Chapter 17

2966 Words

Chapter Seventeen: “What are you doing?” I asked and she nearly jumped out of her skin. “I’m doing my break down on the day. I do this every night but normally you’re asleep.” “Can’t sleep.” I sighed. It was quiet for a minute. The only noise was her writing on the paper then I sighed and figured I would ask her something. “Can I ask you a question?” I asked propping my head up with my hands on my pillow. She paused her writing and looked at me. “What is bothering you?” she asked.  I took that as a go ahead. “Well I was just wondering what does it mean to be Bi?” My face turned a light pink as I said it but it had been bothering me and I wanted to know. “Bisexual is where you like boys and girls.” She said in an offhand tone.  “Like meaning who sleeps with them?” I was piecing it to

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