Chapter 7

2711 Words

Chapter Seven: I just sat there staring at my mom dumbstruck. If I didn’t know any better my jaw would have hit the floor. She was avoiding my eye and I bit my lip and stared down at my plate that has been served with everyone else’s.  “Eat darling girl, you need your strength.” Whispered a voice next to my ear. I turned and saw the Queen smiling at me and the King nodded in agreement. I took a deep breath and looked towards my Mom again but she was pointedly ignoring me so I ate slowly. At first it was because I was still in shock at how we had been served, and I was scared of what the food could possibly contain after being served with magic. But all my fears quieted as I ate my brain seemed to kick into high gear and my mind quieted and then it was as if I was pulling energy from the

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