when they don’t follow orders given.” He looked over at me and smiled affectionately. “Rebecca, this is Wallace, he is going to give us a tour of this institution. You better pay close attention as you will be quizzed on what you learn.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and gently squeezed. “Nice to meet you young lady.” Said Wallace

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